But Gu Qianfan had just said too deadly, and he opened his mouth and said yes, completely not giving others the opportunity to react, obviously fighting for his own cultivation and wanting to win Ye Mo’s formation at the lowest price!

And those who wanted to “Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” could only break their teeth and swallow into their stomachs, daring to be angry and dare not speak!

After all, although the “Little Nine Days Gathering Spirit Array” is good, if you don’t have the life to enjoy, then you have lost your wife and folded your soldiers!

Seeing the expressions of the people, how clever Ye Mo was, how could he not guess the wishful thinking of Gu Qianfan?

Fortunately, for this situation, he had seen it at the auction of Hon Hai Shang Meng before, so he had already prepared for it!

Ignoring the lonely Qianfan sitting on the high platform and swinging, Ye Mo suddenly clapped his hands on the sidelines!

The next moment, dozens of disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect carried two huge wooden boxes into the field, and they were stunned by the faces of everyone present!

“Brother Ye, what do you mean by that?” Chu asked with a puzzled face.

Ye Mo smiled slightly, did not answer, but waved his hand again!

Several disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect saw the situation and hurriedly opened the two huge wooden boxes in front of them!

Immediately afterward, a box of masks with different descriptions and a box of clothes of different colors appeared in the sight of everyone!

“Gentlemen, in order to prevent someone from buying and selling at the auction of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, Ben Gongzi has specially prepared two treasures for everyone to prevent identity leakage, and they are given away for free, without any fee!” Ye Mo said loudly!

“A treasure to prevent identity leakage?”

When the crowd heard the words, they all looked at Ye Mo with stunned eyes, and they still didn’t understand what kind of medicine he was selling in this gourd!

“Don’t underestimate these two treasures!”

Ye Mohaha smiled and introduced, “These two treasures, but they are all refined by Ben Gongzi himself, the mask in the first box is a kind of spiritual weapon, called ‘Voice of the Faceless One’, after wearing it, it can not only cover your original appearance, but also change your original voice, making people unable to distinguish!” ”


The crowd was astonished, how could they not have imagined that these inconspicuous-looking masks would actually be spiritual weapons, and there would be such a strange effect!

“And the clothes in this second box are also a kind of spiritual weapon, called ‘The Flower of the Restless’, after wearing it, it can not only change your original figure, but also hide everyone’s original breath, making it impossible to trace!”

Ye Mo said endlessly, “As long as there are these two things in hand, I can guarantee that even people who are familiar with each other will not recognize your true identity, so that everyone can freely bid without any scruples, and even if they shoot the treasure, they will not expose their identities, which is equivalent to completely solving your worries!” ”

Speaking of the end, Ye Mo did not forget to take a deep look at Gu Qianfan!

“Lord Ye is wise!”

“With these two things here, doesn’t it mean that as long as we take a picture of the baby, we can take it all away smoothly and smoothly?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about being robbed at all?”

The crowd was overjoyed, because Ye Mo had said before that things were given away for free, and there was no charge at all!


Only the lonely Qianfan, after listening to Ye, the whole person almost did not run away on the spot!

Because he didn’t expect that Ye Mo actually left such a hand, so that his original wishful thinking was suddenly disappointed!

“Lord Ye Zong, are these two spiritual weapons really given away in vain?”

At this time, several voices came from the audience again, and it could be seen that the crowd was still a little incredulous about Ye Mo’s generosity!

“Of course, but only one set per person!”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and asked again, “Why are you still stunned, come down and get the Spirit Weapon, the number is limited, first-come, first-served!” ”

His voice fell, and the next moment, he only listened to the sound of “bang”, and the entire martial arts arena completely exploded!

Almost everyone rushed down from the audience and couldn’t wait to rush towards the two big boxes!

Of course, it’s no wonder they react that way!

Whether it is the “Voice of the Faceless” or the “Hua of the Breathless”, it can be called an artifact that hides identity!

Moreover, this was still at the auction of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, Ye Mo’s means had already been seen by everyone, and God knows how many incredible treasures would be auctioned out next!

And if the four supreme powers are like Gu Qianfan, who are strong and unreasonable in their own strength, the crowd will certainly not be willing!

Therefore, these spiritual weapons that Ye Mo had prepared to hide their identities were simply too much for their wishes!

In just a few moments, tens of thousands of sets of aura were snatched up by everyone, and not even one of them was left!

For this situation, Ye Mo had already expected it, but he was not very distressed, because whether it was the “Voice of the Faceless One” or the “Hua of the Breathless”, in his opinion, they all belonged to the spiritual weapons that were not in the flow, and he could refine thousands of sets at a time, and he didn’t care at all!

At this time, most of the people present got the spiritual weapon given by Ye Mo, but the crowd still had more eyes, and did not wear it directly in the field, but ran outside the martial arts arena, each found a hidden place to replace it, and then rushed back to the martial arts arena one after another!

At this time, Ye Mo saw that everyone was dressed neatly, so he asked again in a loud voice, “This ‘Small Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’ array, the starting price is one hundred and nine Yang Crystals, is there anyone else who is calling the price?” ”

“Of course there is, I have one hundred and ten Nine Yang Crystals!”

“I’ll give you a hundred and twenty pieces!”

“One hundred and thirty pieces!”

“One hundred and fifty pieces!!”


This time, the crowd no longer had any scruples, one by one scrambling to bid for the price, the original low price of one hundred pieces of nine yang crystals soon doubled!

“Oh, good!”

Looking at the price that was still rising, Ye Mo finally nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, as early as the beginning, from his free Zeng Dan, on-site test Dan, and then on-site test spells, give away spiritual weapons!

All of this is within Ye Mo’s calculations!

As for why he repeatedly and generously gave away various treasures for free, in fact, Ye Mo was also well thought-out!

After all, there is no basis for the words, only to let everyone know that the quality of the treasures they have refined is extraordinary, even the riot is exclusive, there is no other semicolon!

In this way, he can sit on the ground and start the lion!

That’s right!

From the very beginning, Ye Mo did not intend to sell the various treasures he had refined in bulk, so as not to exhaust himself alive?

Only by taking the boutique route, the strange goods can be lived, so that every auxiliary treasure he refines can play its greatest value!

In this way, he could easily collect money to supply the daily consumption of the Invincible Battle Sect’s behemoth! _

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