
Ye Mo suddenly realized what he was saying, and then turned to the others and asked, “What about you?” ”


When the crowd heard Ye Mo’s question, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

Because they didn’t know how to explain it at all, they couldn’t say that this large group of people had nothing to do when they were idle and full, and they all ran over to spy on their own son’s retreat cultivation!

“I… I came to see the scenery, sigh, the scenery here is really good! Ram Kun smiled hard!

“Yes, yes, good blue sky, good white clouds…” Chu Laowei also forcibly echoed the unnatural face!

When Ye Mo heard this, he almost didn’t laugh out loud, how could he not see that this group of two goods was attracted by the breakthrough movement during his cultivation?

However, he didn’t bother to break it, but instead waved his hand impatiently and said in a loud voice, “Except for a few elders, the rest of the people, what should they do, and then ink here, all the door rules are served!” ”

“The door… Door rules? ”

As soon as the words fell, a group of Invincible Battle Sect disciples couldn’t help but explode their scalps, and they were so frightened that they almost ran out of pants!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “bang”, the crowd directly scattered the birds and beasts, and almost ran away in the blink of an eye!

The remaining four people, Ouyang Xiu, Ram Kun, Chu Laowei, and Du Yan, stepped forward one after another and bowed to Ye Mo.

“I don’t know what the prince commanded?” The four of them asked respectfully in unison.

Ye Mo opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, but then he frowned and asked, “Huh?” Why wasn’t Pangtu there? ”


Ram Kun frowned and said uncertainly, “Elder Pang should have some trivial things to do!” ”


Ye Mo nodded his head, and did not go to his heart, after all, the “Invincible War Sect” had just been founded, and everything was in ruins, and Pang Tu, as the Elder of the Outer Gate, was delayed by some trivial matters, but it was also reasonable.

“Great Elder!” Ye Mo screamed.

“The subordinates are in!” Ouyang Xiu hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

“I remember that I had already asked you to spread the news that our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ was about to hold the ‘Opening Ceremony’!” Ye Mo asked.

“Yes son, everything has been done according to your instructions.” Ouyang Xiu said hurriedly.

“But it’s been a few days, so why hasn’t the ‘Land of Riots’ moved at all?”

Ye Mo was full of confusion, according to the “place of the riot”, he had already directly leaked the news of the “Invincible War Sect”, even if no one went up the mountain to encircle and suppress it, there should always be a few investigations to investigate the news, and ask the truth!

But after so many days, apart from Lü Fansha, two fools who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive, the Lianyun Mountain Range didn’t even have a ghost shadow, which was a big surprise to Ye Mo!


Ouyang Xiu laughed bitterly and shook his head, “Don’t hide from Gongzi, in the past, the stunned Qing who wanted to open a sect in the ‘Land of Riots’ was not one or two, of course, my words are not aimed at Gongzi, and I also ask Gongzi not to misunderstand!” ”

“But it doesn’t hurt to say it!” Ye Mo waved his hand indifferently.

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu nodded, and then continued, “But almost none of these people have ended up well, they have all been submerged in the torrent of history, and many of them have not even left a complete corpse, I think those major forces in the ‘Land of Riots’ are probably taking the news of our founding sect as a joke…”

“That’s right!”

Ye Mo suddenly realized.

Although in the past few days, the movement he made was not small, first he made a big fuss about the auction of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”, and then wiped out the entire Wild Shark Gang!

But the “land of riots” is so vast, and the little movement he made is not even a wave in the sea!

In addition, the previous Yuwen Zhi and Lü Fansha deliberately ate alone and deliberately concealed the news!

The major forces of those “Land of Riots” had not heard of his name Ye Mo, but it was reasonable!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo thought about it a little, and finally opened his mouth to the crowd!

“Since they don’t take us seriously, let’s prove it to them!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo said proudly, “After seven days, I plan to directly hold the ‘Opening Ceremony’ of the Sect Gate, but I don’t know what several elders think?” ”


When the elders heard this, they were surprisingly silent, and their hearts were full of drumming back and forth.

Although at this moment, except for Du Yan, everyone else present had been following Ye Mo for some time, and they had already been satisfied with his ability!

The establishment of a sect in the “Land of Riots” is itself a counterintuitive thing, or even a great rebellion!

In addition, Ye Mo had planned to hold an auction in the limelight of the “Founding Ceremony” to present the most precious treasures of the auxiliary path that he had refined against the heavens one by one to the world!

The crowd couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be if they did so!

“Gongzi, our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ has only been founded not long ago, and even the elders and disciples under the door have not made up enough, is it a bit hasty to hold the ‘Mountain Opening Ceremony’ so quickly?” Du Yan said in a deep voice.

“In a hurry? I don’t think there’s any rush at all! ”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and said proudly, “It is precisely because the Sect Gate lacks elders and disciples that I want to take advantage of the opportunity of the ‘Founding Ceremony’ to take out the name of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I believe that after the people of the world learn the true energy of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, they will surely flock to the front and the servants, and at that time, why should we worry about not being able to recruit disciples?” ”

“Gongzi’s words are reasonable, but…” Ouyang Xiu wanted to stop talking.

“But what?” Ye Mo frowned and asked.

“Don’t hide from Gongzi, even if you take out one of those auxiliary treasures, you can shock the world, not to mention the live auction, and in such a chaotic place as the ‘Land of Riots’, I am worried that it will attract the covetousness of many people with hearts…” Ouyang Xiu said worriedly.

“Oh, it turns out that you are afraid of this!”

Ye Mo smiled and immediately waved a big hand!

“Rest assured, let’s not say that this prince now has the ‘Nine Yang Realm’ cultivation behavior, and I don’t even pay attention to ordinary forces.” Just to say that on the top of the mountain of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, I would like to see which one who does not open his eyes dares to find death on our ‘Founding Ceremony’! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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