“Just two hundred pieces of ‘Nine Yang Crystals’ will be auctioned off!”

Finally, Ye Mo quoted a price, which was the ideal price in his heart.

Although the starting price of the “Divine Product Stand-in Charm” was almost twice as high as that of the “Small Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array”, the temptation of this life-saving magic charm could not be resisted at all for the martial practitioners of these “Land of Riots” who licked the blood of the knife for many years!

Sure enough, Ye Mo’s voice had just fallen, and everyone in the audience was immediately in a mess!

“Two hundred and ten Nine Yang Crystals!”

“Two hundred and twenty pieces!”

“I have helped out two hundred and fifty pieces of Nine Yang Crystals from all over the world, and I will see who dares to rob me!”

“Fuck you, the Four Seas Salt Gang is a fart, I Vulcan taught two hundred and sixty pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, this ‘Divine Substitute Charm’ is none other than me!”

This time, before the four supreme beings could even speak, the other martial artists present made a pot of porridge in a complete mess, and some of them even reported their identities and wanted to suppress people with power, which showed how urgent their needs were for the “Divine Product Stand-in”!

In fact, the efficacy of the “Divine Product Stand-in Charm” is too anti-heavenly, quite a life for people, such a divine object, who in the audience is willing to miss it?

Soon, the price of the “Divine Product Stand-in” soared all the way to the sky-high price of one thousand Nine Yang Crystals, which made Ye Mo himself a little unexpected!

Because the cost of refining this spell could even be ignored, only a piece of unruly ‘Spirit Yellow Paper’, a few drops of Star Grade Demon Beast Essence Blood, plus his entire ninety thousand times of anti-heaven understanding!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Mo painted this “divine double”, a few breaths can draw one, a day to draw tens of thousands of pieces is not a problem, and there is no error, there is no failure!

Of course, Ye Mo would not be stupid enough to take out a bunch of “Divine Substitute Charms” for a low-priced auction, just as the so-called things are rare and expensive, he almost played this set of means to the extreme!

“This bunch of damn bastards!”

Chu screamed wildly at the crowd of crazy bidders around him, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he almost ran away on the spot!

For this “Divine Substitute”, he is also bound to get it!

However, if this trend continues, the price of this charm will undoubtedly be speculated out of a sky-high price, even if he wants to take this charm in his capacity, he is afraid that he will have to vomit three liters of blood!

How could he not be angry?

And most importantly, he did not dare to use his status as one of the four supreme powers to hinder the normal progress of the auction, otherwise arrogance would be a lesson for him, and he could only watch the situation develop, but he had no choice!

Seeing that the auction price had reached one thousand Yang Jing, the enthusiasm of the crowd had not diminished in the slightest!

Finally, Chu Furious Scream couldn’t help it, stood up and roared madly!

“Three thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals!”


As soon as this price came out, everyone really seemed to have poured a basin of cold water on their heads, and one by one with their mouths open and awkward pestles were in place!


Ye Mo frowned, this Chu roared in anger and nearly doubled the price, and the others were caught off guard, and they were too frightened by him to speak!

However, if it is auctioned according to the normal trend, with the enthusiasm of the crowd just now, three thousand pieces of “Nine Yang Crystals” are by no means the end of the “Divine Product Stand-in”!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo couldn’t help but take a deep look at Chu Furious, the four supreme beings of the Dark Path, sure enough, are all people with deep hearts, which cannot be underestimated!

Seeing that everyone was frightened by themselves and did not continue to shout, Chu Furious couldn’t help but smile triumphantly!

But he hadn’t had time to breathe a sigh of relief yet!

Suddenly, another voice sounded, completely freezing the smile on his face!

“Brother Chu is very imposing, but I don’t want to let go of this ‘Divine Substitute Charm’ easily, and I also ask Brother Chu to forgive me!”

Gu Qianfan stood up, first arched his hand towards Chu Furious, and then said, “Three thousand and one hundred Nine Yang Crystals, I want this ‘Divine Product Stand-in Charm’!” ”

“Lonely Qianfan, just when you called for the ‘Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’, this seat did not interfere!”

Chu Fang’s face was livid, his personal relationship with Gu Qianfan had always been good, he didn’t expect that at this time, the other party actually came out to contradict him, and even didn’t give his face, it was really a ruthless friendship before the heavy treasure!

“Brother Chu, at this time and at another time, that ‘Little Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’ is of little use to you, but this ‘Divine Substitute Charm’ is of great use to me, Brother Chu forgives, forgive me for being difficult to cut love!” Gu Qianfan was not moved, said lightly!

“Three thousand and one hundred Nine Yang Crystals, is there any price increase?” Ye Mo smiled lightly, while using the afterglow of the corner of his eyes to sweep towards the arrogant Wuxin and Fu Hongyi, who had never opened their mouths!

Arrogant still lowered his head and frowned, not knowing what he was planning.

However, Fu Hongyi was still that cold look, as if he was not interested in this “Divine Substitute Charm” at all!

This actually made Ye Mo feel curious in his heart, such as the “Divine Product Substitute Charm”, such a life-saving artifact, Fu Hongyi did not bid, what was her plan?

At this moment, Arrogant and inadvertently raised his head, almost pulling his throat and shouting, “Lord Ye Zong, I am willing to give up a ‘Three Talents Mineral Vein’ three thousand miles outside the ‘Skeleton City’ to Guizong, just in exchange for this ‘Divine Product Substitute Charm’, I don’t know if Lord Ye is interested?” ”


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

The so-called Sancai Mineral Vein is the mineral that can produce Xingchen Crystal, Yuehua Crystal and Jiuyang Crystal at the same time, and as long as it is mined, it will continuously supply the “Sancai Crystal”, and its own value is simply immeasurable!

“Oh? Are you willing to take control of the Three Talents Vein and exchange it for my charms? Ye Mo was also a little surprised, he didn’t expect that in order to get this “Divine Product Stand-in Charm”, he would actually put down such a bloody cost, and he could see that this old product was really very important to his own life!

“Yes, this three-talent vein can mine at least fifty pieces of high-quality Nine Yang Crystals every month, and as for the Star Crystal and the Moon Crystal, it is even more uncountable, if Brother Ye is interested, I am proud to be willing to give it up!” Arrogant said in a deep voice.

Of course, he was also forced to do so, in fact, there were only more than three thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, and he was not unable to get out!

But he had been too miserable by Ye Mo pit before, just because of the four great artifacts that refined the “Nine Turns Reconstructed Dan”, he estimated that he would have to lose all the coffin books, where was the spare money to bid on this “Divine Product Stand-in”?

In desperation, Arrogant Heartless could only take out the treasure at the bottom of his own pressure box, anyway, he left Qingshan in the absence of firewood, and it was a big deal to find an opportunity later, and then snatch back the three talents of the vein! _

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