
The big man looked confused, and before he could react to what was going on, he listened to Elder Chu and continued, “The disciples recruited by this sect must look good, and your ugly appearance will seriously affect the face of our sect, you can roll!” ”

“You… What is your reason? ”


The big man was so angry that he spewed out a mouthful of old blood on the spot!

But Old Man Chu simply ignored his set!

He was now a very principled person, and although Ye Mo did not set any strict rules for recruiting disciples, Chu Laowei was extremely “smart” and realized a set of himself.

For example: ugly looks do not collect, affecting the face of the sect; Those who are too fat do not collect, and eat too much Zongmen at a loss; Too thin can not be collected, no strength can do anything?

There are also such things as not men and women do not collect, like to engage in the base of the non-collection, the body has a disability does not collect, too short do not collect, too tall also do not collect…

All in all, in short, he doesn’t like it, even if you are the “Supreme Heavenly Son”, you will all get out of the egg…

For this kind of strange way of recruiting disciples, the parties who came to register were scattered and hated, and they hated that they could not crush the goods into thousands of pieces on the spot!

Is this Nyima recruiting disciples, or is it a beauty pageant?

Where are the sects that still have to look at their faces and bodies when recruiting disciples?

Isn’t this Nyima the biggest fool in the world?

But although the people were angry, they dared to be angry and did not dare to speak!

What joke, people’s “invincible war sect” but even the four supreme beings of the “land of riots” do not dare to provoke the existence, they are only a few pounds or two, do not want to die?

In desperation, the crowd could only break their teeth and swallow into their stomachs, daring to be angry and dare not speak.

And in order to please the old and crooked Chu, what is more, before coming to Zongmen to register, he also ran to various flower streets and willow alleys to find some “Qing officials” who were good at dressing up to make up for themselves in advance…

Everyone can imagine the same, a group of five big and three thick, knife-head licking blood-shaped big men, one by one specially made heavy makeup, smiling and smiling, Gu Pansheng posture…

That scene is enough to make people vomit three liters of blood!

Of course, this is also Ye Mo is in retreat, not knowing that the piece of recruiting disciples has been so dark and miasma that has been crooked by Chu Lao, if he knew, he would definitely not be able to help slapping this product into!

Just when the “Invincible War Sect” was in full swing to recruit disciples, Ye Mo did not know that a terrifying conspiracy against him was already secretly and quietly about to take shape!

Skeleton City, located in the eastern part of the “Land of Riots”, was founded by Lao Zu “arrogantly and carelessly, covering an area of millions of acres and a population of millions!”

Although in terms of reputation, all four members of the “Land of Riots” are all alone!

But in fact, the four powerful “riot lands” have dominated for so many years, and everyone has their own team.

And the skeleton city is the proud back garden!

Late that night, at the top of the highest “Skeleton Tower” in Skeleton City, the four supreme beings gathered together at a rare sight, as if something important was being discussed!

“Brother Pride, you are in such a hurry to let us come over, what is your noble purpose?”

Chu Fangxiao sat in his seat and looked at the arrogance on the first place with a puzzled face.

Originally, he had just returned to his territory from the “Invincible Battle Sect”, and his feet were not yet hot, so he received an urgent letter from Arrogant Wuxin, saying that there was something important to discuss, and he must come to the “Skeleton City” as soon as possible!

Although the four strong men have always been in a competitive trend behind their backs.

But on the surface, for the particularity of the land of riots, over the years, the four people have also watched over each other and responded to each other.

It is precisely because of this that the land of riots can exist in the Zhongwu Domain where there are many sects and strong people to this day, and it has always maintained its own unique tradition – transcendent and indisputable from the world!

“Yes, Brother Pride, is it possible that some eye-opening Six-Star Sect Gate wants to attack our place of riots?” Gu Qianfan also asked at the side, killing the machine in his eyes!

Only Fu Hongyi was still that cold look, and no one knew what she was thinking.


At this time, the chief arrogant Wuxin took a deep breath, and first arched his hand to the crowd, and then asked, “In fact, I invited everyone to come this time to ask everyone what their views on this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’?” ”

“‘Invincible Battle Sect’?”

When the other three powerful people heard this, they all frowned!

“Good value for money”

Arrogant Wuxin nodded, and said in a cold tone, “Everyone should know how much oil and water Ye Mo has caught at the auction of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ this time!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the three powerful people were all stagnant!

At the auction of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, the four of them all participated in the whole process, in addition to the reason that they did not participate in the auction because they wanted to collect the materials of the “Nine Turns Reconstructed Dan”, even Fu Hongyi, who has always been cold, spent thousands of dollars at that auction and purchased a lot of auxiliary treasures!

Plus the participation of other warriors in the “Land of Riots”!

It is no exaggeration to say that the “Invincible Battle Sect” alone has obtained at least 50,000 pieces of “Nine Yang Crystals” by relying on this auction!

Exactly 50,000 pieces of “Nine Yang Crystals”!

This amazing wealth, even if it is as strong as arrogance and inadvertence, can’t help but be dazzled!

At this moment, with the arrogant and unintentional fluttering words, Chu Furious Roar and Gu Qianfan finally realized the horror in this, and their eyes couldn’t help but shine!

It could be seen that they had already guessed what Ao Wuxin was going to say next!

Sure enough, after seeing the reactions of the two people, Arrogant Wuxin finally died without being surprised!

“We must not allow this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ to continue to develop, otherwise it will not be long before the entire ‘Land of Riots’ will become their vassal!”

“Brother Pride, what do you mean…” Chu asked in a long tone, staring at Ao Wuxin with a dead heart!

“Oh, why did the proud brother knowingly ask?”

Arrogant Wuxin sneered and said lightly, “With that Ye Mo’s skill, I don’t believe that everyone here is not impressed!” ”

Speaking of this, Arrogant Wuxin hit the railway while it was hot: “Gentlemen, that Ye Mo created a sect gate on his own, and he only held a mere auction, and he snatched 50,000 pieces of Nine Yang Crystals from the entire ‘Land of Riots’!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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