“What’s going on?”

“Is there a foreign invasion?”

At the same time, the movement here quickly attracted the attention of countless Invincible Battle Sect disciples around them, and dense footsteps came from all directions!

But Ye Mo didn’t pay any attention at all, this time, his sword was combined, and the third move was already out of his hand! “A lot of blood screaming in the world!”

The sword and sword combined, the heavens and earth cracked, Ye Mo once again used it with two purposes, the left hand sword force split Huashan, the right hand sword sword sword was like a dragon, and the sharp sword wind sword qi actually formed a death field covering ten miles in mid-air, even the air began to shatter, and the space was even more distorted and deformed, like a scene of the end of the world!


Seeing this amazing scene, those disciples who were planning to come to investigate all subconsciously stopped and looked at the endless sword qi sword in mid-air in horror!

Finally, the movement here attracted the attention of the top level of the “Invincible Battle Sect”!

The first to arrive were Grand Elder Ouyang Xiu and the Fourth Elder Du Yan!

Behind them, there were also six figures of different shapes coming one after another, and the momentum emanating from each of them was no weaker than Ouyang Xiu and Du Yan, and they were all legendary Nine Yang Realm Supreme Strongmen!

“What kind of person would dare to make trouble in my invincible Battle Sect?”

Ouyang Xiu took ten steps and led the crowd in front, his body was fierce, and his speed was as fast as a streamer!

But before he could even walk to the front, he saw the tall figure slowly descending in mid-air!

“Male… Son? Ouyang Xiu’s face was stunned, and he subconsciously stopped!

At the same time, Du Yan and the six Nine Yang Realm Strongmen also stopped their bodies and landed behind him!

“Huh? What is the suzerainty doing here? One of the crane-haired and childlike old men frowned and looked at Ye Mo in mid-air, and asked with a puzzled “smile”!

That’s right, just a laugh!

Although the old man’s expression did not show the slightest emotion of joy, the strange curvature of the corners of his mouth seemed to be innate, giving people a feeling of laughing all the time!

At this time, if there are well-informed people in the “Land of Riots” here, they will be able to recognize the identity of the old man at a glance, it is the “Land of Riots” famous “Smiley Butcher” Duanmu Lingfeng, a veritable Nine-Yang Realm Fourfold Heavenly Strongman!

Not only him, but the remaining five Nine Yang Realm strong men were also the most famous party giants in the “Land of Riots”, from left to right, they were the “Great Desert Wolf King” Jin Chixing, and there were Nine Yang Realms One Heavy Heaven Cultivation; “Extreme Dao Sword Demon” Xiao Wuji, Nine Yang Realm Dual Heaven Cultivation; “Ancient Temple Demon Monk” Pure Space, Nine Yang Realm Five-Fold Heaven Cultivation; “Qiankun Badao” Xiu Rui, Nine Yang Realm Triple Heaven Cultivation; “Dead Wood Sorcerer” Duan Ao, the Nine Yang Realm Sevenfold Heaven Cultivation!

These six Nine Yang Realm top strongmen were exactly the sixth of the Ten Inner Gate Elders who had just joined the Invincible Battle Sect!

If you add the “Bloodthirsty Dan God” and the “Blood Claw Eagle King” Du Yan!

At this moment, among the ten Inner Gate Elders of the Invincible Battle Sect, except for the Second Elder Ramming Kun and the Third Elder Chu Laowei who only had the Yuehua Realm, the remaining eight Elder Yang Realm Strongmen could be described as extremely strong, and there was no difference for a while!

Of course, all of this was arranged by Ouyang Xiu and others themselves.

Because since the end of the auction, Ye Mo had grinned greatly and started to throw his hands at the treasurer, and he didn’t pay any attention to the trivialities of the Sect Gate at all, and directly began to retreat!

However, the momentum of the “Invincible Battle Sect” can also be regarded as completely fighting out with that auction!

And these six powerful people were carefully selected by Ouyang Xiu from hundreds of Nine Yang Realm strongmen!

Among them, Duan Ao, who was the highest “Dead Wood Sorcerer”, even had the Sevenfold Heaven Cultivation of the Nine Yang Realm, even compared to the four supreme beings of the “Land of Riots”, I was afraid that I would not let go of more!

At this time, Ye Mo was trying to perform the last move he had just created, and it was also the strongest killing move!

But then, he sensed the breath of many Nine Yang Realm strongmen, and immediately suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and put away the “no blade” and “like blood” in his hand!

“This set of martial arts will be called ‘Sword and Sword Hegemony’ in the future!”

Giving an apt name for the powerful martial arts he had just created, Ye Mo shook his head, and then turned to look at Ouyang Xiu not far away.

“Senior Elder, how did you get here?”

“Gongzi, it turns out that you were just cultivating, and I thought there was some incredible invasion of foreign enemies!”

Looking at the ruins and chaos all around him, Ouyang Xiu smiled bitterly!

Speaking of what kind of sin this small courtyard has suffered, the last time Ye Mo retreated here, he almost threw this small courtyard upside down!

Ouyang Xiu sent people to finish correcting it with difficulty, but it wasn’t a few days before Ye Mo ran over again, this time it was good, not even a complete tile was left…

This made Ouyang Xiu can’t help but sigh, daring to act so arbitrarily in his own sect, smashing all the time, and without pity, the whole world is only afraid that Ye Mo is alone!

However, with the current financial resources of the Invincible Battle Sect, even if ten more mountain gates were built, it would be a dime a dozen for Ye Mo, so he didn’t pay attention to it at all!

At this time, Ouyang Xiu walked over with a group of elders behind him!

“See Gongzi!”

After coming to Ye Mo’s body, Ouyang Xiu took the lead in bowing down and performing the salute, and several elders behind him also followed suit, bending down and bowing their hands and performing the subordinate salute.

However, there was another person who stood in place and did not even move, which seemed extremely abrupt among the many elders, and it was Duan Ao, who was the highest “dead wood sorcerer”!

“Great Elder, what are they?”

Ye Mo coldly glanced at Duan Ao and asked Ouyang Xiu in front of him.

“Prince Yu, these six are the Inner Gate Elders that our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ has just entered under the door, and they are all Nine Yang Realm Strongmen!” Ouyang Xiu respectfully replied.

“Oh?” Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and looked at everyone again, obviously not expecting the Invincible Battle Sect to be able to gather the Ten Great Inner Gate Elders so quickly.

“Son, please allow me to introduce you to you.”

Ouyang Xiu said a word again, and then began with Duanmu Lingfeng, the “Smiley Butcher”, and introduced Ye Mo in detail.

However, when Ouyang Xiu had just finished introducing Duanmu Lingfeng, and was introducing Duan Ao, the other party waved his hand impatiently!

“Ouyang Xiu, I don’t need to introduce my name, after all, my name of ‘Dead Wood Sorcerer’, who else in the whole ‘Land of Riots’ doesn’t know who doesn’t know?” _

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