Duan Ao, “Dead Wood Sorcerer”, had a proud face, and even the title of “Great Elder” was useless, and directly called Ouyang Xiu by his name!


Ye Mo looked at Duan Ao with a curious look on his face and sneered, “What? Are you famous? ”

“Have you not heard the name of the old man?” Duan Aoyan frowned!

“Oh, Ben Gongzi has never been interested in some cats and dogs!” Ye Mo sneered mercilessly!


Duan Ao’s face darkened!

And Ouyang Xiu on the side was even more desperate to make eyes at him!

But Duan Ao didn’t seem to see it at all, and he was still the one who did his own thing!

“Ahem! I didn’t expect that the suzerainty of the ‘Invincible War Sect’ was actually a lonely and unheard of person, or since you had never heard of the old man’s name, the old man would now solemnly introduce himself to you! ”

Speaking of this, Duan Ao coughed lightly, and then put his hands behind his back, pretending to be a superb master, and then proudly said: “Old man Duan Ao, the ‘land of riots’ is called dry …”

“Okay, you can roll!”

Before Duan Ao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Mo’s impatient direct waving!

“You… What did you say? ”

Duan Ao looked at Ye Mo in disbelief, almost thinking that he had heard wrong!

“I said, you can roll, are you deaf or blind?”

Ye Mo scolded mercilessly, shaking the eight elders in front of him and inhaling a cool breath!

“Ye Mo Xiao’er, you are deceiving people too much!”

Finally, Duan Ao came back to his senses and thought that he was a powerful person of the Nine Yang Realms and the Seventh Heaven Strongman, the famous Dead Wood Sorcerer of the entire “Land of Riots”, He had suffered from such bird qi, and immediately ran away!

But Ye Mo didn’t even bother to look at him, and directly took out a golden array of flags from his arms, and immediately stretched out his hand!

The next moment, the endless horror sword light fell from the sky, and the hooded man with his face slashed at the “Dead Wood Sorcerer” Duan Ao, it was the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”!

“Son, don’t!” Ouyang Xiu’s scalp tingled with fright, and he quickly drank loudly!

But Ye Mo has always done nothing, and where will he listen to him, he can be described as ruthless!

“You’re looking for death!”

Feeling the sharp and sharp qi falling from the sky, Duan Ao’s face changed drastically, and he did not dare to be careless, and he quickly raised his palm, and in an instant, he slapped hundreds of palms towards the sky!

“Dead wood spring, master dry glory!”

Boom, boom, boom…

The furious Yang Yuan roared and swept through, and the palm power of the sky filled the sky, almost covering the sky, and the sound was amazing!

Unfortunately, the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array” was an anti-heaven god array that even the “White Bone Old Ancestor” was proud of and had no heart, and although Duan Ao’s strength was not weak, it was still worse than pride!

The next moment, just listening to the “poof, poof, poof” a series of Duan Ao’s majestic palm strength could even hold on for a breath, and he was stabbed by the sword light and turned into nothingness!

“What the are you, and do you dare to show off your might in front of this prince?”

“Kneel down for me!”

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

At this time, the banner in Ye Mo’s hand pressed down again, and an endless sword light fell from the sky, as if it was endless and endless!

“I fought with you!”

Duan Arrogant roared angrily, although he had the heart to capture Ye Mo who was close at hand!

But the sword light in the sky came too much and too quickly, and it didn’t give him even the slightest time to breathe!

In desperation, Duan Ao could only raise his palm to the sky again and resist with his life!

Bang, bang, bang, bang…

The palm power is flying, and the sword light is roaring!

This time, Duan Ao could no longer resist the erosion of so much sword qi, and as soon as the palm power of the cover was exhausted, it was driven straight into the chest by a long stream of sword qi, and it was stabbed into the chest fiercely!


Duan Ao screamed bitterly and collapsed on the ground!

At this time, Ye Mo put away the battle flag, took a sharp step forward, looked at Duan Ao and said coldly: “Duan Ao is right, I am not afraid to tell you, this prince accepts you into the sect, that is to give you face, to see you, otherwise, with your kind of scum, even if you are not qualified to be a dog next to this prince, you still want to make a fuss and take the lord?” ”

“What a fucking face!”


A sound, a sentence, like a heavy hammer, smashed into Duan Ao’s chest!

He was already injured now, and he was so ruthlessly scolded by Ye Mo, and under the anger, he finally couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood, and his face was suddenly as pale as paper, and he couldn’t even stand up!

“The four elders obey!”

At this time, Ye Mo suddenly shouted!

“The subordinates are here, what does the prince command?” Du Yan quickly stood up and bent down to hold his fist!

Ye Mo coldly glanced at Duan Ao, and then waved his hand disdainfully!

“Kill him!”


As soon as these words came out, not only Duan Ao himself, but even several other Inner Gate Elders who had just joined the Invincible Battle Sect couldn’t help but be stunned and inhale a cool breath!

No one expected that Duan Ao could only say a few slightly out of line words, and he was directly sentenced to death by Ye Mo!

This killing heart is also too strong!

“Yes, son!”

However, when Du Yan heard Ye Mo’s command, he didn’t even dare to put one on the fart, and decisively walked towards Duan Ao!

Because he knows what kind of temper his own son is, and he also knows that the other party is angry, at this time, if there is a little hesitation, or a plea, it is simply that he is uncomfortable with himself!

Therefore, Du Yan resolutely chose to obey the order!

“No… Don’t, male… Spare your life, spare your life…”

Seeing that Du Yan was full of murderous spirit, he walked towards himself step by step!

This time, Duan Ao was really panicked, and he couldn’t take care of the serious injuries on his body, so he fell to his knees on the ground with a “poof” and prostrated his head at Ye Molian!

Unfortunately, Ye Mo’s killing machine has been decided, and it doesn’t matter who you are!


The next moment, Du Yan slapped Duan Ao’s Heavenly Spirit Cover with a slap, directly slapping him to death!


At this point, the remaining five newly promoted elders finally couldn’t help but inhale a cool breath, and their bodies trembled like chaff in fear!

“Ahem! If you know it now, why did you do it in the first place? ”

Ye Mo glanced disdainfully at the ground, Duan Ao, who had not closed his eyes until his death, then raised his head, and swept his cold and fierce gaze over several other elders who had just entered the sect, and his tone was as cold as frost! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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