“Gongzi, Zongmen has consumed a total of 1,400 pieces of the Nine Yang Crystals in these two days, and harvested 2,200 pieces, in addition to the consumption, we still have eight hundred pieces of Nine Yang Crystals left to make a profit!” Ram Kun said honestly.

“Take profit?”

Ye Mo asked incomprehensibly, “Second Elder, do you mean that we have recruited so many disciples, not only have we not lost money, but we have also made money?” ”

“Good value for money”

Ram Kun nodded triumphantly and proudly said, “Gongzi, through the last auction, you have completely beaten out the fame of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and now there is no one in the entire ‘Land of Riots’ who doesn’t know our Sect Gate, but even the four supreme beings don’t dare to provoke it?” ”

“Yes, although it has only been two days, there are already many large and small forces in the ‘Land of Riots’ who have come to our Sect Gate to issue tasks, and the Sect Gate’s ‘Mission Hall’ is currently running at full strength around the clock, which can create a steady stream of wealth for our Sect Gate!” Chu Laowei also added that there was still glory on his face!

“That’s right!” Ye Mo suddenly realized why there were so many sectarian forces in the Zhongwu Domain!

In just two days, he made a profit of eight hundred Nine Yang Crystals, and this was just the beginning!

This Nyima is the real cash cow!

“But there is one thing, it may be necessary to trouble the prince himself…”

At this time, Ouyang Xiu said a word on the side.

“Oh? What’s up? Ye Mo asked curiously!

“That’s right.”

Ouyang Xiu paused before continuing, “Since this time, the number of disciples recruited by the Sect Gate is really too many, and the various auxiliary Dao Treasures of the Four Great Resource Storage Halls are also extremely seriously consumed, according to my estimation, in seven days at most, the things you have refined before will be completely consumed by the disciples under the door!” ”

“Oh, that’s the way it is!”

Ye Mo suddenly realized that he knew that when the disciples of the Sect Gate completed their tasks, they could earn “Sect Gate Points”, and the Sect Gate Points could be exchanged for various cultivation resources in other halls, so that the cycle would continue to live, which was a long-standing tradition of the Xuanyun Continent!

Of course, the speed at which more than a million disciples consume resources is very fast, which is also reasonable.

“Don’t worry about this, when I have free time in the next few days, I will refine another batch of things to make up for the consumption of the great halls!”

Ye Mo waved his hand without any concern, with his talent, as long as one day, he could refine countless four auxiliary Dao artifacts, even if it was to maintain the daily consumption of the entire sect for a month, it would not be a problem, so he was not worried at all!

“Then there’s Lao Gongzi!” When the four elders heard this, they were relieved and quickly thanked them.

In fact, they didn’t want to find someone to share it for Ye Mo, such as Ouyang Xiu, who was also a Danshi, and he was also a Nine-Yang Grade Danshi, who had been immersed in alchemy for decades

And before, Ye Mo had also carefully taught him!

But even so, Ye Mo’s Dan Fang couldn’t come out yet!

It was really Ye Mo’s talent that was terrifying, a whole ninety thousand times more talented, so that the Dan Fang he created was simply not something that ordinary people could comprehend!

In desperation, Ouyang Xiu could only continue to ask Ye Mo with his eyes, only to feel that the name of his generation of “bloodthirsty Dan God” was simply not as good as a stinky on the street…

“That’s right!”

At this time, as if thinking of something, Ye Mo once again opened his mouth to the four people and asked, “That ‘Ascension Pavilion’ within the formation, I have all opened it two days ago, have any disciples recently entered it for retreat cultivation?” The result? How do you arrange the consumption of points? ”

“‘Ascending to the Heavenly Pavilion’?”

Ye Mo asked several questions in a row, and asked the four elders with a confused face.

“You don’t mean to tell me that in these two days, you have not opened the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’ to your disciples at all…”

Seeing such expressions from the four people, Ye Mo immediately had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart!

Sure enough, the faces of the four people directly turned black into the bottom of the pot, and Ouyang Xiu murmured even more, “Gongzi, you didn’t tell us about this matter before…”

“I went, and the great array inside the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’ would consume a hundred pieces of the ‘Nine Yang Crystals’ in one day, and you actually let him sit idle for two whole days?”

Ye Mo almost smiled, no wonder the treasures in the four storage halls would be consumed so quickly, the disciples under the Feeling Gate had no place to use the task points after completing them, and they could only run to exchange their cultivation treasures!

“The prince forgives the sin, and I will arrange it immediately!” Ouyang Xiu said as he got up and was going to leave!

“Forget it, there is no hurry at this time!”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly, waved his hand to stop him, and said, “If the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’ can be opened to the disciples under the door, presumably the consumption of resources in the other storage-type main halls will immediately slow down a lot!” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo added, “However, this ‘Heavenly Pavilion’ is, after all, the foundation of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and the Sect Gate Points it needs to consume must not be less, otherwise everyone can cultivate, what motivation will the disciples have to do things for the Sect Gate in the future?” Be sure to highlight the preciousness of this ‘Ascension Pavilion’! ”

“The subordinates understand!”

The four elders should be together.

“As for the disciples under the door, let’s stop recruiting them for the time being, too many people are not only difficult to manage, but also mixed, it is inevitable that something will happen, at present these disciples are enough, that is, there is still one Inner Gate Elder!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo again commanded Ouyang Xiu, “This matter of recruiting Inner Gate Elders, Grand Elder, or you should handle it yourself, remember, strength is not important, the most important thing is the heart!” ”

“Yes, son, the subordinates understand!” Ouyang Xiu heard the words and nodded his head hurriedly!

After the five of them chatted for a long time, Ye Mo finally waved his hand tired and issued an eviction order.

“Okay, there’s nothing for you to do here, let’s all go down.”

“The subordinates retreat.”

The four of them got up and were about to leave.

At this time, as if he had thought of something, Ouyang Xiu suddenly turned around, took out a dozen Sumire bags from his arms in a row, and reached out and handed them to Ye Mo.

“Gongzi, this is all the Nine Yang Crystals obtained from the last auction, except for some of the daily consumption used for the Sect Gate, the rest are here, please ask the Gongzi to look at it.” Ouyang Xiu said respectfully.

“No need, you keep these Nine Yang Crystals first, and then I’ll ask you when I need them!” Ye Mo didn’t even look at it and said directly. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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