Tian Zhenyang was also excited, he had a brief confrontation with Ye Mo before, but Ye Mo only made a set of small formations, a few runes, and almost forced him to die, and he could only escape with the help of the “Void Charm”, so he knew very well how against the heavens Ye Mo’s ability really was!

“It’s just that the arrogant, lonely Qianfan and Chu Wild Roar are a little difficult to deal with…” Yuwen Zhi said worriedly!

“Haha, the Ninth Elder doesn’t need to worry, although this time, the Great Elder and the Second Elder can’t come in person due to the long distance, but since this seat has come, it will never return empty-handed!”

Speaking of this, the wind laughed proudly: “The people I brought this time are all dead soldiers who have been cultivated for many years, just as the so-called mantis catcher yellow bird is behind, after waiting for this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’s mountain protection array to be broken, we should not show up first, with that Ye Mo’s temperament, he will never tie his hands, and if he is such a rare Heavenly Pride of ten thousand years, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no backhand, we do not need to directly confront him, risking unpredictable risks!” ”

“What we have to do now is to wait, wait for them to fight to the death, it is best to lose both, and then at that time, this seat will strike strongly, at all costs, it will definitely capture that Ye Mo in one fell swoop!”

“Three Elders Takami!”

Tian Zhenyang and Yuwen Zhi heard the words and quickly slapped a horse’s ass on the side!

At the same time, inside the council hall of the “Invincible Battle Sect”, Ye Mo Shang did not know that his sect gate had been surrounded by countless powerful enemies, and he was still sitting on the chief of the old god, listening to the reports of the elders under him.

“Prince Yu, this is Lin Shichun, the Inner Gate Elder who has just been included in the Inner Gate of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, who has the Nine Yang Realm Triple Heavenly Cultivation, and the people in the land of riots are called ‘Desperate Swordsmen’!”

Ouyang Xiu pointed to a newly promoted Inner Gate Elder and said respectfully to Ye Mo!

“I’ve seen the suzerain!”

When the elder named Lin Shichun heard this, he stood up without saying a word, and also lowered his high head in front of Ye Mo!

“Well, good!”

Ye Mo saw this, and only then nodded satisfactorily and waved, “Sit down.” ”

“Yes, Suzerain!”

After Lin Shichun sat down, at this point, the Ten Great Inner Gate Elders of the Invincible Battle Sect were finally all returned!

“Since you have chosen to join my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, from now on, you will be a member of the Sect Gate, and all kinds of cultivation resources within the Gate, as the Inner Gate Elders, can be used without restriction!”

At this time, Ye Mo looked around and said eloquently!

As soon as these words came out, except for Ouyang Xiu and Du Yan, the faces of the other newly promoted elders all showed an expression of great surprise!

They are all powerful people in the Nine Yang Realm, and they are also all overlords of the “Land of Riots”!

And the reason why he would bend down to join the “Invincible Battle Sect” was actually because he had taken a fancy to the Four Auxiliary Dao Treasures refined by Ye Mo!

Seeing the expressions of the elders, with Ye Mo’s cleverness, how could he not guess their thoughts?

So he added a sentence in time!

“Of course, there is an ugly saying, I must say before, if someone dares to take the precious resources of the Sect Gate to go out and sell, or hand them over to others, once I find out…”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo’s eyes flashed with a killing chance!

“Whoever it is, kill and pardon them!”

“Yes, Suzerain!”

All the elders should be Qi Qi and did not dare to have the slightest objection, including Lin Shichun, who had just entered the sect!

Because the current “Invincible War Sect” is exactly when the sun is in the sky, and the slightest wind and grass inside the door cannot be concealed from the probing of those who have a heart!

Just two days ago, the fate of Duan Ao, the “Dead Wood Sorcerer”, had long been known to everyone, especially the elders present here, and most of them had witnessed the terrible scene when Ye Mo was threatening!

Therefore, everyone carefully put away the greed in their hearts, because they knew that Ye Mo’s words were definitely not a joke, he really dared to kill people!

“Well, good!”

Seeing the expressions of the elders, Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction again.

“Male… Son…”

Just at this moment, Pang Tu, who had not been speaking, suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Mo with a chirping face.


Ye Mo frowned and looked at him incomprehensibly!

“I… I have a stomachache and want to go out for convenience, please promise! Pang Tu said stiffly, in fact, he was already planning to shoot according to Nai’s uncontrollable killing chance!

“Stomach ache?”

Ye Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a deep look at Pang Tu!

In fact, at today’s meeting, he did not summon Pang Tu, it was Pang Tu himself who took the initiative to come!

Moreover, although Pang Tu’s cultivation is not high, no matter how to say, he is also a strong person in the Moon Hua Realm!

Tangtang Yuehua Realm strongman, how can he have a stomachache?

Is this Nyima kidding?

You know, the warrior is strong and healthy all year round, let alone the Moon Hua Realm, and the strong people in the Earth Martial Realm can reach the point where they are not born of all diseases!

If Pang Tu really had diarrhea, he wouldn’t believe it when he killed Ye Mo!

However, Ye Mo was full of curiosity, this product disappeared for more than ten days for no reason, and when it reappeared, it was extremely strange, he wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this goods!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo pretended to wave his hand impatiently!

“Hurry up!”

“Thank you very much!”

Pang Tu heard that he had been granted amnesty, and quickly turned around and left the council chamber with a cigarette!

After he left, Ye Mo said to Ouyang Xiu beside him, “Great Elder, follow him, see what he wants to do, if you dare to do anything unfavorable to the Sect Gate, immediately kill him for me!” ”

“Yes, son!”

Although Ouyang Xiu was full of confusion, he still did not dare to say much about Ye Mo’s decision, and he quickly followed up according to his words!

After leaving the chamber, Pang Tu first looked around, and after finding that no one was following, he sneakily felt an object similar to a compass from his arms and looked at it, and immediately looked in one direction and walked quickly!

Not long after leaving, Ouyang Xiu immediately flashed out from the shadows, after all, he was a strong person in the Nine Yang Realm, and with Pang Tu’s cultivation, it was reasonable not to feel his pursuit.

“Huh? What had he just taken out? ”

Ouyang Xiu’s brow frowned, and some of the Zhang’er monks were confused, but he did not easily hit the grass and startle the snake, but decided to continue to follow up and see.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Xiu once again disappeared into the shadows and quietly followed up! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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