“Pang Tu, it’s none of your business here, you can go down!”

After explaining Pang Tu, Ye Mo waved at him impatiently.

“This… Yes, dude! ”

Pang Tu gritted his teeth, his heart was full of unwillingness, but he had no choice but to withdraw from the “Ascension Pavilion” in a state of confusion.

Suddenly, only Ouyang Xiu, Chu Laowei, and Ramming Kun were left in the “Heavenly Pavilion”.

“You two, go to the ninth floor to prepare first, and then I will run the formation and help you!”

Ye Mo then commanded Chu Laowei and Ram Kun.

“Yes, son.”

The two received the order, and happily stepped on the upward revolving staircase of the “Ascending Heavenly Pavilion” and disappeared in a flash.

After the two of them left one after another, Ye Mo introduced the three auxiliary Dao items he had refined to Ouyang Xiu in detail, including specific effects, ranking grades, and so on.

After half an hour, Ouyang Xiu was already completely clear, took out a few Sumire bags, and carefully packed the auxiliary treasures on the ground, and then he bowed to Ye Mo: “Gongzi, I will first go and store the various treasures you have refined, and when the Second Elder and the Third Elder are finished, I will discuss with them about the exchange of disciple points.” ”


Ye Mo nodded, he still believed in the ability of the three of them to do things.

Ouyang Xiu bowed down again and was about to get up and leave.

At this moment, as if he had thought of something, he turned to Ye Mo respectfully again and asked, “Gongzi, in addition to the ‘Spirit Elixir Hall’, the ‘Spirit Rune Hall’ and the ‘Spirit Array Hall’, our sect gate also has the ‘Scripture Hall’ and the ‘Spirit Artifact Hall’ and the two ‘Resource Storage’ Halls that have no treasures sealed, I don’t know if Gongzi has any plans?” ”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu also proposed, “The Spirit Artifact Hall is easy to handle, we can spend money to buy some spiritual artifacts for the consumption of the Spirit Artifact Hall, but the martial arts secrets of the Scripture Hall, even if you have money, you can’t buy it…”

“Don’t worry about this!”

Ye Mo waved his hand lightly, wasn’t it the Scripture Hall and the Hall of Spirit Artifacts?

Martial arts inheritance of this kind of thing, for others may be extremely precious, or even irreplaceable!

But Ye Mo had ninety thousand times more terrifying talents, and with just one thought, he could create countless magical martial arts, so he didn’t go to his heart at all!

As for the refiner, it will not be able to learn…

With his understanding, a few breaths can solve the problem, is that called a problem?

“Okay, since the prince has made a decision, the subordinates don’t consider these things.”

Ouyang Xiu heard this and said very decisively.

Because in his opinion, since Ye Mo said so, he must have a perfect grasp!

After the words fell, Ouyang Xiu finally turned around and left the “Ascending Heavenly Pavilion”

Looking at the empty hall, Ye Mo smiled, and did not continue to delay, but got up and pushed open the door, looking for a direction to stride away.

At this time, in the lower plains of the mountain to which the “Invincible Battle Sect” belongs!

A total of five thousand disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect were still guarding the city wall!

And under the city wall, Ye Mo arranged the “Bagua Trapped God Array”, and the remnants of the Wild Shark Gang were defeated and fell to their knees in unison!

Looking around, within the range of less than ten miles, there were broken arm corpses everywhere in sight, and the red blood almost converged into a small stream, slowly spreading along the dry land.

In this battle, the entire army brought by Yuwen Zhi was destroyed!

And the “Wild Shark Gang” is also suffering heavy damage, the previous tens of thousands of gangs, now, there are only less than three thousand people left!

This is still under the premise of Lü Fansha and Du Yan’s strong shot!

Since Yuwen Zhi and Tian Zhenyang had left the battle one after another, the Hon Hai Shang Alliance people left behind in the formation did not know that their leader had taken the lead in running away, and they were still fighting with the gang of the Wild Shark Gang!

And Ye Mo issued another gag order, not allowing Lü Fansha to drink to stop this kind of killing!

Of course, Lü Fansha didn’t want to watch his gang die in a vacuum, so he and Du Yan joined hands and killed the people and horses left by Yuwen Zhi together!

After the strong addition of the two Great Nine Yang Realm Strongmen, in just a few hours, the entire eight thousand martial cultivators of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance” present were all slaughtered, leaving not a single living mouth!

At this point, the killing, which lasted for a whole day, finally stopped!

After the battle stopped, the remnants of the Wild Shark Gang were physically and mentally exhausted, almost all wounded!

And as the leader of the help, Lu Fansha even ate two “Five Thunder Boom Top Charms”, and even had no spare strength to lead his men to continue to break into the formation!

In desperation, Lü Fansha and Du Yan could only bow their heads to the “Invincible War Sect” and beg for forgiveness!

Just at this moment, the magnificent gate of the “Invincible Battle Sect” suddenly opened slowly, and out of it came a light and breezy figure, wasn’t it Ye Mo?

“Oh, isn’t this the famous Lu Gang Lord?” What, didn’t you just get tough? How did he bow down to Ben Gongzi and beg for forgiveness so quickly? ”

Inside the mist array, Lu Fansha heard this familiar voice, and almost bit the steel teeth in his mouth, and the killing machine in his eyes could not be concealed!

However, he still cleverly lowered his head, respectfully knelt on the ground, and said in a deep voice: “Before, it was a small person who did not know Tarzan, offended the divine power of the Gongzi, and also asked the Gongzi Lord to let me wild sharks help a way of life!” ”

“Let you have a way to live?”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and suddenly said, “It’s not impossible!” ”

“What, you promised to let us go?”

As soon as these words came out, both Lu Fansha and Du Yan raised their heads in surprise.

Unfortunately, there was still a thick fog rolling around, and they couldn’t see where Ye Mo was.

Standing less than ten meters away from the formation, Ye Mo said lightly, “Of course, it is okay to let you have a way to live, but these gangs under your command must join my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ and become disciples of my Sect, and the two of you must also become the elders of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, if you agree to this condition, this prince does not mind giving you a way to live!” ”

“Of course you can! Honza agreed! ”

Lu Fansha almost couldn’t wait to shout, and the killing chance in his eyes became more and more intense!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded satisfactorily, and immediately took out a sparkling array flag from his arms, and was about to let go of the formation!

“Son, don’t!”

“Beware of deception!”

On the city wall, a group of disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” were startled and spoke out one after another!

“Rest assured, this prince has his own measure!”

Ye Mo threw a reassuring look at the disciples, and then stretched out his hand!

The next moment, the majestic fog suddenly swept in and began to dissipate rapidly!

It didn’t take long for the fog of the entire “Misty Array” to completely disappear!

That’s when it happened!

“Little beast, give me my life!”

PS: will restore the update speed as soon as possible, everyone has been waiting for a long time. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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