“If that’s the case, then I wouldn’t mind letting you in and plug it in!”

Chu Furious groaned slightly, and finally nodded slowly!

However, he still added: “However, we have said that in the front, after the complete destruction of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, Ye Mo must be controlled by the four of us, and your ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ must not interfere!” ”

“Oh, this is good to say, our ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ is originally open to do business, only interested in the Auxiliary Dao Treasure of the Leaf Ink Refining, how the four adults want to dispose of that Ye Mo, has nothing to do with our ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’!”

Speaking of this, Yu Wenzhi added with a smile: “However, after the four adults capture that leaf ink, I hope that the various auxiliary treasures he will refine in the future, and the four adults can give priority to selling us the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ at a price lower than the market price, which is our only request!” ”

“Well, that’s it!”

Arrogant and unintentional, Chu Furious and Gu Qianfan did not have any opinions.

After all, the “Hon Hai Business Alliance” has made such a big effort, but it only wants to buy some Ye Mo refining auxiliary treasures at a low price, and no matter how they look at this kind of business, they will not lose!

Seeing the reaction of the three people, the corners of Yumeji’s mouth silently evoked a strange arc!

“Oh, a bunch of fools, do you really think that our Hon Hai Business Alliance will stupidly waste their efforts to let you get all the benefits alone?” Naive! ”

At this moment, a cold sound like a cuckoo suddenly sounded.

“This matter has nothing to do with me!”

When the words fell, I saw Fu Hongyi gently jump out of the window of the tower, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye!

“Lord Fu Gong…”

Yuwen Zhi subconsciously shouted, but was interrupted by the arrogant waving!

“Ahem! No need to bark, this woman has always acted secretly, she does not participate in just right, and one less person shares the benefits! ”

“But… She won’t leak the news of our conspiracy to deal with the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ to Na Ye Mo…” Yuwen Zhi asked worriedly.

“Haha, Brother Yuwen is worried, with Fu Hongyi’s character, unless the sky is falling, she will definitely not collude with that Ye Mo!” Chu Furious said with a determined face!

“Nice! This woman does not care to engage in such conspiracies, and if she wants to fight against us, she will just do it! Gu Qianfan also nodded with a bitter smile!

“This… All right! ”

Yuwen Zhi heard this, and this was quietly relieved.

Next, several people discussed some details and determined the time to start.

It wasn’t until dusk that the crowd left the Skeleton City one after another!

At the same time, the “Invincible Battle Sect” was 100,000 miles away, in a quiet courtyard.

Ye Mo sat cross-legged on the ground, ninety thousand times the transcendent talent, countless miraculous tricks and secret techniques like a horse and a flower, flashing in his mind!

At this moment, he was still trying to find a way to create his own mastery, and he didn’t know that a huge conspiracy against him had quietly begun to operate!


“Still not!”

With his hands unconsciously performing martial arts in the void, Ye Mo murmured in his mouth, he had already vetoed countless sets of mysterious tricks that were enough to make the world crazy!

This time, he was specially designed to deduce a new martial art!

Although with his talent, with just one thought, he can create countless powerful martial arts!

However, in line with the principle of not making a sound, Ye Mo has already made up his mind, and he is bound to create a set of his own unique worldly learning!

After a good half a day, Ye Mo still found nothing, and he couldn’t help but wake up from the state of concentration, and his eyes were thoughtful.

Reach into your arms and gently wipe it on Sumire’s bag!

The next moment, a knife, a sword, fell into his left hand!

Only to see that the long knife on the left is about three feet and seven inches long, with a simple shape, a long and round handle, and a smooth body like water.

However, such a unique sword was surprisingly not opened!

Looking further down, in the middle of the sword, there are two dragons flying and phoenix dancing in the cursive characters: No Front!

That’s right, this is a bladeless knife!

The long sword in his right hand is about three feet and three inches long, the whole body is as red as blood, the blade of the sword is as cold as frost, under the illumination of the sunset, the whole body of the sword emits a strange ghostly light, let people look at it, they will be distracted, and the strangeness is extreme!

This sword also has a very apt name – “like blood”!

Wu Feng was like blood, it was Ye Mo who had personally created two Nine Yang Grade Divine Soldiers!

At this time, Ye Mo’s hands merged, and the tip of the knife in his hand lightly touched in the void!

Suddenly, the swords roared, shining against each other, as if they were fighting each other!

This sword and sword were all tempered after the baptism of the Divine Artifact Thunder Raid, whether it was “no blade” or “like blood”, they all gave birth to simple spiritual wisdom, that is, what we usually call the instrument spirit!

Instruments and spirits have knowledge, and they refuse to succumb to them!

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a deep understanding!

“The sword is the king of the soldiers!”

“The sword is the hegemon of the instrument!”

“The sword is combined, the overlord posture!”

With obscure language murmured in his mouth that was difficult for ordinary people to understand, Ye Mo’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and the brilliant light was like a flash of light, and the shining human eyes could not look directly!

The next moment, I saw him stand up impressively, jump into the air for more than a dozen feet, and the sword in his right hand came out, sprinkling a series of amazing sword lights, like a stroke of God, the finishing touch!

“A sword of light cold nineteen states!”

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

The sword light landed on the ground, the terrifying sword qi roared away, and where it passed, the small courtyard was cut into several trillions of uniform dirt almost instantaneously, and then “crackled” and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of ruins!

But that’s just the beginning!

Only to see that Ye Mo seemed to have entered some strange state of epiphany, the movements in his hands did not stop, the sword was withdrawn, and the power was poured out of eternity!

“A knife is not enough!”


A hundred-foot-long sharp sword slashed down from the sky, and it actually split a bottomless trench within the entire Invincible Battle Sect’s mountain gate, and within that trench, there was even a rolling stream of water!

This knife even split the water source hidden in the depths of the earth, which showed the huge amount of sword qi and the power of the near ghost god! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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