“Gongzi, the little one has gained a little before, and the breakthrough is imminent, so he found a place to go to the retreat, until today he just broke through the barrier, please forgive the prince!” Pang Tu stood up and said respectfully, but a deep resentment flashed in his eyes!

“Ahem! As a law enforcement elder of the sect, you dare to leave your post without permission, and you do not explain the reason to this prince in advance, and when Pang Tu returns, you also play JJ ten thousand times, you two give me a bullet, and the rest of the elders are responsible for supervision, there must be no mistakes! Ye Mo said mercilessly!

Poof, poof, poof…

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the elders couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of old blood!

What the hell are the two of them playing JJ against each other, and they have to supervise it?

Just thinking about that strange picture, the elders only felt their scalps tingle!

“Yes, son, the subordinates admit punishment!”

Despite the hatred in his heart, he couldn’t immediately slash Ye Mo with a thousand knives!

But on the surface, Pang Tu still did not show any abnormality, just screamed madly in his heart!

“Damn bastard!”

“Up to now, you don’t even intend to let me go, and you’re still asking me for trouble for no reason!”

“Since you are not merciful first, then Hugh will blame me for my injustice!”

Ye Mo didn’t know Pang Tu’s intentions, it wasn’t that he was too careless, but he didn’t take Pang Tu’s unruly little role to heart at all!

But now he was afraid that no matter what, he would not think that it was precisely because of this inconspicuous little role that he was about to bring an unprecedented huge crisis to the “Invincible Battle Sect”!

“Have a meeting!”

With a wave of his hand, Ye Mo took a few steps forward, sat down in the chief, and began to inquire about the progress of the Sect Gate in the past few days.

At the same time, in the vast dense forest less than eighty miles away from the “Invincible Battle Sect” mountain gate, the three supreme powers, Arrogant Heartless, Chu Furious Roar, and Lone Qianfan, were now standing at the top of a towering giant tree, staring dead at the magnificent mountain gate of the “Invincible Battle Sect” not far away!

“That Pang Tu has now returned to the Sect, I just don’t know when he will act!” Arrogant and low-minded, muttering to himself.

“Rest assured, with that Pontius mentality, it will drag on for too long, so let’s just wait patiently.” Chu Furious smiled slightly, still the light and approachable shelf of the clouds.

“After the protection of this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ is broken, and Ye Mojiao personally disposes of it, I want to see how many moves he can take under my sword!” Gu Qianfan’s eyes were obviously because of the various things at the auction at the beginning, and he already hated Ye Mo to the bone!

“Lonely brother, don’t be angry, although Mo is hateful, his ‘Four Auxiliary Roads’ Dao Dao is of great use to us, and after the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’s protective mountain array is broken, if you want to shoot, we will not stop you, but if you export your breath, don’t hurt his life!” Chu screamed with a cautious face!

“Brother Chu rest assured, I know the weight!” Gu Qianfan sneered.

At this time, Ao Wuxin looked at the dense forest around him and asked with some puzzlement, “Didn’t Yuwen Zhi say that he wanted to send people to work with us to besiege the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’?” How come now, they still don’t see their ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’ coming? ”

“Ahem! That group of profiteers will only take advantage of the fire to loot, even if they come, they will not be of any great help, wouldn’t it be better not to come? Gu Qianfan scolded with a disdainful face.

“The lone brother’s words are bad, and although the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ started with business, their strength is not weak at all. According to legend, the ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ has a total of nine elders, and all of them are strong in the Nine Yang Realm, especially the elders in the top few, and they have the peak strength of the Nine Yang Realm, even if they are compared to a few of us, it is not to be too much to let go, absolutely can not underestimate them! Chu roared with a cautious remind.

“Of course, I know that they are not weak, but after all, this is the ‘land of riots’, our territory, even if they are strong, how big a wave can they make?” Gu Qianfan said proudly!

“That’s true, too!”

Arrogant and Furious Chu roared, and they also nodded their heads in understanding!

As Gu Qianfan said, the “Land of Riots” is of a special nature, a lot of knife heads licking blood of the hob meat who does not obey anyone, even the “Hon Hai Business Alliance” and other forces, can not be completely integrated, can only maintain a few small semicolons as much as possible in the periphery, but can not continue to grow the business, which can be seen!

So none of the three were too worried.

Just as the three of them were discussing how to divide up their great wealth after the collapse of the Invincible Battle Sect.

Less than fifty miles away from them, under a mountain pass, there was a group of people and horses waiting there for a while!

Only to see that this group of people and horses had thousands of people, and each one of them was armed with a blade, and the momentum was fierce, and if you looked closely, these people actually all had the cultivation behavior above the Moon Hua Realm!

The team composed of thousands of Moon Hua Realm strongmen, even in the “Land of Riots”, is definitely a strong man and a strong man!

At the same time, at the forefront of this team, there were three people sitting around a small round table, and on the table was a pot of tea, a few cups, and the three of them sat leisurely at the table, drinking tea and drinking water while talking loudly.

Of these three people, except for an old man with white hair and a thin figure with a slightly jerky face, the other two, Ye Mo had seen, were Tian Zhenyang, the seventh elder of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”, and the ninth elder Yuwen Zhi!

And that old man was the famous Three Elders of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance” laughing wildly, and the veritable Nine Yang Realm peak strongmen!

“Three elders, here is the wind to eat and camp, there is nothing to entertain, the old nine will replace the wine with tea, thank you the three elders can come from thousands of miles this time to help the old nine!”

At this time, Yuwen Zhi suddenly stood up, holding the teacup in one hand, and smiled gratefully at the wind!

“Haha, the Ninth Elder doesn’t need to be polite, this Ye Mo’s deeds, I’ve heard too much in the past few days, you did a good job this time, with this Ye Mo’s skill, he must be firmly held in the palm of our ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’, it concerns the thousands of generations of our Shang Alliance, this seat is just a few days of driving, and what is it?” The wind laughed wildly, and I could see that the mood was very good!

“What the Third Elder said is that if we can really bring that Ye Mo back on this trip, from now on, the entire Zhongwu Domain will only have to look at the face of our ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’!” _

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