“Nice! This array of methods is not easy to deal with, this seat originally wanted to directly destroy this sect gate, but only then did I realize that I seemed to have looked down on this sect gate! ”

Immediately after that, another ethereal voice came slowly, and the crowd did not even know where the speaker was!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “boo”, a simple sword fell from the sky and steadily inserted into the ground!

And above the hilt of the sword, there was a tall figure standing at this moment, it was the “Sword Madman” Gu Qianfan!

“I didn’t expect that even the two of you were invited, it seems that this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ was indeed prepared earlier, no wonder you dare to be so public!”

Arrogant and gritted his teeth, and said reluctantly!

“Oh, it’s not just the two of us…”

Chu screamed and smiled, and suddenly set his eyes on the dense crowd below!

Just at this moment, a bright red graceful figure suddenly stepped out of the crowd and went straight to the front of the crowd, wasn’t it the “Blood Lotus Palace Lord” Fu Hongyi?

“What? Even Fu Hongyi came, but she was by my side before, how could I not have noticed her? ”

“According to legend, the ‘Blood Lotus Heart Sutra’ of the ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’ has the miraculous effect of Qi Hidden Heaven and Earth’, and now when I see it, it is indeed worthy of the name!”

“Is she the ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’ Fu Hongyi?” So beautiful, worthy of being the first beauty of the ‘Land of Riots’! ”

“The ‘Land of Riots’ of bullshit, with the posture of the ‘Blood Lotus Palace Lord’, even if you look at the entire Zhongwu Domain, ah no, it is the entire Xuanyun Continent, and no one can stand out from the right in terms of beauty alone!”

A group of rugged warriors whispered, all looking at Fu Hongyi, who was slowly walking out of the crowd!

It is undeniable that Fu Hongyi’s appearance can definitely be called a superior posture and a heavenly and human appearance!

But surprisingly, when a large number of big men looked at her, there was only appreciation in their eyes, and there was no blasphemy!

What a joke, although this woman looks young and her breath is not obvious, she is one of the four supreme powerful people in the veritable “Land of Riots”, and a veritable peak strong person of the Nine Yang Realm!

Dare to be moved to her, live tired and crooked?

However, after Chu Fangxiao saw Fu Hongyi, the admiration in his eyes could not be concealed at all!

“Red, you should have been here a long time ago, why didn’t you show up until now?” Chu screamed and ran over and said a nutritious opening statement!

Unfortunately, Fu Hongyi didn’t even look at him, and flashed directly past him, completely treating him as air!


Chu Furious scratched his head in embarrassment, but he didn’t go to his heart, because he knew that Fu Hongyi was such a personality, cold and arrogant, like a niece living in the cold palace, there was very little that could make her have psychological fluctuations!

At this time, seeing that the top four powerful people in the “Land of Riots” were exhausted, the many warriors of all sides in the “Land of Riots” present were all carefully putting away their sharp edges, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

And Du Yan, who had been standing outside the Sect Gate, after seeing Gu Qianfan’s face, couldn’t help but explode his scalp, and he was so frightened that he almost peed his pants on the spot!

But then, he saw that not far in front of him, the Ram Kun who was still standing in the same place, not moving like a mountain, couldn’t help but feel a sense of self-shame in his heart!

Ramming Kun only had the Moon Hua Realm Triple Heaven Cultivation, but in the face of so many strong people, he could still maintain his unflinching and fearlessness!

On the other hand, he himself, the Heavenly Nine Yang Realm Fourfold Heavenly Strongman, was frightened by a “sword maniac” Gu Qianfan and could not control himself, and even had the heart to run away on the spot!

Thinking of this, Du Yan was even more ashamed of his landless self-esteem, and immediately bit his teeth, forcibly took a step forward, stood shoulder to shoulder with Ram Kun, and took out the formation flag that Ye Mo had given him before, held it tightly in his hand, and vowed never to take a step back!

Ramming Kun saw Du Yan standing with him, keenly aware of the change in his mentality, and couldn’t help but smile at him, and whispered comfortingly: “Rest assured, inside the mountain gate of our Invincible Battle Sect, it is the dragon he has to be coiled, it is the tiger he has to lie down, this is what Gongzi himself said, I am a subordinate, I only need to obey the order, and the rest does not need us to worry about!” ”

“This… What the Second Elder said made sense, and his subordinates were taught! ”

Du Yan arched his hand with a look of admiration, and for the first time in front of Ram Kun, he called himself a subordinate!

Only then did he finally realize why Ram Kun could get Ye Mo’s reuse just by relying on the cultivation of the Moon Hua Realm!

Because the idea of this product is too simple, there is no flower intestine at all!

But it is this simplicity that gives him an advantage that ordinary people are difficult to match, such as diehards!

And this is the most fundamental reason why Ye Mo values him and reuses him!

“Proud senior, do you want to continue?”

Ram Kun looked at the arrogance not far away and asked lightly.

Unconsciously, he had gradually begun to imitate Ye Mo’s tone, and even the expression on his face was imitating the same!

In fact, from beginning to end, Ram Kun’s heart was full of joy, because Gongzi had once said that under the protection of the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”, no matter who the entire “Zhongwu Domain” was, even if the most mysterious “Shu Ji Divine Sect” Sect Leader came in person, he would not want to create a second time!

For Ye Mo’s words, Ram Kun did not have the slightest doubt, because in his opinion, Gongzi’s words were the most reasonable and famous words, and no one could refute them!

This is a kind of blind self-confidence, no need for a reason, but deep into the bone marrow, imprinted into the soul!

And with the temptation just now, it undoubtedly verified his idea – Ye Mo, never lie!



Arrogant and heartless clenched his fists, his nails clasped into the flesh, and the blood pouring down without realizing it!

When did one of the four supreme powers of the “Land of Riots” have ever experienced such bird qi?

If it weren’t for the protection of this powerful killing array, even a mere ramming kun, he could easily kill it with his breath!

But in the end, he didn’t dare to strike again!

Although he is bloodthirsty and murderous, his personality is impermanent, but this does not mean that he is stupid!

It was true that the formation arranged by Ye Mo was too powerful, powerful enough to threaten his life!

Seeing that he didn’t dare to continue to be crazy, Ram Kun couldn’t help but smile and immediately waved his hand behind him!

“Come, don’t you hurry up and escort the four seniors into the mountain and sit down!”


When the four disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect heard this, they hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of the four of them and made a gesture of please! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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