“Let’s go!”

With a wave of his sleeve, Ye Mo’s eyes flashed with a killing chance, and he immediately took a step that the six relatives did not recognize, and led the four elders to walk towards the mountain gate!

At the same time, on the plains outside the mountains of the Invincible Battle Sect, at this time, countless strong enemies had gathered!

These people are all arrogant, Chu Furious and Lonely Qianfan who have cultivated for many years!

Although in name, none of the four supreme powers of the Land of Riots are affiliated with any forces!

But in fact, each of them is equivalent to a six-star sect, and they all have their own huge team!

After all, as supreme powers, of course, they can’t do everything by themselves, and most of the time, they still need their subordinates to do the work!

At this time, at the forefront of the crowd, Arrogant Heartless, Chu Furious Roar and Lonely Qianfan stood side by side, standing above the magnificent city gate of the Invincible Battle Sect!

And around them, hundreds of disciples who were responsible for guarding the mountain gate had already died in a horizontal and vertical manner, and not even a single living mouth was left!

The thick blood slowly spread along the lines of the wall tiles, almost merging into a small river!

“Brother Chu, that Ye Mo hasn’t come out yet, in my opinion, let’s kill it!”

At this time, a trace of obvious impatience flashed on Ao Wuxin’s face, and he shouted loudly at Chu Furious Scream on the side!

“No way!”

Chu Fan’s face darkened, and he hurriedly dissuaded: “That Ye Mo has always been scheming, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not leave any backhand, and he has not come out for such a long time now, presumably he is waiting for us to kill the mountain, we must not fall into his trap!” ”

“But when are we going to wait?”

Arrogant and angry, he roared angrily, for Chu Furious’s caution, he looked down on him!

Because in his opinion, the entire “Invincible Battle Sect” had no one-in-one enemy at all, except for the previous “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”!

Now that the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array” had been destroyed by Pang Tu, he really didn’t understand why Chu Fangxiao was still afraid!

Just at this moment, the five figures finally joined forces from the depths of the Invincible Battle Sect’s mountain gate, and before they could enter, a terrifying wave of sound struck first!

“What kind of person would dare to make trouble in my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’?”


The sound and waves rolled, rolling up the fierce winds in the sky, and the aftermath overflowed!

The next moment, I saw that on the plains outside the mountain, among the hands brought by the three powerful people, I don’t know how many martial cultivators who were slightly lower in cultivation were suddenly bloodied by the seven tricks of the earthquake, and they collapsed powerlessly on the ground!

“Ye Mo, you are so bold!

Arrogant and angry, he was about to have a seizure, but he was stopped by Lonely!

“Brother Pride, we said well before, the boy is up to me personally, and no one can grab it!” Gu Qianfan coldly looked at the five figures that were rapidly coming from not far away, and the killing opportunity in his eyes was fleeting!

“Ahem! I’ll give this boy a good time, don’t let him be comfortable! Arrogant and impatient, but did not dare to renege on his word and become fat, he could only shout loudly in desperation!

“Rest assured, I will definitely give Brother Ao a satisfactory answer!” Gu Qianfan pursed his thin lips and smiled coldly!

It was too late and fast, but within a few moments, the five figures that swept out of the Invincible Battle Sect came to the edge of the city wall of the Mountain Gate, and it was less than a hundred meters away from the Arrogant Heartless, Lonely Qianfan and Chu Furious Roar, wasn’t it Ye Mo and others?

“You killed all these people?”

As soon as Ye Mo stood firmly, he immediately saw the Invincible Battle Sect disciples dying tragically on the ground, and the anger in his heart “poofed” flew onto the Heavenly Spirit Cover!

“Yes, it’s our hand!”

Arrogant grinned and said dismissively, “Oh, just a few ants, look at you angry!” ”

“Haha, good, good, very good!”

Ye Moqi smiled fiercely, and said three good words in a row, which showed how far the anger in his heart had become!

“You three old fellows, you are really self-inflicted and cannot live!”

Ye Mo saw the killing machine in his eyes, and said coldly: “Originally, Ben Gongzi had important things in his body and didn’t have time to take care of you, but I didn’t think that you would have the audacity to hit Ben Gongzi with your attention, and if you can’t kill them all today, in the future, the ‘Land of Riots’ will not know how many cats and dogs will want to beat me ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ without self-control!” ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo finally couldn’t hold back the killing chance in Nai’s heart, and impressively took out the “No Blade Like Blood”!

With the sword in his hand, Ye Mo’s momentum changed and he became like a vast sea, like an ancient giant beast, choosing people to devour, and jumping wildly at the eyes of the three powerful people around him and the four elders of the Invincible War Sect!

Although they had long known that Ye Mo’s talent was extremely anti-heavenly, this was the first time they had seen Ye Mo personally take a shot!

As soon as this so-called connoisseur makes a move, he knows whether there is a hand or not!

With the momentum alone, it can make the three powerful people feel scared and frightened, and it is self-evident how strong Ye Mo is!

“This boy is not simple, lonely brother, don’t be careless when you will shoot, be careful of capsizing the ship in the gutter!” Chu Furious’s face was as deep as water, and he hurriedly reminded Gu Qianfan on the side!

But he had just finished saying this, and he heard Ye Mo on the other side shouting loudly again: “You three waste go up together, Ben Gongzi is too lazy to clean up one by one!” ”

“Sh… What the? ”

As soon as these words came out, not only were the three powerful people stunned, but even the four elders on the side also froze!

On the plain outside the mountain, the men of the three powerful people were even more stunned, and no one expected that Ye Mo would actually want to fight one against three!

You know, what he is in front of him is the third of the four supreme powers in the “Land of Riots”!

Is this kid crazy?

Even the four elders were shocked, and Ouyang Xiu exhorted in a hoarse voice, “Gongzi, don’t be impulsive, or let us come…”

“The four elders obey orders!”

Before Ouyang Xiu could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Ye Mo!

“The subordinates are in!”

The four elders did not dare to refute his orders, and in desperation, they could only bow down and listen to the orders!

“Later, the four of you will kill me and kill all the ants outside the city, leaving no one behind!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo raised his head again and looked at the arrogant heartless, Chu Furious Roar and Lonely Qianfan not far away!

“As for these three wastes, I will personally dispose of them!”

“But Gongzi…” Ouyang Xiu still wanted to persuade again, but Ye Mo gave another order, directly asking him to swallow the rest of the words into his stomach! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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