“This set of formations should be enough to support my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ to become the first sect in the entire Zhongwu Domain…”

Ye Mo murmured in his mouth, and the essence of his eyes flashed!

The next moment, he saw that he directly took out a large amount of spiritual materials from the Sumire Ring he was carrying, and began to refine the Formation Banner on the spot!

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

Qingyun wood, spirit silk cloth, the essence blood of demon beasts…

Several kinds of spirit materials flew back and forth in Ye Mo’s hands like butterflies wearing flowers, and soon they were derived into a banner that was the size of a palm and flashed with a glowing light!

After half an hour, Ye Mo had refined three thousand formation flags before he finally stopped!

“It should be almost!”

Looking at the pile of flags full in front of him, Ye Mo thought about it a little, and then stretched out his hand!

The majestic Star Yuan roared out, dragging a whole three thousand array flags into the air, and automatically dispersed towards the entire “Ascending Tower”, in a wonderful way that was secretly in line with the heavens and the earth, one by one into the hard floor!

After doing all this, Ye Mo gasped and drank heavily!

“Nine days of gathering spirits, up!”


A thunderclap on the flat ground!

The originally clear sunset sky darkened almost instantaneously!

The next moment, I saw that the vast expanse was like the number of sand in the Ganges, the “vast sea of stars” filled the entire sky, and the endless brilliant starlight spilled down and roared towards the direction of the “Ascension Pavilion”!

Starlight comes and goes fast!

However, in a few moments, when the stars in the sky disappeared again, a round of bright moon rose out of thin air, and the moonlit like water fell, reflecting the entire mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect as bright as day!

The stars pass without a trace, the moon sets and the sun rises!

After just a few short breaths, the moon set and the sky lit up again.

But this time, the sky was replaced by a whole nine rounds of obscuring sun, and the terrifying heat wave scorched the earth crackled!

At the same time, the entire “Ascension Pavilion” began to emit a mighty and magnificent light, as if it had become the only color between the heavens and the earth, making the sun and moon lose their color and making the heavens shocked!

Finally, when the nine rounds of the sun have returned to the shadows, the heavens and the earth have returned to clarity, as if everything before them is a dream, as if it were true and false, as if it were illusory!

But such a vision of heaven and earth, which can be seen once in ten thousand years, did not escape the eyes of everyone!

“Huh? How do I feel about the ‘power of the Nine Suns’ in this heaven and earth, as if… Weaker a lot? ”

On the city wall, Ouyang Xiu took the lead in reacting, and was almost shocked by the strange state he had arrived, and fainted on the spot!

“The ‘power of the moon’ seems to be weak too…”

Pang Tu was stunned, he was the only ‘Moon Hua Realm’ strong man in the entire Invincible War Sect, and he had the deepest understanding of the ‘Power of the Moon Hua’!

However, with the appearance of the vision of heaven and earth just now, he could clearly feel that the original ten percent of the “Moon Force” was now only 90% at most!

Although this reduced 10% of the “Moon Hua Force” was minimal, this feeling was particularly obvious, and Pang Tu knew that this was definitely not his own imagination!

“Not only is it the ‘Power of the Nine Yangs’ and the ‘Power of the Moon’, but even the ‘Power of the Stars’ has become rare!”

At this time, Elder Chu came forward and said a word, and the rest of the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect Star Meteor Realm Cultivation heard the words and felt a little enlightened, and sure enough, they found that what the other party said was not bad!

“This… What’s going on? ”

“How could the power of the three talents between heaven and earth be reduced out of thin air?”

“Isn’t it… Is it a dude? ”

Almost instantly, everyone guessed the fundamental reason for the reduction of the ‘Three Talents Force’ out of thin air between heaven and earth, and they couldn’t help but look in horror in the direction of the Heavenly Pavilion again!

“Gongzi, what is he doing, that even the power of heaven and earth can be plundered?”


Ouyang Xiu couldn’t help but inhale a cool breath!

Originally, he thought that after being in contact with Ye Mo for so long, his nerves had been refined to an incomparably large extent, and it was difficult to have anything to shock him!

But only now did he know that Ye Mo’s ability was still far from being shown, and his surprise was far from over!

At the same time, the originally empty “Heavenly Pavilion” was also formed with the Ye Mo Array Method, and the entire tower was almost soaked with the “Three Talents Force” that was as thick as substance!

Bathed in the power of the three colors, Ye Mo wiped the sweat on his head, and finally revealed a smile of satisfaction!

“It’s not bad, the current ‘Ascension Pavilion’ should already have the initial ability to make the disciples jump to the heavens!” Ye Mo murmured in his mouth.

Although he didn’t know much about establishing the Sect Gate, Ye Mo had been in the Southern Regions and knew some of the details of the Sect Gate.

In the Xuanyun Continent, most of the sects were not built on the mountain, but on the “treasure”.

This “treasure” refers to all kinds of naturally formed feng shui treasures.

For example, the Heavenly Daoist Sect in the Southern Regions, which had been destroyed by him, had a feng shui treasure land, called “Heavenly Dao Ling”!

“Heavenly Dao Ridge” is actually a naturally formed Grand Canyon, and somehow in the valley, a rich aura far beyond the outside has gathered, and if ordinary disciples cultivate inside, they can reach seven days in one day, and the effect is extremely remarkable!

And this is precisely the most fundamental reason why the “Heavenly Dao Sect” has been able to occupy a dominant position in the southern region for so many years and has always been prosperous!

Unfortunately, Ye Mo was too hasty to establish the “Invincible Battle Sect”, and he had no time to look for any feng shui treasure land, so he could only find a mountain range with a fairly good scenery nearby to take root.

Although the Sect Gate was established in a similar way, if there was no Feng Shui Treasure Land that could attract disciples, then even if he gave him the best treatment, he was afraid that he would not be able to compete with other Six-Star Sect Doors with Feng Shui Treasure Land, and it would be difficult to attract extremely talented disciples to enter the Sect Gate.

Of course, most of these feng shui treasures are naturally formed, which can be encountered but not sought, and it may be as difficult for others as it is to ascend to the sky.

Who is Keyemo?

Once the entire ninety thousand times of talent had been unleashed, there was very little in this world that could hardly hold him back!

“Dengtian Pavilion” is an “artificial” feng shui treasure place tailored by Ye Mo for the disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect”!

The so-called “Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” was to forcibly plunder a part of the power of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths into one place, although it was Ye Mo’s newly realized formation, it was also the limit of what he could arrange at present, and the grade was as high as the Nine Yang Grade Divine Product!

And the “Heavenly Pavilion” has the “Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” operation, the “power of the three talents” condensed in the entire tower body is twice as rich as the outside world, and the higher up, the concentration of the power of the three talents will also be higher, the highest peak of the nine layers, the concentration of the “power of the three talents” contained in it, is enough to be nine times that of the outside world! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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