The disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” believed that this battle would only be spread out in a short time!

And at that time, the name of their “Invincible Battle Sect” will also resound throughout the “Land of Riots”, leaving behind a great name!

Without further delaying in the same place, after dismissing the disciples, Ye Mo also took a step, planning to first find a dark place to retreat and cultivate for a few days, and seize the opportunity to improve his cultivation.

Just as the so-called iron still needs to be hard itself, with his current peak cultivation in the Star Meteor Realm, he is only afraid of being caught when encountering a strong enemy!

In addition, the opening ceremony of the “Invincible Battle Sect” will open soon, and at that time, he plans to hold a large-scale auction from the beginning of the opening ceremony and take the opportunity to amass wealth in a big way!

Ye Mo could even foresee that the treasures he was about to auction out would inevitably attract countless strong enemies in the entire “Land of Riots”!

But from beginning to end, he didn’t have the slightest fear!

The path of martial cultivation is already accompanied by endless bloodshed and killing, if it has always been smooth sailing, without challenges and opportunities, even if the talent of the warrior is high, it is difficult to become a great weapon!

The establishment of the “Invincible Battle Sect” undoubtedly provided Ye Mo with a great opportunity for training!

If he could rise up strongly under the surround of so many powerful enemies, then it was foreseeable that from now on, no one in the entire Zhongwu Domain would be able to restrict Ye Mo’s steps!

After leaving the city wall, Ye Mo once again returned to the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect, and just at this moment, Ouyang Xiu came to meet him.

“See Gongzi!”

Seeing Ye Mo, Ouyang Xiu hurriedly bowed down and saluted.

“The Great Elder does not need to be polite.”

Ye Mo waved his hand and asked in a loud voice, “What did I let you do, how did you do it?” ”

“According to Gongzi’s instructions, those auxiliary treasures that you refined were all stored in the three great halls one by one, and after the Second Elder and the Third Elder were out of the customs, the subordinates would discuss with them in detail the method of exchanging points for their disciples.” Ouyang Xiu said hurriedly.

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded and asked, “You’re okay now, right?” ”

“The prince has some orders, but he says it doesn’t matter, and his subordinates are willing to do the work of dogs and horses!” Ouyang Xiu almost didn’t think about it and said directly.

Ye Mo heard the words and thought about it for a moment, then took out a bulging bag from his waist and reached out and handed it to Ouyang Xiu.

“In this Sumire bag, there are still eighty Nine Yang Crystals left, and a banner that controls the ‘Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’ inside the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’!”

“Later, you will leave ten pieces of ‘Nine Yang Crystals’, buy me some refining materials from the nearest city, and buy another fine spiritual weapon by the way.” Ye Mo commanded.

“What? Spiritual Artifacts? ”

Ouyang Xiu’s eyes froze, and he asked in shock, “Does Gongzi still want to learn the refining device?” ”

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded, and did not hide it, after all, the “Spirit Weapon Hall”, but the indispensable resource storage type hall of the Invincible War Sect, he could not always go outside to buy spiritual weapons to maintain the consumption of his disciples, it was better to learn it directly himself, then it was not how much it was?

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu heard this and nodded heavily.

If he had changed to before, he would have laughed at Ye Mo’s inadequacy in his heart!

But since Ye Mo had realized the “Fu Dao” in front of everyone, Ouyang Xiu didn’t dare to think like that anymore!

Because he knew that Ye Mo really had this strength!

Without continuing to dwell on this issue, Ye Mo continued to order, “As for the remaining seventy ‘Nine Yang Crystals’, if you go and place them on the ninth layer of the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’, and then wave the Array Banner, you can activate the ‘Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’, so that the speed cultivation within the Heavenly Pavilion will directly climb to three hundred and sixty-six times!” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed, “Unfortunately, I only have seventy ‘Nine Yang Crystals’ left, and every day that the Nine Heavenly Gathering Spirit Array opens, it needs to burn a whole hundred ‘Nine Yang Crystals’, and the seventy ‘Nine Yang Crystals’ can only last for eight or nine hours at most…”

Before Ye Mo finished speaking, Ouyang Xiu, who was next to him, rushed to shout, “Gongzi, there are still some ‘Nine Yang Crystals’ under your subordinates, and they are willing to donate to Gongzi free of charge to share worries and solve problems for Gongzi!” ”

“How does that work?”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly, “I have already pit you a hundred Nine Yang Crystals before, how can I still take yours?” ”

“Gongzi’s words are too foreign, and his subordinates are even willing to give their lives to Gongzi, so what do these things outside the body get?”

After Ouyang Xiu finished speaking, he simply shoved his own Sumire bag into Ye Mo’s arms, regardless of whether he agreed or disagreed!

“Gongzi, there are still more than fifty pieces of ‘Nine Yang Realms’ under your subordinates, in addition to that, there are some high-grade elixirs and heavenly treasures, which should be enough to maintain the daily consumption of the Sect Gate during this time!” Ouyang Xiu said in a congratulatory voice.


Ye Mo looked at the Sumire bag in his hand in a daze and hesitated for a long time before slowly nodding his head.

“It’s rare that you have this sincerity, and if I don’t accept it again, it will seem too small.”

Speaking of which, Ye Mo’s words turned sharply!

“But you can rest assured, in a few days, on the day of the opening ceremony of the Sect Gate, I will let you experience what is called counting money to hand cramps, just a hundred and ten pieces of ‘Nine Yang Realm’, don’t pay attention to it!” “The subordinates believe that Gongzi will be able to do it!” Ouyang Xiu said firmly!

“Well, go, I’m going to find a place to retreat and practice for a while.”

After doing all this, Ye Mo finally waved his hand and dismissed Ouyang Xiu. _

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