“Gongzi, this kindness and virtue, the subordinates have no teeth to forget, from now on, the original will always stay by the side of the Gongzi, in order to serve the work of dogs and horses!”

Zhen and seriously put away the claw cover, Du Yan was extremely grateful, and said loudly with a solemn face, which showed how serious he was in his heart!

“Hmmm!” Ye Mo nodded with a smile.

“Gongzi, what about me?” I was the first to follow you…”

At this time, Ouyang Xiu couldn’t bear it any longer, he was already in the flower armor, just like a child expecting his parents to give him toys, which made Du Yan, Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui can’t help but laugh!

“Well… Of course it won’t be without you! ”

Ye Mo “spoiled” touched the head of this old cargo, and then reached into his “Sumire Bag” again, and took out a rounded curved machete with an extremely peculiar shape and a golden yellow body!

The four elders subconsciously looked over, only to see that this knife edge was sharp, shining like water, the outer blade was curved, and the inner blade was jagged, no matter the front and back, it could be used to attack, and the whole body emitted a burst of divine light, which was not an ordinary product at first glance!

But the strange thing is that this knife is completely different from the ordinary long knife, because it has no handle!

How can a knife without a handle be used?

All four of them were puzzled!

Ye Mo was so clever, from the expressions of the people, he immediately guessed what they were thinking, and immediately did not give a crap, directly reaching out and wavering!

The next moment, a miraculous thing happened, only to see that the machete actually took the initiative to fly up, circling back and forth around Ye Mo’s body, sprinkling the Dao Dao brilliant sword, sharp and forceful!

“The name of this sword is ‘Sixth Reincarnation’, which is a strange-shaped blade created by this prince, and after spilling blood and confessing the Lord, it only needs to be triggered by the power of its own three talents, and it can be like an arm and a finger, and it cannot be controlled with the palm of his hand!” Ye Mo said lightly!

“What? No need to control with the palm of your hand? ”

As soon as these words came out, the four elders were immediately disorganized!

Because the power of the “sixth reincarnation” has obviously once again completely subverted their cognitive view!

“Oh, this sword, even I, took a lot of strength to refine it, and I have also experienced the thunder of the artifact, and even the heavens are extremely jealous of it, and I don’t want it to remain in this world!”

Ye Mo proudly explained: “As we all know, manpower is sometimes poor, and people’s physique is fixed and unchanged, although the moves are ever-changing, they cannot get rid of the shackles of the limbs, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to perform perfect sword moves!” ”

“But the ‘sixth reincarnation’ has perfectly solved this problem, whether it is a long-range attack or a close combat, this knife can ignore the limitations of the warrior’s limbs, and can really do it like an arm, and where the blade points is indestructible, nothing is broken, and when it comes to the degree of preciousness, even compared with the ‘no edge’ of the prince, it is not too much to let go!”

As the words fell, Ye Mo waved his hand gently, and the “Sixth Reincarnation” was really like an arm’s finger, and it fell lightly to Ouyang Xiu’s hand!

“Elder Elder, during this time, your loyalty has been in my sight, and now that the strong enemy is in charge, this knife will be given to you, hoping that you can continue to contribute to the Sect Gate, and give me one by one of the enemies who will commit crimes in the future.” I am ‘invincible’ to Shenwei! ”



Ouyang Xiu also fell to his knees on the ground, his eyes were wet on the spot, and he was about to say a few words of gratitude to Dade, but he was interrupted by Ye Mo’s impatient waving!

“Enough, these days, I have listened to too many good words, in fact, Ben Gongzi does not care how open you say, what I care about is your actual actions!” Ye Mo said in a deep voice!

“Son, we see!”

When the four elders heard the words, they were all excited and full of blood!

Although Ye Mo’s words were extremely plain, there was not a hint of excitement!

But the artifact is in hand, like a tiger with wings!

The four elders were all overwhelmed with emotion, and with the assistance of this Ming King, what did the husband ask for?

Therefore, they have already made up their minds that in this life and this life, they will be firmly tied to the rims of the Sect Gate, even if today’s battle will die, they will not hesitate!

At this time, Ye Mo groaned a little, once again probed his hand into his own Sumire bag, and took out countless auxiliary Dao treasures such as runes, elixirs, and arrays, and distributed them to the four elders one by one!

After explaining the detailed uses of these auxiliary Dao Treasures to the four elders one by one, Ye Mo proudly said, “After the meeting starts, these things can be made for me, there is no need to save money for this prince, remember, no matter who it is, but anyone who dares to step into my sect gate, there will be no forgiveness, I want to teach this land of turmoil a lesson today, let them know how desperate it would be to oppose my invincible war sect!” ”

“Yes, son!”

The four elders promised in unison that their palms were soaked with sweat!

Although Ye Mo gave them the Divine Soldiers in their hands, as well as all kinds of auxiliary Dao Treasures to attack and save their lives, their combat effectiveness increased several times!

But the four of them were still ready for a hard fight!

After all, the enemy they were about to face was the third of the four powerful people in the Land of Riots, all of whom were the peak of the Nine Yang Realm!

Again, in the face of absolute strength, any glamorous rays are vain!

Only Ye Mo, from the beginning to the end, he had never been afraid at all, nor had he ever worried about the outcome of this battle!

It’s not that he’s blindly arrogant, but that no one else knows that for a long time, he has been suppressing his talents and not developing them all!

You know, Ye Mo, but there are a full ninety thousand times more talent than ordinary people!

What exactly does this kind of anti-heavenly talent mean, people may not understand at all!

It is no exaggeration to say that if Ye Mo really wanted to cultivate, it would only take one day for him to step from the Star Meteor Realm to the peak of the Nine Yang Realms in one breath!

This is the terrifying increase brought about by the ninety thousand times talent, and it is also the biggest hole card that Ye Mo has always had! But Ye Mo did not do this, first, it was too shocking; Second, he was worried that if the cultivation progressed too quickly, it would cause unpredictable sequelae.

After all, the martial arts have always paid attention to step-by-step, step by step!

And he had only been in the Zhongwu Domain for less than a month and a half, and he had completed a height that other martial arts cultivation would have been difficult to reach in his lifetime, which was already very fast!

So he has been perfecting his state of mind, slowing down as much as possible, trying to adapt to the power experience of each realm!

In other words, until now, he has not completely let go and done it with all his might!

But today, someone dared to blatantly come to him to fight the autumn wind!

Does this pay off? _

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