
The terrifying killing machine was earth-shattering, and as soon as Lü Fansha broke away from the restrictions of the formation, he immediately saw Ye Mo close at hand!

Almost without any hesitation, Lu Fansha didn’t say a word, and pounced on Ye Mo, intending to kill this little beast that was playing with him between his palms on the spot!

“Dude be careful!”

“Not bad! Go save the boy! ”

On the city wall, a group of disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect changed color in shock and frantically rushed to the mountain gate, trying to save Ye Mo from water and fire!

Unfortunately, even if they reacted quickly, how could they be faster than Lü Fansha, such a strong person as the Nine Yang Realm?

The next moment, listening to the sound of “boo”, Ye Mo’s body exploded in its entirety, directly being blasted apart by Lü Fansha’s majestic “Yang Yuan Force”!


At this moment, not only the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect on the city wall stayed, but even Lü Fansha himself stayed where he was!

Although Ye Mo only had the peak cultivation of the Star Meteor Realm, after so many things, Lü Fansha still dared to underestimate Ye Mo, and had already regarded him as a scheming and extremely difficult enemy to deal with!

But he didn’t expect that Ye Mo would be killed by himself so crisply and neatly!

How is this possible?



On the city wall, a group of disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect watched Ye Mo fall on the spot, and they all collapsed on the ground in a weak way, like a mourning concubine!

But then, someone with a discerning eye found out that something was wrong!

“Huh? Don’t we have the ‘Star Demon’ left behind by the Gongzi? If the prince dies, we should also follow the fall, but how can we be okay? ”

“Yeah, how I didn’t think of that!”

“Isn’t it true that the son of a man … Not dead yet? ”

Thinking of this, many invincible warrior sects couldn’t help but widen their eyes!

Just at this moment, a light wind suddenly sounded from behind the crowd!

“Lü Fansha, Lü Fansha, this prince has just given you a chance, but unfortunately, you obviously belong to the kind of fool who does not see the coffin and does not shed tears, or since you are so obstinate, then you will blame this prince for being ruthless!”

When the words fell, I saw a tall figure striding from behind the crowd, who was it not Ye Mo?


When the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect saw this, they directly cried out and spontaneously gave way to him, so that he could stride to the top of the city wall and face the Lu Fan below!

“You… How could you possibly still live?”

Lü Fansha saw the person coming, almost scared to pee his pants, and cried out in disbelief: “This is impossible, I just killed you!” ”

“Oh, I had long expected that you old guy wouldn’t concede defeat to me so easily, and you thought that with your dim sum machine, you could fool Ben Gongzi?”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and then lightly brushed it on the Sumire bag around his waist, and a strange charm covered with magical patterns appeared at his fingertips!

“Open your eyes and take a good look, this is a ‘puppet rune’, a rune created by Ben Gongzi himself, which can create a puppet body that is no different from my body within a hundred meters, and control it with the mind, which is enough to reach the level of false reality!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo said proudly, “Do you think that without some preparation, Ben Gongzi will stick his head in front of you and cut it off for you?” ”


As the words fell, Ye Mo waved his hand violently, and suddenly, the thick fog that had just disappeared not long ago roared in again, instantly enveloping Lu Fansha and all the gangs under him!


Lü Fansha’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted, “Ye Mo, quickly withdraw the formation, this time I don’t dare to play tricks anymore!” ”

“Do you still want to repeat the same trick? Late! ”

Ye Mo smiled disdainfully, and after putting away the formation flag, he took out three “Five Thunder Boom Top Charms” from his arms in a row, and without hesitation, he smashed it towards Lü Fansha’s hooded face inside the formation!


The next moment, there was a great roar in the sky, and fifteen Nine Heavenly God Thunder of different colors suddenly fell from the sky, rolling up the monstrous divine might, and everyone present could not help but shiver!

Boom, boom, boom, boom…


With a series of terrible explosions, Lu Fansha could only let out one last desperate roar, and then he was completely blasted into powder by the divine thunder that followed, and the bones of the corpse were gone!

“Lu Fansha… He’s dead! ”

On the city wall, many disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” watched the Tang Tang Wild Shark Gang Leader, and the generation of Nine Yang Realm Strongman Lü Fansha died of death, and the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but reveal a bitter arc!

You must know that Lü Fansha has been famous in the land of riots for a long time, although he is not a top strongman, he is definitely the male lord of the dominant side!

But even so, he was still turned around by Ye Mo’s play, and he couldn’t touch a corner of his clothes until he died!

Thinking of this, the crowd couldn’t help but look at Ye Mo with awe once again!

With the cultivation of the peak of the Star Meteor Realm, forcibly killing the Nine Yang Realm strongmen, in this world, I am afraid that only his own son can do it!

All the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect thought like this!

“Brother Lu!!”

Inside the “Bagua Sleepy God Array”, Du Yan sensed the disappearance of Lü Fansha’s breath, and he was already full of big men, but he did not dare to take a step forward no matter what!

Because the power of the “Five Thunder Booming Charm” was too strong, even he could not resist such a terrifying power of heaven and earth!

After cleaning up Lü Fansha, Ye Mo once again aimed his eyes at Du Yan within the formation and sneered, “What, do you also want to taste Ben Gongzi’s ‘Five Thunder Boom Top Charm’?” ”

Du Yan’s scalp exploded in fright, and he almost didn’t think about it before he fell to his knees and prostrated his head in accordance with Ye Mo’s voice!

“The prince spares his life, and the old slave Du Yan is truly surrendered, and there is no double heart!”

Speaking of this, Du Yansheng was afraid that Ye Mo would not believe him, and he gritted his teeth and solemnly swore an oath: “Old Decadence is willing to swear with the ‘Heart of Martial Arts’, from now on he will swear to follow the footsteps of the Gongzi to the death, and he will never betray in this life and this life, if I violate this oath, I will not be able to advance for the rest of my life!” ”

In the Xuanyun Continent, the swear of the warrior with the heart of the martial arts has always been the most solemn oath, because once it is violated, the warrior’s heart will inevitably have a flaw, and in the future, it will inevitably be invaded by the heart demon, the light will go into the fire, and the heavy will scatter the soul!

Du Yanken swore an oath with the “Heart of Martial Arts”, which showed that he had paid no attention to anything in order to save his life! _

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