“The Heart of Buddhism? Joke! ”

Instead, Ye Mo heard this and shook his head and smiled with disdain!

“With your potential, the Nine Yang Realm Triple Heaven is only afraid that it is already your limit, and after you have fought for your old life, you will not want to make any further progress in cultivation, so what use is your so-called oath to me?”

“This… Then I don’t know how the prince can believe me? ”

Du Yan gritted his teeth, not expecting his little abacus to be seen through by Ye Mo so easily!

“It’s simple!”

Ye Mo sneered, and once again lightly brushed on his own Sumiya bag, and then snapped his fingers!


A stream of light shot out from his fingertips, and almost instantaneously came to Du Yan’s face!


Du Yan subconsciously grabbed this streamer into his hand, and then he sensed an extremely strong medicinal fragrance, just smelling a wisp of breath, it made his pores all over his body seem to open, and his whole body was extremely comfortable!

“This… What is this? ”

Squeezing the round thing in his hand, Du Yan asked in a shocked voice!

“This is the ‘Nine Turning Yang Yuandan’, you should have heard its name and know its efficacy!” Ye Mo said lightly!

“What?’ Nine Turns Yang Yuan Dan’? ”

Du Yan’s face changed suddenly, surprisingly, in the face of this priceless and rare anti-heaven elixir, he not only had a hint of surprise in his heart, but directly sank to the bottom of the valley!

He remembered how Ouyang Xiu was controlled by Ye Mo, and although this “Nine Turns Yang Yuandan” was good, once it was taken, it meant that he would end up with the same fate as Ouyang Xiu, and he would be controlled by Ye Mo until he died!

“After taking this elixir, I will spare your life!” If you don’t eat it, I’ll take the charm and blast you to death!” Whether to live or die, you choose! ”

Ye Mo waved his hand, not bothering to talk nonsense with him!

Du Yan’s palms trembled slightly, and his heart was making a fierce struggle!

No one wants to be controlled, but in today’s situation, if you don’t take this elixir, there is obviously only one way to die!

After a little hesitation, Du Yan finally had a decision!

Seeing a fierce look on his face, he immediately opened his mouth and fiercely shoved the elixir in his hand into his mouth!


The next moment, the furious “Yang Yuan Force” roared from above the Nine Heavens, and a stream of brains surged towards his body!

It didn’t take long for Du Yan to successfully step into the Fourth Heaven of the Nine Yang Realms under the effect of the Nine Yang Yuan Dan Heavens, breaking the bottleneck that had plagued him for decades!

But at the same time, he also sensed that there seemed to be something more in the depths of his soul, unable to say it, and it actually existed!

Du Yan’s experience in the jianghu was so rich, he immediately realized that this was Ye Mo’s means of controlling himself, only afraid that if he dared to have the slightest betrayal, this strange force could erase his soul at any time!

Thinking of this, Du Yan took a deep breath and fell to his knees respectfully again!

“Thank you Gongzi for being perfect!”

“Oh, this is a good thing, the so-called current affairs person is Junjie, you may feel that you are controlled by me now, and you are still unwilling, but Ben Gongzi believes that it will not be long before you will know how wise and fortunate you are in today’s action!”

Ye Mo saw it, and only then did he nod a little satisfactorily, and said proudly!

Of course, he has this confidence and this ability!

“Gongzi is immeasurably mighty, before the old decay was blinded by the eyes of Taishan, from now on, the old decay is willing to give up this life, for the Gongzi to serve the work of the car and horses, but also ask the Gongzi to accept the old decay regardless of the previous suspicions!” Du Yan said respectfully, and soon accepted his new identity.

Just as the so-called ginger is still old and spicy, under the premise of knowing that he has escaped hopelessly, he immediately decided to pave the way for his future first!

After all, following Ye Mo, whether it will be Fei Huang Tengda or Yong Huang Quan in the future, it is already a wooden boat, and he has no right to choose at all.

If so, why not make yourself comfortable?

This is Du Yan’s truest thought at this time!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction again, took out the array flag again, and waved his hand to disperse the mist array.

“Du Yan listened to the seal, from today onwards, you are responsible for the daily cultivation affairs of my disciples for the four elders of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and you must not make mistakes!”

“Yes, son!”

Du Yan hurriedly thanked him, but what made him a little troubled was that he was a strong person in the Nine Yang Realm, and he only mixed with the four elders, even if Ouyang Xiu followed Ye Mo before him, he also had to mix with a second elder, what kind of ghost were these four elders?

However, these words, after all, he did not dare to ask, can only be pressed in the bottom of his heart, planning to find out again later.

At this time, Ye Mo looked at the remnants of the Wild Shark Gang who were kneeling behind Du Yan, and after a rough count, he also pounded in the Xumi bag he was carrying, and then shook his hand and threw it to Du Yan a Sumi bag!

“Fourth Elder, in this Sumire bag, there are three thousand ‘Nine Turning Star Dan’ and several ‘Nine Turning Moon Huadan’, and you give these people behind you one by one, from now on, they will be the disciples of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and when you lead them into the Sect to report to Grand Elder Ouyang Xiu, I will let him arrange accommodation for these people.” Ye Mo commanded again!

“Yes, son!”

Du Yan simply nodded, turned around again, and looked pityingly at the remnants of the Wild Shark Gang behind him!

With the experience of taking Ye Mo Dan Medicine, Du Yan knew very well that once these people took Ye Mo’s Dan Medicine, this life was considered to be a pit…

However, it is better to die than to live, at least they can save their lives, as for what happens in the future, it is not something that he can manage!

After doing all this, Ye Mo waved his hand at the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect on the city wall and said in a loud voice, “There is nothing for you to do here, go back and cultivate well!” ”

“Yes, son!”

All the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect made a promise in unison, and the sound shook the Ninth Heaven, and then they scattered without hesitation!

This battle can be described as a reassuring shot for them!

Under the joint attack of the two major forces of the “Wild Shark Gang” and the “Hon Hai Business Alliance”, the “Invincible Battle Sect”, which had just been created not long ago, was easily resisted under the arrangement of Ye Mo alone!

Not only that, the leader of the “Wild Shark Gang” was also killed by Ye Mo on the spot, and the remaining Du Yan was also forced to become the fourth elder of the “Invincible Battle Sect”! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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