“This… All right! ”

Ouyang Xiu hesitated, but still put away the Sumire bag again.

However, he did not forget to thank Shu Zero: “Thank you Gongzi for your trust, the subordinates will never let the Gongzi down!” ”

“Well, go for it!”

The words fell, and the four finally left the chamber.

Suddenly, Ye Mo was the only one left in the great chamber.

Stretching out, Ye Mo swung his feet on the round table in front of him, and narrowed his eyes easily!

Today, his “Invincible Battle Sect” is already a veritable Six-Star Sect Gate!

And there is still almost more than a month to go before the “Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle”, everything can be said to be ready, only the East Wind is owed!

He believed that it would not be long before the news of his creation of the Sect Gate Force in the Land of Riots would reach the ears of the Cardinal Divine Sect!

And then, it’s the day he comes home!

“Light dancing, father… Are you okay? ”

“I’ll be back to you soon!”


The familiar faces in his mind were recalled again, this time, Ye Mo did not cultivate, but allowed himself to gradually fall asleep, and the sweet snoring soon came out evenly from his sniffles, lingering in the vast chamber of deliberations…


The night is miserable, and the moon is hanging high.

The Far East of the “Land of Riots”, the top floor of a golden palace.

“Such a beautiful moonlight…”

Fu Hongyi was wrapped in a white dress, looking at each other by the railing, and in his watery eyes, it seemed to be printed with the entire bright moon, so beautiful that people could not breathe!

“It’s August again, and time flies so fast, I just don’t know if I’ll have a chance to see this wonderful moonlit in August…”

The red lips opened slightly, murmuring obscure words that others could not understand.

At this moment, Fu Hongyi, the famous “Blood Lotus Princess” of the “Land of Riots”, seemed to be just an ignorant girl who was lamenting that time was like flowing water, where was the intimidating master?

The willows on the moon, the beauty is picturesque!

But at this moment, Fu Hongyi seemed to sense something, turned around suddenly, and looked into a corner of the darkness!

At the same time, the rare touch of tenderness on her face also disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by the cold frost that seemed to have never melted in ten thousand years!



In the void, a mysterious figure seemed to have been born out of the void, and it appeared in the same place so suddenly!

“Palace Lord, I have to remind you that on the day of your return, there are only two months left!” The mysterious figure opened his mouth, the voice seemed to be close and far, as high as low, coupled with that wide burqa, it made people unable to distinguish whether he was a man or a woman, whether he was old or young, it was extremely strange!

“Ahem! No need to be reminded, Hongu has its own measure! ”

Fu Hongyi snorted coldly, as if he had long been accustomed to this person’s mystery, and did not show the slightest surprise.

“Oh? Is it? ”

The mysterious man said lightly!

“Do you dare to question Hongu’s words?” Fu Hongyi’s eyes were slightly cold, and he stared at the mysterious man coldly.

“Oh, the doubts can’t be discussed, the subordinates are just a little curious, in just two months, how can you achieve the glorious mission entrusted to you by the Lord of the Great Palace?”

Speaking of this, the mysterious man did not forget to add a sentence.

“You know, if you can’t cut off the love robbery for the lord of the palace this time, with the temper of the lord of the big palace, she will definitely kill you forever at all costs…”


Finally, Fu Hongyi couldn’t bear it any longer, and coldly rebuked: “My business, I have my own plans, if this time I really can’t make the trip, I am willing to die, what do I have to do with you?” ”

“Good! The palace lord really has courage! Since this is the case, then the subordinates will not say much, I wish the palace lord to complete his mission as soon as possible and return to the peak of the world, and the subordinates are waiting for the good news of your return in the ‘Blood Lotus Imperial Domain’! ”

As the words fell, the figure of the mysterious man was distorted again, and it disappeared in the same place so suddenly, without a trace!


Seeing the mysterious person disappear, Fu Hongyi was relieved, and that rare tenderness appeared on his face again!

“Love robbery, love robbery, what is love robbery?”

With a murmur in his mouth, Fu Hongyi looked up at the sky, his eyes full of puzzlement!

“I have been in this place of riot for five years, but until now, I have not been able to have even the slightest affection for anyone…”

“Then with affection, it will be merciless!”

“But if there is no place to send affection, how can it be said that there is a disaster?”

A sound, a sentence, like a dream, like a whisper.

Just when Fu Hongyi couldn’t figure it out, suddenly, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes!


Fu Hongyi’s heart was shocked, and he murmured in disbelief: “How could it be him, I obviously only met with him once…”


Time is like water, three days pass in the blink of an eye!

Early this morning, as soon as the sky was darkened, Ye Mo stepped out of the small courtyard where he lived, and walked towards the Sect Gate Hall in a big stride!

In the past three days, he had almost given up everything, not only had he not cultivated, he had not even asked about many chores of the Sect Gate, but he had calmed down and worked hard to restore a somewhat disordered state of mind due to the rapid improvement of cultivation!

Now, his state of mind had completely stabilized, and it had been exactly ten days since he had last broken through to the Nine Yang Realm!

Without any hesitation, Ye Mo immediately summoned the Sect Gate Elder and went to the council hall to gather.

After he planned to arrange the many trivial matters within the Sect Gate one by one, he would immediately begin the retreat and sprint to the peak of the Nine Yang Realm with all his might!

After all, in a world like Xuanyun Continent, where the weak prey on the strong, only strength is the root of everything!

And without strength, even if you have great ability, it is also a delusion!

“Hello suzerain!”

“I’ve seen the suzerain!”

Along the way, after seeing him, countless disciples immediately chose to bow down and perform the ritual, not daring to be sloppy in the slightest.

This made Ye Mo wonder greatly, although he had held an auction before, it was only for the leaders of the major forces in the entire “Land of Riots”!

In other words, these ordinary disciples who had just joined the sect were not eligible to participate, nor could they have seen him! _

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