“Those who violate the order will be expelled from the sect gate and will never be hired!”

When the words fell, Ye Mo didn’t care what the four elders reacted to, he immediately took a step forward, step by step, and walked firmly towards the three strong people!

“What a shameless little beast! It seems that if you don’t teach you a lesson today, you will never know what is called the height of the sky! Gu Qianfan let out a cold sigh, and finally pulled out the long sword he was carrying, and his sword qi roared across the sword, and the stone bricks of the city wall scraped and crackled, and the momentum was amazing!

“If you want to fight, you can fight, where there is so much nonsense, I am not afraid to tell you that after today, there will be no such three people as you in the ‘Land of Riots’!”

Ye Mo smiled disdainfully, the majestic “Nine Yang Force” in his body was completely overwhelmed and ready to come out!

At the critical juncture when a furious battle is about to begin!

Suddenly, a layer of miserable flower petal rain fell in the sky, with the fragrance of the heart and lungs, and it fell down!

“Huh? How did it rain? ”

“So beautiful flowers, so beautiful…”

On the plains outside the mountain, the men brought by the three powerful people were all attracted by this spectacle of the sky, and one by one they were obsessed, and their hearts were instantly snatched!

Above the city wall, Chu Furious roared at the moment of seeing this rain of flowers, his face changed completely, and he almost shouted at the people behind him: “No, quickly avoid!” ”

His reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but most of the warriors in the plains outside the mountains had already been deprived of their minds, and they did not realize that behind this poignant rain of petals was the narrow scythe raised by the God of Death!

“Red-clothed Blood Lotus Chihiro Waterfall, Blood Stained Earth Another Spring!”

Poof, poof, poof…

The flower ball flew away, and in an instant, it turned into an incomparably sharp dark weapon, and a large ball of vicious blood light exploded throughout the entire lower plain, and I don’t know how many big men were suddenly pierced through the throat by a blow, and the crowd fell to the ground like a cut wheat!

Under this trick alone, tens of thousands of subordinates of the three powerful people died in death, and the horror was as terrifying as it was!

And it was only at this time that the initiator of the rain slowly fell from the sky, just like the Nine Heavenly Virgins, a beautiful and invincible thing!

“Is that you?”

At this moment, including Ye Mo, everyone present spoke in unison and looked at the people in horror!

“Fu Hongyi, you… How dare you take a shot at our people? Chu Fangxiao’s face was full of disbelief, staring dead at the comers!

The person who came, dressed in a red dress, was not it the famous “Blood Lotus Palace Lord” Fu Hongyi of the “Land of Riots”?

Arrogant and Gu Qianfan were also unexpected, and were caught off guard by Fu Hongyi’s strong appearance!

But the most surprising thing is that it is not the turn of the three of them!

Because Ye Mo was looking at the majestic beauty standing proudly next to him with a confused face, he only felt that his head was full of paste…

“This… Fu Palace… Ah no, Miss Fu…”

Ye Mo was dry in his mouth, carefully organizing his language, and was trying to ask about it.

But before he finished speaking, he listened to Fu Hongyi, and his voice was like a yellow oriole, which made people can’t help but tremble in their hearts!

“I’ll help you, won’t I?” Fu Hongyi swept Ye Mo with resentment, and looked at Ye Mo with goosebumps, and the heat gushed under his nostrils, and he almost collapsed on the ground!

Heaven can see pity, this is really not that he did not show up, nor that he has not seen women!

But the woman in front of her is too evil

Moreover, through the previous contact, in Ye Mo’s mind, Fu Hongyi was a peerless beauty with an indifferent heart and a transcendent world, giving people a mysterious sense of visibility but untouchable, high above!

But at this moment, this gloomy look like a little woman, and the tone of the childish and sinful tone, all made Ye Mo’s brain short-circuit!

“What the hell is going on with this Nyima?”

Ye Mo was speechless, he and Fu Hongyi only had one side of the relationship, even if they climbed the relationship, the other party could not come to him at such a time!

Ye Mo was really puzzled!

And none of the people present could answer his question!

“Fu Hongyi, I am equivalent to the four supreme powers of the ‘Land of Riots’, and I should watch over and help each other, but now, you are helping an outsider to deal with us, what do you mean?” Arrogant and unintentional is also a sharp question, for this mysterious woman, he has an unspeakable jealousy in his heart!

Fu Hongyi heard the words and once again restored the “Blood Lotus Palace Lord” who was cold and lonely and refused to be thousands of miles away, and said lightly: “Do you need you to direct the work of this palace?” ”

“You!” Arrogant and speechless!

Chu Fangxiao first looked at Fu Hongyi, and then looked at Ye Mo beside her, as if thinking of something, and asked with his eyes in disbelief: “You… Do you two have a leg! ”


Ye Mo almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, how could he not expect that this cargo had been holding back for half a day, and he had actually suppressed such a sentence!

“Be bold!”

Fu Hongyi was even more furious, and after a while with his long sleeves, countless flowers and rain fell from the sky, and without saying a word, he attacked towards Chu Furious!

“Damn woman, when I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Chu Furious and furious, he didn’t expect Fu Hongyi to be so unreasonable, and he said that he would do it with his hands, without even giving a word of explanation beforehand, he had already been provoked into a real fire!

“The waves are boundless and the waves are huge!”

“Destroy the mountains and the sea, destroy the heavens and the earth!”


Chu roared out with a slap, and the terrifying palm power was like a terrifying wave, rolling in, and he uncompromisingly attacked Fu Hongyi!

The next moment, only to hear a roar, the two slapped each other, the aftermath of the furious battle spread wildly in all directions, where they passed, the ground cracked inch-by-inch, the space was distorted, and the solid city wall under the two people collapsed completely, rolling up the dust!

After a slap, Chu roared back three steps in a row, and his body landed on the plain outside the mountain!

Fu Hongyi, on the other hand, did not move every inch, and after the shock retreated from Chu Furious Roar, she did not stop doing anything, but she shot again, and the rain poured into it, and in one breath, she swept Chu Furious Scream and Arrogance into it together!

“Ye Mo, with my current strength, I can only reluctantly help you deal with these two people, and the remaining lone Qianfan can only be handed over to you and the elders of your sect!”

A voice came leisurely and fell into Ye Mo’s ears, finally making him wake up like a dream!

Looking at the battle not far away, Fu Hongyi, Chu Furious and Arrogant Heartless Three, until now, Ye Mo had not yet figured out what was going on!

But he still wanted to say: “This feeling of being protected by a woman is really uncomfortable…”

“The four elders obey the order, and I will take the lonely thousand sails out of the air later, and if anyone dares to intervene, I will peel the skin of whom!”

Almost angrily scolding, Ye Mo held a sword, looking at the lonely Qianfan not far away, his heart was already determined, and he must cut this product into ten thousand pieces later to relieve the hatred in his heart!

The situation in the field was really very strange, saying that he had just planned to fully display his ninety thousand times talent without reservation, and then crush these three bullshit supreme powers into slag one by one to show his might!

But I didn’t think about it, halfway out of the way to kill a Cheng bite gold!

Ah no, it’s Fu Hongyi!

What is even more infuriating is that this woman is actually like an old hen guarding cubs, leaving a lonely sail and letting the five of them go up together!

This Nyima, I can’t stand it anymore!

Is it true that when Ye Mo has no strength, he needs a woman to protect him?

PS: 12,000 words to send, cheekily ask for everything, I hope everyone will have more praises… _

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