“Seven hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals are out of this seat!!!”

After half an hour, Gu Qianfan almost roared out a number, successfully scaring off the other bidders!

“Seven hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, is there anyone who has a higher price?”

Ye Mo smiled and squinted around and asked!

Seeing that the crowd was all silent, Ye Mo knew that this price was already the limit of the “Small Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” array.

But the rules still have to go!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo shouted again: “Seven hundred pieces of nine yang crystals for the first time, seven hundred pieces of nine yang crystals for the second time, seven hundred pieces of nine yang crystals for the third time…”



Ye Mo clapped his hands decisively, and without hesitation, he directly threw the “Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” array to Gu Qianfan!

“Thank you Brother Ye!”

Gu Qianfan’s face was ugly, and even a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, which could be seen at this moment, although he had successfully obtained the array, his heart was not calm!

Of course, this kind of thing is replaced by anyone, but I am afraid that it will not be calm!

Think of him as one of the four supreme powerful people in the land of the Lonely Thousand Sails and Riots, even if it was an auction held by the Hon Hai Business Alliance in the past, as long as he showed his identity and quoted a low price, who the would dare to bid with him?

But this time was different, under Ye Mo’s careful planning, Gu Qianfan’s first upright bidding in his life, the original hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystal could win the array, but it was seven times larger!

This makes him, who has always been arrogant, how can he be happy?

“Damn bastard, when I find an opportunity later, I’m going to uproot this bullshit sect, and that’s the price you have to pay for daring to tease this throne!”

Although the hatred in his heart was already that he couldn’t slash Ye Mo with a thousand knives!

But on the surface, Gu Qianfan did not show it, but decisively took out a Sumire bag from his arms, counted out seven hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, and reached out and handed it to Ye Mo.

“Thank you!” Ye Mo grinned, and after taking the bag of Sumire, he didn’t even look at it, and directly tucked it into his arms!

The cost of this “Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” was almost negligible, and he was even more relaxed and carefree in refining, without much bragging, he could sell it for the sky-high price of seven hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, and he was already very satisfied!

Seeing that the auction of the array was completed, at this time, Chu Furious screamed beside him and asked impatiently, “I don’t know what else Brother Ye has to sell next?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the other three powerful people, including those present, all set their sights on Ye Mo’s body again.

Although the “Little Nine Days Gathering Spirit Array” effect. It is the ultimate treasure that assists cultivation!

But still that sentence, being in such a chaotic area as the Land of Riots, for the vast majority of martial cultivators, the temptation of this array is not too great, and they see that the old ones are Ye Mo’s refining elixirs and spiritual weapons!

“Oh, you guys are in a hurry!”

Ye Mo smiled unpredictably and thought about it a little.

The next moment, I saw him reach into his arms again and take out an earth-yellow charm from it!

“This is the ‘Divine Product Stand-in Charm’ that Ben Gongzi personally refined, as long as it is worn on the body, once the warrior is subjected to an irresistible fatal attack, this charm will automatically activate, create a stand-in, help the warrior withstand the attack, escape to heaven, really travel at home, kill people and set fires, defeat the necessary rune for escape, I don’t know if you are interested?” Ye Mo smiled and groaned loudly introduced!

“What? Divine Stand-in? Can you withstand a deadly attack? ”

At this point, including the four strong men, the crowd present couldn’t help but change their faces!

It’s not that they haven’t seen the world, most of the people present are famous and surnamed jianghu figures in the place of riots, and they have seen more winds and waves on weekdays, what rare things have not been seen?

It was really that the Auxiliary Dao Ultimate Treasure Effect that Ye Mo had come up with was too anti-heavenly, and it simply subverted their cognition again and again!

Especially the four supreme beings on the high platform, when Ye Mo took out the “Small Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” array before, they were already shocked enough!

After all, the four auxiliary paths of the Xuanyun Continent, whether it is alchemy, forging, cloth or painting, are all a broad and profound inheritance skill, and ordinary people who want to master one of them not only need extremely high talent, but also pay a lot of hard work and time!

But Ye Mo, first the elixir, the array, and then the artifact thunder!

By now, even the runes had been taken out, and they had eaten them all!

How exactly did he do it?

It is said that manpower is sometimes poor, but Ye Mo seems to have endless secrets on his body, so that everyone cannot speculate and dare not speculate!

What was even more frightening was that so many auxiliary Dao had studied together, and the things he had refined were still the best of the best, and their efficacy was against the heavens, and everyone had never seen it before, and they had never even heard of it!

This is far from the two words of genius can encompass the past, it is simply the ultimate heavenly arrogance, and there are thousands of gullies in the chest!

“Are you interested?” If I am not interested, I can shoot this charm? ”

At this time, Ye Mo asked again, successfully interrupting everyone’s chaotic thoughts.

“Of course I’m interested, but I don’t know what the Ye Brothers are asking for?” Chu Furious was the first to react and quickly asked.

“Yes, Brother Ye, please make a quick offer, this divine product stand-in charm, this seat is bound to get!” Gu Qianfan was also full of red shouts, and he could see that he was very satisfied with the efficacy of this charm!

Fu Hongyi still didn’t speak, but his slender fingertips touched the Sumire bag around his waist silently, and it seemed that he was not ready to let go of this life-saving charm!

Even Arrogant Heartless was short of breath and struggling, as if he was making some difficult decision in his heart!

The four powerful people moved in unison, and a series of heavy gasps came from the surrounding audience!

It can be seen that the allure of this “Divine Product Stand-in” for everyone is even better than that of the “Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array”!

After all, although the “Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array” was good, it could only assist in cultivation!

And the “Divine Product Stand-in Charm”, with this kind of charm on the body, it is simply equivalent to one more life!

Seeing the expressions of the crowd as far as possible, Ye Mo Lingji moved and said, “This ‘Divine Product Stand-in Charm’ is limited by materials, and this prince has only refined one so far, so the price may be slightly higher…”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo groaned slightly, causing the crowd around him to turn red, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, waiting closely for his next step! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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