
Arrogant and stunned, he didn’t react to what was going on!

Just at this moment, countless sharp sword rays burst through the clouds, and even a stream of brain stabbed at him, dense and almost endless!

“Be bold!”

Arrogant and angry, without hesitation, only to see him raise his fist and throw it upwards, to crush these attacking swords as much as possible!

“White bones are destroyed, everything is in the world!”

Cracking sound!

With one punch, the Thousand Bone Bridge suddenly fell apart, and it turned into a rain of bones, swarming towards the infinite sword in the sky!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang…

The next moment, accompanied by a series of fierce explosions, countless white bones and sword rays collided and eliminated in mid-air, causing monstrous aftershocks, and the space of the earthquake began to twist wildly, the sky was dark, and the sun and moon had no light!

“Is this the true strength of the White Bone Old Ancestor’s arrogance and heartlessness?” It was extraordinary! ”

“Too strong!”

Below, a crowd of people looked at the fierce battle situation in mid-air, all trembling with excitement and dazzle!

Seeing that the first killing array could not be arrogant, the infinite sword light was almost wiped out by the other party!

Ramming Kun’s face was as heavy as water, he gritted his teeth again, and raised the flag in his hand and waved it fiercely!

“Ten Directions to the Heavens, Floating Butcher Knife Mountain!”


The ground began to tremble violently, and out of thin air a sharp earth bag was raised, as if something was lurking underground, ready to come out!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “boo”, the ground finally exploded completely, from which an endless cast of swords flashed out, and with Ramming Kun as the center, it directly converged into a huge sword mountain directly into the sky, and stabbed at the arrogance in mid-air!


Arrogant and heartless’s face changed drastically, almost instantaneously aware of the Ling Li killing machine behind him, knowing that the situation was critical, he immediately couldn’t take care of the sword light in the sky, and quickly withdrew to defend!

“White bone salvation, bone city pure land!”

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The white bones in the sky were once again collected by him, and began to condense rapidly around him, one after the other, one after another, and soon combined into a city made of pure white bones, enveloping his entire body!

The next moment, the “Nether Knife Mountain” finally went up to the right and smashed over!

Just listen to the “boom”, the deafening heaven and earth, so that the following group of martial artists who came to the meeting all looked at Venus, the strength was slightly weaker, and even the mouth and nose spurted blood, and the whole person was paralyzed on the ground! Click!

At the same time, the splinters of bones flew in the sky, and the swords filled the air, like a world!

Only to see that the White Bone City Pool around his arrogant body was shattered by the Floating Butcher Knife Mountain Earthquake, and he himself was even more like being struck by lightning, like a kite with a broken line, he fell heavily towards the ground, directly smashing a bottomless huge pit on the ground, and he didn’t see a sound for half a day!


At this moment, the crowd is really messy!

No one expected that even such a powerful person as the “White Bone Old Ancestor” who was arrogant and heartless had suffered a great loss in front of the “Invincible Battle Sect’s” Mountain Protection Array!

If this is the case, then who else can move this “invincible war sect” in the entire “land of riots”?

The crowd thought of this and once again set their sights on Ram Kun outside the mountain gate!

Only this time, there was no longer the schadenfreude in their eyes, and all that remained was awe and fear!

And after Ram Kun sent out the “Floating Butcher Knife Mountain”, he was staring at the big pit that was smashed by arrogance not far away, and he had not returned to his senses until now…

However, since this cargo followed Ye Mo, the nerves were hardened more and more, and they quickly reacted and couldn’t help but jump to their feet and cheer!


“Invincible Battle Sect!!! The old man and Er are not at odds with each other! ”

Just at this moment, accompanied by a terrifying roar, only to hear a bang, a figure slammed out of the ground, wasn’t it the “White Bone Old Ancestor” who had been shot down before?

Only at this moment, he had long since lost the light breeze of the clouds before, not only was his snow-white robe stained with mud, but an ugly old face was also like gold paper, and his mouth was covered with blood, which was obviously a lot of internal injuries!


When the crowd saw the situation, they couldn’t help but take another breath of cool air, which verified their previous ideas!

“Come back?”

Ram Kun saw the situation and grinned, but this time, he did not have a little fear, but he raised the formation flag in his hand for a long time, and said lightly: “Proud senior, don’t blame me for not reminding you first, the formation arranged by my family’s father-in-law, but the ten arrays are connected, the ten directions are heavenly, you have just eaten two formations, you can’t hold back, if I show the rest of the formations one by one…”

Speaking of this, Ram Kun did not continue to speak, but looked at the arrogance with a proud face!

“You… Do you dare to threaten me? ”


Arrogant and heartless almost exploded his lungs, how could he not have imagined that this one-month-old ant of the Magnificent Realm would dare to be so arrogant in front of him, so blind!

“Oh, the threat can’t be discussed, but my family has already commanded, but those who dare to violate my sect will be punished from afar!” Ramming Kun said word for word, not humble and humble!

“Ants! You’re looking for death! ”

Finally, the complete dementia of the arrogant and unintentional rammed Kun was about to run away on the spot!

Just at this moment!

“Brother Pride, stop!”

Suddenly, a voice rolled in from afar, like a terrifying wave, and the echo echoed for a long time!

Immediately afterward, another mighty terrifying figure stepped into the air, one step at a time, almost instantaneously, and fell outside the mountain gate of the “Invincible Battle Sect”!

“Chu Qingtao, do you want to help this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ deal with the old man?” Arrogant and unintentional just saw the people coming, and he was even more angry, and suddenly shouted loudly!

“You old fellow, how old are you, and still so indiscriminate?”

The visitor smiled, then reached out and pointed to the majestic mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect and said in a deep voice, “Don’t you see it yet?” This ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ Mountain Protection Array is the world’s top Nine Yang Grade Killing Array, and there is definitely more than one, if there are really ten of them, Mo said that it is you, even if the four of us join forces, I am afraid that we will all drink and hate on the spot! ”

After saying this, the person who came finally turned around and revealed a rough face, wasn’t it Chu Qingtao, one of the four supreme powers in the land of riots? _

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