At the same time, in the courtyard, Ye Mo sat cross-legged on the ground, like an old monk who had settled down, not moving like a mountain!

At this moment, in his body, the One Hundred and Eight Heavenly Cave had already formed a perfect Great Zhou Tian Cycle!

Not only that, within his chest cavity, a full moon emitting a leisurely divine light had long replaced the position of his original heart, and the bright moonlight reflected his meridian bones as crystal clear as mercury!

This is the “Heart of the Moon Hua” that everyone in the Xuanyun Continent’s “Moon Hua Realm” martial cultivation must have!

As we all know, in the Xuanyun Continent, the Dantian of the warrior had already reached the limit of what he could withstand when he was in the Heavenly Martial Realm!

At this time, if the warrior wants to go further, he must get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, use the boundless void outside the sky, and absorb the “three talents of the three talents” of the sun, moon and stars that overflow from it!

Among them, the “power of the stars” is infused with one hundred and eight “Heavenly Gang Caves”; “The power of the moon” casts the “heart of the moon”

The most powerful “Nine Yang Force” is to reshape the spirit of the warrior, directly filling the mind of the warrior, forming nine “Nine Yang Chaos”!

When the “power of the three talents” is all gathered, the body of the warrior will form a “three talents purple house”, also known as the internal world, which can continuously supply the powerful power of the warrior, almost endless, endless!

This is the greatest power of the “Nine Yang Realm” strongmen, even if the heavens and the earth are decaying, I can still stand proudly!

Because of me, I am a world of my own!

I am one of the world!

Ye Mo’s talent was so terrifying, after seven days of sleepless retreat, at this time, he had already leapt into the peak of the “Moon Hua Realm”, and the “Heart of the Moon Hua” had become greater, and was striding towards the “Nine Yang Realm” that everyone in the Zhongwu Domain dreamed of!

Boom, boom, boom…

Only to see a series of dazzling golden rays visible to the naked eye descend from the sky and successively penetrate into the Parkway above his head!

In Ye Mo’s mind, the first oval “Nine Yang Chaos” with a round whole body and emitting a divine light took the lead in taking shape!


With a deep roar, almost instantaneously, Ye Mo realized that his spirit was at least ten times stronger than before!

Immediately after that, there is the second “Nine Yang Chaos”, the third, the fourth…

I don’t know how long later, when Ye Mo’s mind was in his mind, a whole nine “Nine Yang Chaos” appeared and lined up!

The next moment, his body shook violently, and a terrible muffled sound was emitted!


The furious momentum swept away in all directions, rolling up the monstrous wind!

The outer wall of the small courtyard was suddenly shattered by this force and fell apart!

And hiding outside the courtyard, he was peeking at Ye Mo’s retreat to cultivate a “Invincible Battle Sect” disciple caught off guard, and he was also overturned by all of them, and one by one he was extremely embarrassed and rolled out from the ground!

“Good horror breath!”

Ouyang Xiu was worthy of being the strongest of the Old Nine Yang Realms, his reaction was extremely fast, and with a little force of his legs, he stabilized his body and was not shocked on the spot like other disciples!

However, his gaze suddenly fell not far away, and Ye Mo’s body could no longer be removed!

Only to see the leaf ink at this time, the whole body of golden light shining, emitting a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, as if the only color between this heaven and earth, no one can ignore!

“Nine… Nine Yang Realm One Heavy Heaven! ”

On the other side, Du Yan also sensed the breath on Ye Mo’s body, and couldn’t help but exclaim, the bitterness at the corner of his mouth could almost condense water!

“Seven days skipped two great realms, Gongzi he… What a talent…”

The rest of the Invincible Battle Sect disciples were also all shocked, it was really Ye Mo’s talent that was too terrifying, this kind of unbelievable way of promotion, they had never even heard of it before!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

At the same time, in Ye Mo’s mind, a series of brilliant golden rays with the nine Nine Yang Chaos as the core spread wildly towards all parts of his body, first merging with the “Heart of the Moon” in his heart chamber, and then affecting the one hundred and eight “Heavenly Gang Caves” in his whole body!

Finally, when this force returned to Ye Mo’s mind, his originally abundant Dantian Purple Mansion exploded from it, just like the birth of heaven and earth and the beginning of chaos, gradually deriving a small gray world!

It is an empty world, with no wind, no water, no life, and there is almost nothing but the vast earth!

But it was this world that brought Ye Mo unparalleled power!

At this moment, Ye Mo had a premonition that with his current cultivation behavior, if the time went back to the auction three days ago, even if Ouyang Xiu, Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha joined forces, it would not be his one-man enemy!

With the formation of the inner world, Ye Mo’s three talents converged into a straight line, headed by the “Nine Yang Chaos”, surrounded by the “Heart of the Moon”, and surrounded by the “Heavenly Gang Cave”!

And his little world is at the heart of it all!

This is the unique “Three Talents Purple House” of the Nine Yang Realm’s strong people, not only the prototype of one side of the world, but also the prototype of the universe!


Opening his eyes, Ye Mo let out a long breath of turbid breath, feeling the powerful force contained in his body like a volcanic eruption, and he couldn’t help but scream up to the sky!

“Is this the divine power of the ‘Nine Yang Realm’ strong people standing at the top of the Zhongwu Domain?” Sure enough! ”

Moving his hands and feet slightly, Ye Mo was trying to stand up!

But it didn’t matter if he stood this time, he ignored that he had jumped two major realms in a row, and he had not yet adapted to the powerful power he had just acquired!

As a result, under the horrified gaze of everyone, I saw Ye Mo “whizzing” straight into the sky like a cannonball, and it was enough to burst out of a height of more than thirty zhang, and this was the only time that a fierce son had fallen!



The ground was trampled out of a huge deep pit, and Ye Mo’s legs even sank into it entirely!


Looking at the messy ground, Ye Mo couldn’t help but have a black line!

At this time, he finally saw clearly the three outer three layers around him, and the densely packed disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” couldn’t help but frown and asked, “What are you all doing around here?” ”


When Ouyang Xiu heard this, he was the first to react, and he quickly suppressed the throbbing in his heart and arched his hand: “Gongzi, I have done what you told me to do before, and this time I came to send you the refining materials!” “_

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