Speaking of this, Ye Mo groaned slightly, and then reached into his arms, first taking out two simple long knives with exactly the same shape from his own Sumire bag, red as blood throughout, and sharp blades!

“I see that both of you use knives, and these two swords are the Nine Yang Grade Top Spirit Weapons that Ben Gongzi has idly refined by himself, known as ‘Heavenly Overlord Blood’, which can absorb the blood of the enemy while attacking the enemy!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo added with a proud face, “Not only that, you only need to wait for the blood to overflow the sword body, you can use this sword to issue the ‘Heavenly Overlord Blood’ that comes with the killing move–‘Overlord Blood God Chop’, the power is equivalent to the full force of the Nine Yang Realm’s peak strongmen!” ”

When the words fell, Ye Mo grinned and threw the two long knives directly to Li Shichun and Xiu Rui!

“These two knives are now a gift for you two!”

“Sh… What the? ”

When Li Shichun and Xiu Rui heard this, they only felt a shake in their hands, and they almost failed to hold the Divine Soldier in their hands!

But after returning to their senses, the two of them almost didn’t think about it, and with a “poof” sound, they fell to their knees in front of Ye Mo’s body, prostrating their heads repeatedly!

“Thank you Patriarch for your fulfillment!!”

“Thank you Patriarch!!”

The two were so touched that they almost burst into tears on the spot!

As a knifeman, the two of them have long transcended ordinary feelings, almost the sustenance of the soul, the destination of the spirit, and it is not too much to say that they love into the bone marrow!

But they didn’t expect that Ye Mo could even send such a rare top-notch spiritual weapon without blinking!

“Heavenly Overlord Blood”, sucking people’s blood, and emitting “Overlord Blood God Power Chop”, is equivalent to the all-out blow of the Nine Yang Realm’s peak strongmen!

What is this concept?

It is not an exaggeration to say that Nyima said that it was an artifact!

It is simply an anti-celestial artifact that can affect the direction of the battle!

“Two ‘broken knives’ only, look at you excitedly!”

Seeing the reaction of the two people who had never seen the world before, Ye Mo shook his head in disdain!

Although this “Heavenly Blood Overlord” was definitely a first-class divine soldier in the eyes of Li Shichun and Xiu Rui!

But for Ye Mo, the only thing he used to refine these two swords was mortal iron!

That’s right, those same iron as building ordinary farm tools!

Moreover, when refining these two swords, he did not even exceed half a quarter of an hour, purely to practice his hands.

So he didn’t pay any attention to it at all!

But he had just turned around, and then, two gloomy eyes like deep resentment women, who could not be satisfied for hundreds of years, were looking at themselves in a quiet way, it was Ouyang Xiuyi!

“Sleeper! What do you two want to do?

Ye Mo was startled and took three steps backwards in a row!

“Son, I also use a knife… Ouyang Xiu almost cried, if it weren’t for his identity, at this moment, he would want to kneel on the ground and hold Ye Mo’s thighs and sing conquered!

“Gongzi, and me, I don’t have a blade in my hand…” Du Yan also licked his old face and shouted!

“I went, and I didn’t say no to you, as for?” In fact, Ben Gongzi has already prepared it for you, but he has not yet given it to you! ”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head, reaching into his arms again, and in the eyes of Ouyang Xiu and Du Yan full of expectations, he slowly pulled out a pair of black claw sleeves!

“This… What is this thing? ”

Ouyang Xiu and Du Yan looked confused!

“Du Yan, I remember you used your claws, right?” Ye Mo asked.

“Exactly!” Du Yan nodded hurriedly, he was known as the “Blood Claw Eagle King” in the Land of Riots, and he was all on top of a pair of iron claws!

“That’s right! This pair of claw sets is tailor-made for you! Ye Mo said with a smile!

“But Gongzi, no matter how you look at it, this pair of claw sets doesn’t look like a powerful spiritual weapon…” Ouyang Xiu said with a curious look on his face, and even stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the sharp claw tip of the claw!

“Don’t move!”

Suddenly, Ye Mo drank heavily, scaring Ouyang Xiu into a clever way!

“Huh?” Ouyang Xiu looked at Ye Mo puzzled, not understanding why the other party was so fussy!

“Ahem! Don’t blame me for not reminding you, if you want to die without a corpse, then touch it with your hands! Ye Mo said lightly!

“Death… Dead without a whole body? ”

As soon as Ouyang Xiu’s face changed, he listened to Ye Mo continue, “Don’t underestimate this pair of claw sets, although this spiritual weapon looks imposing, in fact, if it relies on lethality alone, this pair of claw sets is definitely one of the most terrifying spiritual weapons I have refined so far!” ”


As soon as these words came out, whether it was Li Shichun, Xiu Rui, Ouyang Xiu, or Du Yan, they were all shocked!

“Son, don’t sell Guanzi, what magic power does this claw cover have, just tell me?”

Finally, Du Yan’s heart was hooked by his words like an ant drilling a hole, and he couldn’t hold back any longer and asked!

Ye Mo nodded and said in a deep voice, “This pair of claw sets, which I named ‘Five Poisonous Nether Claws’, is made by using more than a dozen rare refining materials, supplemented by the fusion of the five most terrifying strange poisons between heaven and earth!” ”

Speaking of this, the corners of Ye Mo’s mouth skimmed out a strange arc, and then continued: “So to tell you, as long as you wear this pair of claw covers, there is no need to attack the enemy at all in the future, as long as he scratches even a little skin of the opponent, he will immediately bleed, his whole body will rot and die, and there is no medicine in the whole world!” ”

“I… I’ll go! ”

At this point, the faces of the people have finally changed dramatically!

“Not only that!”

Ye Mo added, “After this claw is cast to a certain extent, the terrifying poisonous gas will spread out, and it will also form a ‘poison gas field’ covering the whole body, but anyone who smells a little bit will die of anger, and there is no cure for it!” ”

“This… That’s scary, isn’t it! ”

When Du Yan heard this, he was so frightened that he retreated one after another, and he didn’t dare to reach out and pick up the claw cover on Ye Mo’s hand!

“Don’t be afraid, this claw set is also the top spirit weapon of the Nine Yang Level, among which there are spirit derivatives, you only need to shed blood to confess the Lord, from now on, he will not hurt you!” Ye Mo patiently explained!

“That’s right!”

Du Yan suddenly realized, and quickly followed Ye Mo’s instructions to shed blood to confess the Lord!

Sure enough, after the blood was dripping, he immediately felt a sense of joy from within this claw sleeve, knowing that this claw sleeve would be a spiritual weapon that belonged to him alone from now on! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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