At this moment, with Ye Mo’s words just now, at least 50% of the crowd present changed their minds on the spot and wanted to join the Invincible Battle Sect!

As for the other fifty percent…

In addition to some people who were still watching, there were also some people who had great covetousness for the wealth of the Invincible War Sect, such as the arrogance of the “White Bone Old Ancestor”!

“This ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ has so many good things, especially this Ye Mo, if you can snatch this Sect Gate down, and then capture this Ye Mo alive, so that he can only refine the alchemy for me for the rest of his life…”

Thinking of this, the spirit in the eyes of the arrogant heartless heart was great, and the excitement trembled slightly!

“Senior Elder, the next thing is up to you!” Before Ye Mo left, he gave another explanation to Ouyang Xiu under the stage.

“Rest assured, the small one will never disappoint you!” Ouyang Xiu nodded hurriedly and walked up to the high platform.

This was something they had discussed before, Ye Mo, as the suzerain, of course, could not personally preside over the auction all the time!

And Ouyang Xiu has been mixed in the “Land of Riots” for many years, and he is a Danshi himself, and he has long been familiar with this auction link, so it is of course most appropriate for him to preside over the auction.

“Lord Ye Zong walked slowly.”

At this time, the four strong people also got up to send off.

“Lost company.”

Ye Mo nodded to the four of them before turning around and leaving the martial arts arena.

However, after stepping into the martial arts field, he did not leave directly, but quietly listened to the movement coming out of the field.

“Gentlemen, dear Ouyang Xiu, thanks to the great love of my family’s son, I have been granted the position of Grand Elder of the Invincible Battle Sect, just as the so-called Lu Zhongjun of the Eating King, the next auction will be taken over by me, please give you a few thin noodles, maintain the order of the venue, of course, my Invincible Battle Sect will also come up with treasures that satisfy everyone, and will never let everyone return empty-handed!”

“Haha, the Great Elder is polite, the name of the ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’ in the whole land of riots who does not know who does not know?”

“You will preside over the auction, I am relieved!”

“May I ask the Grand Elder, what else is there to auction next?” Hurry up and take it out! ”

“Yeah, yeah, we can’t wait!”

“Oh, this first auction item is a Nine Yang Grade Divine Sword that my son personally refined!”


With a loud sword sound, the atmosphere of the entire martial arts arena was once again pushed to the peak!

“This sword, named ‘Qingxiao’, ranks among the Nine Yang Divine Spirit Weapons, and its sharp edge is enough to blow hair and break hair; its toughness is strong enough to be unbent, not only that, this ‘Qingxiao Sword’ can also magnify the ‘power of the three talents’ in the warrior’s body by ten times, which is actually a rare divine weapon in the world!”

“The starting price of this sword is one thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, and each time the price is not one hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, please be sure to grasp the opportunity, to know that the divine soldiers that my son personally refined, that is not every day.”

“I’ll give out eleven hundred Nine Yang Crystals!”

“I’m out of a thousand two hundred pieces!”


Hearing the shouts of the martial arts behind him, Ye Mo finally relaxed his mind, took another step, and flew away!

Along the broad road of the Invincible Battle Sect, Ye Mo directly came to the tower where the Heavenly Pavilion was located, and in one fell swoop, he sacrificed the 4,600 pieces of Nine Yang Crystals obtained from the auction, and smashed them into the “Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array”, completely activating the formation!

At the next moment, the “Three Talents Force” between heaven and earth swarmed, with the mountain gate of the “Invincible War Sect” as the core, and the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi within a radius of ten thousand miles was almost plundered!

Of course, this astonishing vision of heaven and earth could not conceal the magic eyes of many masters in the martial arts arena!

It’s just that Ye Mo’s magic powers, they have seen countless times in this short period of time, and at this time, they are all a bit strange, but they have not attracted much attention.

“These Nine Yang Crystals should be enough to support the ‘Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’ to run at full strength for a month!”

Feeling the “power of the three talents” in the “Heavenly Pavilion”, Ye Mo finally nodded with satisfaction!

Without staying in the ascent to the Heavenly Pavilion for long, Ye Mo quickly left the tower.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to grasp the improvement of cultivation, but that he had just jumped two great realms in a row, and his state of mind had not yet stabilized, and he was still unable to adapt to more powerful forces.

Although Ye Mo’s talent is superb, this kind of thing as a state of mind is not something that talent can make up, and only there is enough time to slowly recover!

But this time will not be too long.

According to Ye Mo’s estimation, in another ten days, his state of mind would be completely stabilized!

And at that time, it was the day when he stepped firmly into the peak of the Nine Yang Realm!

The auction was handed over to Ouyang Xiu, and the affairs of the Sect Gate were also responsible for Chu Laowei and Ram Kun, and Ye Mo was very bare and became a hand-throwing treasurer.

Idle, he suddenly remembered that the “Seventy-Two Absolute Swords” and “Thirty-Six Heavenly Swords” that he had created earlier were already somewhat unable to keep up with his current cultivation realm!

“Why don’t you take advantage of the situation now, find a quiet place to retreat for a few days, and then create a few sets of suitable martial arts by yourself!”

Having made up his mind, Ye Mo did not hesitate and walked directly towards the courtyard where he had previously retreated.

The sun rises and sets, and time flies fast.

A day later, with the successful conclusion of the opening ceremony of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, Ye Mo’s deeds also left with the crowd one after another, and soon spread throughout the entire land of riots!

And the most direct consequence of this is that the “Invincible Battle Sect”, which originally could not even recruit a single disciple, since the end of the opening ceremony, there has been a long queue of tens of miles on the plain outside the mountain gate!

Countless crowds of people came from all directions in the “Land of Riots”, scrambling to enter the “Invincible War Sect” to cultivate!

And Chu Laowei, who was originally in charge of recruiting disciples from the Sect Gate, was even more busy, and hundreds of disciples were drawn from within the Sect Gate to help, but he was still too busy to even go to the toilet!

It was really too many people who came to register, so much so that Chu Laowei began to suspect that even if these people were to make a floor shop inside the Sect Gate, it was estimated that they could not accommodate it!

In the end, seeing that the number of applicants was endless, Chu Lao’s crooked appetite was raised.

So, there was the following strange scene!

“Hello Elder, I’m here to sign up.” A bald scarface man licked the old man’s face and looked at Chu Lao’s crooked face with a look of aversion!

Chu Laowei just looked at him, and didn’t even ask for the details, so he directly shook his head and scolded: “Roll, unqualified!” “_

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