“I’ll go, I’ll just sleep, do you need to build so high, so I’m not afraid I’ll get lost in it?”

Ye Mo looked at the towering tower that was more than thirty meters high, located in the middle of the Zongmen, and had a small taste of the mountains, and said with a speechless face.

“Gongzi, this Sect Lord’s Hall is the façade of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and it absolutely cannot be chilled, otherwise it will be laughed at by other forces, after all, it is the place where the Sect Leader lives!” Elder Chu said in a crooked voice.

“The façade of the bullshit, where I live, just find me a quiet courtyard, as for this main hall, this prince has his own usefulness!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo thought about it a little, and then his eyes lit up!

“With that, from now on, this main hall will be called ‘Ascension Pavilion’!”

“‘Ascending to the Heavenly Pavilion’?”

As soon as this bullish and flashing name came out, everyone was shocked, not knowing what kind of medicine Ye Mo was selling in this gourd!

“Oh, I won’t tell you now, you’ll know later!”

Ye Mo deliberately sold a pass, and did not explain, but waved at the crowd!

“Well, you are here to keep watch, and Ben Gongzi will come when he goes!”

When the words fell, he didn’t care what the others reacted to, and he flashed and strode away in the direction of the “Heavenly Pavilion”!

“Congratulations son!”

The crowd bowed respectfully in the rear, all of them watching him leave with a look of adoration.

Just at this moment, the plains below once again sounded the desperate voice of Yuwen Zhi!

“Hon Hai Shang League’s subordinates obey orders and give me a place to live…”

“Shut up!”

Having been paying full attention to the battle situation below, Ram Kun did not hesitate to follow Ye Mo’s instructions and threw out the rune in his hand!


Another whole five divine thunderbolts suddenly descended from the sky, once again splitting Yuwen Zhi in place!


Yuwen Zhi screamed bitterly, the whole person rolled in place more than a dozen times in a row, and when he looked up again, he couldn’t help but spew out more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood in a row, and he couldn’t even stand up!

“Brother Yuwen, where are you?”

Suddenly, in the dense rolling fog, Tian Zhenyang’s voice came out!

“Brother Tian, I’m here!”

Yuwen Ji hurriedly greeted!

Tian Zhenyang flashed out of the battle group and came to Yuwen Zhi’s side!

“Brother Yuwen, what’s wrong with you?” As soon as Tian Zhenyang came to Yuwen Zhi’s side, he immediately sensed the extremely disordered breath on his body and asked in a panicked voice!

Yuwen Ji shook his head and did not return. It was his heart that moved, and he said with an anxious face: “Brother Tian, quick, let my men stop quickly, we have hit the wrong person, and the people in this array of law are fighting with the people of the Wild Shark Gang!” ”


Tian Zhenyang was shocked to hear this, almost subconsciously, he also opened his mouth, and was trying to take the place of Yuwen Zhi to order!

But on the city wall, how could Pang Tu and the others who had been waiting for Pang Tu and the others do as he wished, the two “Five Thunder Boom Top Charms” were thrown out of Pang Tu and Chu Lao’s crooked hands almost in no particular order, and Tian Zhenyang had only just opened his mouth, and his face was scorched black, and then he followed in Yuwen Zhi’s footsteps!

“! Is it actually the ‘Five Thunder Boom Top Charm’? ”

Tian Zhenyang was shocked by the terrifying god thunder and retreated more than a dozen steps in the same place, his face was suddenly as pale as paper, and he was obviously already suffering from a lot of internal injuries!

“Sure enough, Ye Mo, this beast, is going to bury all my hard-working confidants here for so many years…”

Yuwen Zhi finally understood Ye Mo’s intentions, and he was so angry that he almost fainted on the spot!

“Brother Yuwen, Ye Mo’s boy actually has the ‘Five Thunder Booming Charm’ and such an attack treasure that can ignore defenses?” And more than one? Tian Zhenyang asked in a shocked voice!

“This… Brother Tian forgives sins, I didn’t know that this beast would have such a bottom card, this time, it was my mistake! Yuwen Zhi whispered to atone for his sins, and the expression on his face was like a mourning concubine!

Tian Zhenyang’s face changed when he heard this, and he immediately decided, “Brother Yuwen, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, we must leave as soon as possible!” ”

“But if we leave, what will happen to these men of mine?”

Hearing the constant sounds of fighting and screaming around him, Yuwen Zhi almost bit a steel tooth!

“Where is there time to take care of them now?” If we don’t go, even we will be buried here today! Tian Zhenyang flashed forward, grabbed Yuwen Zhi’s arm, and felt a strange charm emitting a glow from his arms!

“This is… ‘Miles Away Charm’?”

On the city wall, Ouyang Xiu, who was well-informed, recognized the origin of the rune in the other party’s hand at a glance, and couldn’t help but shout, “Stop him!” ”

When the words fell, he took the lead in throwing out the “Five Thunder Boom Top Charm” in his hand!

His movements could not be described as unfast, but in the end he was still one step slower!

The next moment, only to see Tian Zhenyang wave his hand and light the charm in his hand, together with Yuwen Zhi next to him, the two people’s figures twisted for a while, and then disappeared in place with a “whirl” sound!

“Ye Mo!!! You are waiting for me!! Today’s humiliation, my ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’ will definitely double the benefits of the original offering!! ”

A roar full of resentment slowly lingered throughout the fog array, enduring!


The rolling god thunder smashed his brain on the ground, but he helplessly crashed into the open space, flooding the sky with rubble and dirt!

“Not good!”

Seeing that the two of them disappeared in the same place one after another, Ouyang Xiu’s face couldn’t help but change!

“Great Elder, they… Escaped? Ram Kun asked cautiously at the side!

“Damn! I didn’t expect that this Tian Zhenyang even had such a fleeing charm as the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm’! Ouyang Xiu was so angry that he jumped to his feet!

“Senior Elder, do we want to chase?” At this time, Pang Tu asked in a deep voice.

“Ahem! Chasing a fart, the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Void Charm’ is a magical charm that can send people to thousands of miles away in an instant, and even if we chase it now, we can’t catch up! Ouyang Xiu said with an unkind face.

“But the boy’s side… How do we account for that? ”

Chu Lao’s crooked face was also ugly, the front foot of the prince had only left, and the enemy’s back foot was running under their eyes!

No matter how much this Nyima makes up reasons, I am afraid that I will not be able to take off this hat of doing things unfavorably!

“That Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang were let go by the four of us together, and I can warn you that when you report to Gongzi, none of you will want to run!” Ouyang Xiu looked at the person in the body and said with a calm face, planning to find the cushion back first…


Chu Laowei, Ram Kun and Pang Tu all smiled bitterly.

But there was no way, just as Ouyang Xiu said, Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang had indeed escaped under the eyes of the four people, and even if they wanted to escape responsibility, they could not escape!

In desperation, the three of them could only accept this fact, and planned to go to Ye Mo together to ask for the guilt.

At the same time, Ye Mo finally arrived at the gate of the “Ascending Heavenly Pavilion”!

The Dengtian Pavilion was originally the “Great Hall of the Sect Lord”, which was a façade building of the Invincible Battle Sect that Chu Laoshi had worked hard to build, with a height of 32 meters and a total of nine floors.

Pushing open the door, Ye Mo stepped into the “Ascending Pavilion”, and after making a slight observation between the floors, he immediately had an idea.

Only to see him sitting cross-legged on the ground, his five hearts facing the sky, his heart free of distractions, the terrifying ninety thousand times the talent was in motion, and in just a few moments, a set of extremely anti-heavenly Nine Yang Grade Formations took shape in his mind! _

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