When the words fell, Ye Mo didn’t care what Ouyang Xiu’s reaction was, he directly sat cross-legged on the ground, and placed the “Five Thunder Boom Top Charm” in his palm on his knees, and his eyes were slightly condensed!

“Son, what are you going to do?” Ouyang Xiu stared at Ye Mo’s actions, and he didn’t react to what was going on.

And the other people on the city wall were also wide-eyed and small-eyed, all looking at Ye Mo in puzzlement!

But Ye Mo didn’t bother to explain at all, after carefully observing the detailed lines and veins of this “Five Thunder Booming Top Charm”, he only saw that he closed his eyes impressively, and the ninety thousand times of anti-heaven enlightenment unfolded, directly observing a million people!

“The Way of the Rune, in the palm of your hand!”

“The lines are the bones, and the yellow paper is the body!”

“Essence blood is the pulse, yuan force casts the body!”

“One symbol and one realm, leading to heaven and earth!”

There were esoteric and obscure words murmured in his mouth, but within a few moments, when Ye Mo opened his eyes again, the divine light in his eyes was like a flash of light, and the eyes of the dazzling people could not look directly!

“Male… Son? What happened to you? ”

The crowd shouted cautiously!

Suddenly, Ye Mo came back to his senses and couldn’t help but scream in the sky, laughing wildly, laughing incomparably heroically!

“Hahahahaha, is this the legendary ‘Fu Dao’?” I don’t think it’s difficult! ”

As the words fell, I saw Ye Mo lightly touching the Sumiya bag around his waist!

Immediately afterward, a large piece of Spirit Silk Cloth and more than a dozen bottles of Star-level Demon Beast Essence Blood fell into the palm of his hand!

These two things are the most common spiritual materials in the Xuanyun Continent, and they can not only be used to deploy arrays, but also to … Draw the symbol!!

“Son, what are you going to do?” When Ouyang Xiu saw him act like this, he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils!

Because at this moment, an extremely bold idea suddenly arose in his heart!

Is it that in such a short period of time, the son he… Actually understand the “Fu Dao”?

As soon as this idea appeared, Ouyang Xiu immediately shook his head!

What a joke, the “Four Auxiliary Roads” of the Xuanyun Continent are all vast and profound, and it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve much in their lifetime!

And Ye Modan and Fu Shuangdao Double Cultivation can already be called a rare talent against heaven in the world!

But no matter how amazing his talent was, it was impossible for him to cultivate the Rune Dao in such a short period of time!

If that was the case, wouldn’t those Rune Masters in the Zhongwu Domain who had worked hard all their lives to cultivate the Rune Dao all their lives be dogs?

Ouyang Xiu thought!

But then, Ye Mo’s actions completely subverted his outlook on life, values and world view…

Only to see Ye Mo sitting cross-legged on the ground, transporting the “Star Yuan”, first dividing the complete piece of Spirit Silk Cloth into countless palm-sized rectangular fabrics, and then stretching out his right index finger and lightly touching within a bottle of Star Grade Demon Beast Essence Blood!

Next moment!

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

Ye Mo’s pen was like the wind, his fingers were like a knife carving, and he directly wrote a book on that spiritual silk cloth, stroke by stroke, all accurate to the extreme of the extreme, just like a great master who had been in the Fu Yi Dao for tens of thousands of years.

After just a few breaths!


When Ye Mo’s last stroke finally fell!


Suddenly, a series of fierce thunderclaps came out from the small spiritual silk cloth one after another, shaking people’s hearts and making them unable to help themselves!

“This is… ‘Five Thunder Boom Charms’!”


Finally, Ouyang Xiu could no longer hold back the shock in his heart, and his jaw was completely dislocated!


“Gongzi actually refined the ‘Five Thunder Booming Charm’?”

“This… How is this possible? Didn’t Gongzi not practice the Way of the Runes before? ”

The rest of the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect were also shocked that their eyeballs fell to the ground!

“Oh, let’s see how powerful it is!”

However, Ye Mo was not disturbed by the crowd around him, seeing that the rune he had just carved was newly baked, he had already pressed Nai’s excitement, and immediately stood up directly and threw the rune in his hand at Lu Fansha, who was trapped in the formation below!

“Five Thunder Boom Charms, give it to me!”

The small rune turned into a purple streamer and exploded in mid-air!

The next moment, just listen to the “boom”, the sky is full of black clouds, and there is a violent explosion!

Immediately afterward, I saw purple, blue, red, gold, and black, five different colors, and the god thunder as thick as a bucket descended from the sky!

Inside the formation, Lü Fansha and Du Yan were still smearing their way forward in the mist array, not yet aware of the terrible thunder that had fallen from the sky!

“Brother Du, don’t worry about the rice buckets under my command first, the most urgent thing is that the two of us get out first!” Lu Fansha gritted his teeth and said!

“What Brother Lü said is reasonable, as long as one of us can get out of the trap and then restrain Ye Mo’s boy, at that time, this array of methods will be self-defeating!” Du Yan echoed the words and said that there was no objection!

“Well, let’s go our separate ways!” Lu Fansha said a word, just wanted to flash away, to find the exit of the mist array!

At this moment, Lu Fansha seemed to sense something, and his scalp exploded!


Before the words fell, the five-colored divine thunder finally smashed his head!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom…

The terrifying thunder storm rolled up the monstrous divine might, and before Lu Fansha could even react to what was going on, he was scorched black by the five divine thunderbolts that came in succession, rolling all over the ground, and a terrible scream was issued in his mouth!


“Lui… Brother Lui! What happened to you? ”

Du Yan shouted in horror, almost didn’t pee his pants!

Although he couldn’t see the surrounding scenery clearly, just by the five violent explosions just now, and the tremors that went deep into his soul after the explosions, he knew that what had just attacked Lu Fansha was by no means simple!

“This is… ‘Five Thunder Boom Charm’?”

At this time, Lü Fansha stood up from the ground with his bracing back, and when he opened his mouth, a mouthful of thick blood spewed out, and a face was even more pale as paper!

“What?’ Five Thunder Boom Charm’? ”

When Du Yan heard this frightening name, he was even more frightened and sweaty, how could he not have expected Ye Mo to have such a legendary “great killing weapon”!

“Ye Mo! You damn beast!!! I’m going to pluck you and cramp your skin, and throw you to ashes!!! ”

Lü Fansha was trembling with anger, he was already injured, at this time, he was caught off guard, and he was repeatedly bombarded by the five-colored divine thunder, which was already injured and injured, and his combat strength was at least 80% damaged! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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