“This prince is putting his words here today, I don’t care who you are, and no matter how great your status and status were before, today, since you have joined my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, you must obediently obey my commands, it is the dragon, yours is coiled for me, it is the tiger, you have to lie down for me, if anyone dares to cultivate to be high, he will try to be a blessing in the sect gate…”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo’s eyes flashed with a killing chance!

“This pride is your end, do you understand?”

“Listen… Got it! ”

The five newly promoted elders present were frightened and clever, and their heads nodded like chickens pecking at rice, how dare they say half a word?

“Good value for money”

Seeing the performance of the crowd, at this point, Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction!

“Elder Elder and Fourth Elder, you two come with me, and the rest of you have nothing to do, so let’s disperse!”

“Yes, son!”

When the elders heard this, they carefully retreated one after another.

Soon, only Ye Mo, Ouyang Xiu, and Du Yan were left in the field.

At this time, Ouyang Xiu suddenly took a step forward, and with a “poof” sound, he fell to his knees in front of Ye Mo’s body!

“If your subordinates are not able to recruit elders, please ask the prince to give them sins!”

“Giving sin? What sin are you guilty of? Ye Mo asked incomprehensibly!

“This ‘Dead Wood Sorcerer’ Duan Pride was recruited into the Sect Gate by me, before I saw his strength and strength, I did not deeply investigate his heart, and now that the Gongzi is angry, the subordinates are really hard to blame, please Gongzi to give him the guilt!” Ouyang Xiu said heavily!

“Oh, you were talking about him…”

Looking at the dead corpse on the ground, Ye Mo waved his hand impatiently!

“Fourth Elder, give me the body of this old thing to clean up, and the province’s here will affect the cultivation of other disciples!”

“Yes, son!” When Du Yan heard this, he rushed forward to grab Duan Ao’s body, and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

“Great Elder, you don’t need to blame yourself, during this time, the Sect Gate has relied on the support of your four elders, and as a Great Elder, you have a lot of trivial matters, it is inevitable that there will be some omissions, just pay more attention to it in the future.” Ye Moyun said lightly, without the slightest intention of blaming Ouyang Xiu!

“Thank you for your understanding! The subordinates are willing to bow down and die for the Sect Gate! Ouyang Xiu said loudly with a grateful face.

“Okay, you come with me.”

Ye Mo said a word, and then turned around and took the lead in leading the way, followed by Ouyang Xiu.

Originally, he was planning to take Ouyang Xiudian with him, and then ask him how the progress of the Sect Gate in recruiting disciples was during the two days of retreat.

But not long after the two of them left, Ye Mo was shocked by what he saw!

I saw that inside the originally cold and wide mountain gate of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, I don’t know when it began, it became extremely crowded!

That’s right, it’s crowded!

From Ye Mo’s small courtyard of retreat to the Sect Gate’s Council Hall, this distance of less than ten miles, along the way, Ye Mo actually saw at least tens of thousands of disciples, saying that it was not an exaggeration to say that there were many people!

Not only that, the original towering seven functional halls of the “Invincible War Sect”, in addition to the “Great Hall of the Tibetan Scriptures” he had not yet had time to decorate, the other six halls were also crowded with people, overcrowded, and countless young disciples wearing the uniforms of the Invincible War Sect were coming and going from inside, coming in and out, a lively and thriving scene!

Along the way, Ye Mo walked around and watched the flowers, and his mouth was amazed!

But gradually, he finally found out that something was wrong!

Because of so many new disciples, he came all the way, and he didn’t even find an ugly one from inside, whether the male disciple was a female disciple, either handsome and extraordinary, with a well-proportioned body, or beautiful as a flower, graceful and beautiful…

What is the situation with this Nyima?

“Senior Elder, I’ve only been in retreat for two days, so how did the Sect Gate recruit so many disciples at once?”

Finally, Ye Mo could no longer hold back the question in his heart, and asked Ouyang Xiu beside him!

“Also, these disciples are all very good-looking and talented, so are they really martial practitioners in the ‘Land of Riots’?”

In Ye Mo’s impression, the martial cultivation of the “Land of Riots” was either five big and three thick, with a large waist and a round waist, or a scarred face and bald head, and a fierce appearance.

Why are these disciples of Konyima’s own sect so pleasing to the eye one by one?

If this is an unsuspecting person who comes in, it is estimated that he will not believe that his “Invincible Battle Sect” is a sect established in the “Land of Riots”…


Ouyang Xiu’s face turned red when he heard the old man’s words, and he had actually heard about Chu Lao’s crooked misdeeds!

But he also knew that the fame of the “Invincible Battle Sect” was too great now, and there were too many people who signed up!

Although Chu Lao’s crooked method was strange, it was also a good idea, otherwise, if he recruited disciples according to Ye Mo’s standards, it was estimated that half of the martial practitioners of the “Land of Riots” would join the “Invincible Battle Sect”, how could the Sect Gate accommodate so many people?

After a little hesitation, Ouyang Xiu still did not dare to conceal it, and immediately explained the actual situation to Ye Mo in detail, until Ye Mozhen’s eyes were stunned, full of black lines!

“Which of my tendons was wrong in the first place, that I entrusted the heavy task of recruiting disciples to that stupid man of Chu Laowei…” Ye Mo helplessly held his forehead!

While talking, the two of them paced forward in the Sect Gate, and it didn’t take long for them to come to the Sect Gate’s Hall of Deliberations!

After disposing of Duan Ao’s body, Du Yan also came to the council hall to wait for Ye Mo’s orders.

After entering the council chamber, Ye Mo first summoned several guard disciples and asked them to summon Chu Laowei and Ram Kun.

After the two of them arrived one after another, the five of them sat down one after another, and Ye Mo asked, “Tell me, during the time I was away, how was Zongmen progressing?” Elder, come first! ”

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu nodded, stood up quickly, and said respectfully, “Gongzi, at the last auction, Zongmen made a total profit of 57,000 pieces of ‘Nine Yang Jing’, and in the past two days, Zongmen has recruited a total of 1,317,662 disciples, 12,000 Zongmen deacons, 500 Outer Gate Elders, and 6 Inner Gate Elders… Five! ”

“Oh? So many people? Ye Mo was shocked to hear this, he still far underestimated the influence of the auction he had held before!

“Second Elder, what about you?”

Forcibly suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Ye Mo looked at the Ram Kun at the lower seat. _

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