
Next, Chu Furious’s power in the four seas was also fragmented by the sword qi, fortunately, his martial arts were already good at defense, the sword qi was slightly slowed down by the tide, Chu Furious took this opportunity to desperately avoid the key points around him, but the sword qi left more than a dozen bloody wounds on his body, but he did not suffer any fatal wounds!

But if there is only one lonely sail left, it will be miserable no more!

Because he had just lost an arm, his strength was already greatly reduced!

Coupled with the fact that as a sword cultivator, he did not have any powerful defensive martial arts, because the swordsman was indestructible and invincible, and once he drew his sword to defend, the momentum would undoubtedly be weak, and it would not be beneficial to the display of sword intentions!

Therefore, in the face of this Ye Mo’s unique killing move, Gu Qianfan could only rush forward with a hard scalp!

How strong is Ye Mo’s sword qi?

Even in the heyday of Gu Qianfan, when he was nine small realms higher than Ye Mo, he would have to hate and lose!

Now that Ye Mo’s cultivation had soared several times, the sword qi he had swung out was no exaggeration to describe it as an earth-shattering weeping ghost god!

Poor Tang Tang generation of “sword maniac” Gu Qianfan, under the ravages of Ye Mo’s sword qi, was cut into more than a dozen pieces of rotten flesh without even humming, and “crackled” and fell to the ground!

Under one move, one death and three injuries!

The power of a sword, the horror is as great!

Everyone originally thought that this sword could defeat the four top strong people in one fell swoop, which was already a record against the heavens!

But Ye Mo, with absolute strength, perfectly interpreted what is called sword qi spanning eighty thousand miles, a sword light cold nineteen continents!

Only to see that the sword qi that had crushed the four powerful people did not dissipate, but continued to move closer to the vast and boundless plain beyond the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect!

The group of subordinates brought by the poor three powerful people did not react to what was going on, and then they were completely enveloped by the mighty sword qi, and the martial cultivation that was slightly ahead was instantly stirred into shredded flesh!

And the slightly backward martial arts cultivator reacted to it, all of them were frightened to break their livers and intestines, and they ran one by one, even rolling and crawling, panicking like a dog that lost their families, that really only hated Daddy Niang for giving birth to two legs for himself!

“Nima! This Ye Mo was simply a pervert, how could there be such a terrible person in this world? ”

In the crowd, a big monk with a scar on his head was particularly eye-catching, only to see that while he was scolding, he was crawling with a rolling belt, trying to escape the area covered by Ye Mo’s sword qi, wasn’t it the “Ancient Temple Demon Monk” clear space?

Although the Pure Space has the Nine Yang Realm Five-Fold Heavenly Cultivation, this strength can be regarded as the top one even within the tens of thousands of subordinates of the three powerful people!

But there were too many people present, and it was three layers inside and three layers outside, densely packed!

The headroom is mixed in and there is no way to unfold at all!

Seeing Ye Mo’s sword qi lingering, it was raging!

In a hurry, Clearspace simply raised his palms and began to kill a bloody road in the crowd!

“All give way to Lao Tzu!” Death to those who stand in my way

“Kudra Bodhidharma!”

Bang, bang, bang, bang…

This shot immediately set off countless waves of blood in the crowd, and the scene in the field became more and more chaotic!

Just at this moment, Ouyang Xiu, who had been standing inside the Invincible Battle Sect Mountain Gate, suddenly narrowed his pupils!

The goal of the clear space was too obvious, although there were many people outside the mountain, but a big monk like him with a scar on his face was killing in the crowd, it was like a big light bulb in the night, and it was impossible to hide!

“Huh? How could this clear space run into the camp of the three powerful men? Ouyang Xiu saw the figure of the clear space and frowned involuntarily!

“Ahem! Do you still have to think, this vulture donkey must have rebelled, and he plans to follow this group of scum to fight the autumn wind! Du Yan scolded with a disdainful face!

“Find Death!”

When Ouyang Xiu heard this, he only felt an evil fire rushing straight into the Heavenly Spirit Cover!

When Duan Ao angered Gongzi before, although Gongzi did not say a word of reproach, Ouyang Xiu still consciously faced the Great Sun, after all, Duan Ao was personally recruited into the Sect Gate, and this matter was still vividly remembered until now, and it became a scar in Ouyang Xiu’s heart!

Now that the Pure Space had rebelled again, this was simply to pour salt on the scar of Ouyang Xiu’s heart, how could he bear it?

“You’re here waiting for me, I’m going to chop up this shameless and feed it to the dogs!”

Ouyang Xiu was so angry that he had to open his hair, and after dropping this sentence, no matter what the other people reacted to, he chased out with the “sixth reincarnation”!

“Great Elder, don’t be impulsive…”

Du Yan shouted in the back, but Ouyang corrected on the gas head, where would he listen?

In desperation, Du Yansheng was afraid that he had something to lose, and he was planning to call Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui to help!

That’s when it happened!

“Oh, where am I?”

Pang Tu, who had been abused by Ouyang Xiu before and was beaten unconscious, actually woke up at this time!

Du Yan saw the situation, and without saying a word, he slapped it!


With a loud slap, Pang Turu, who had just woken up, was struck by lightning, and a mouthful of bruised blood spewed out of his mouth, which was also mixed with more than a dozen hard white objects, which were actually full of old teeth by Du Yansheng!

“You damn traitor! Gongzi had kindly taken you in before, and also named you as an Outer Gate Elder, which can be described as treating you not thinly, but not only did you not know the gratitude map, but also vainly tried to stab the knife in the back, destroy the Sect Gate Formation, and attract foreign invasions! Like you, a wolf-hearted dog-lung person, what face does it have to live in this world? ”

Du Yan scolded more and more angrily, and in the end, he couldn’t help but lift Pang Tu’s collar, picked him up like a chicken, and forcibly aimed at the battlefield outside!

“Now, give me a wide-eyed look and see how the prince treats these enemies!”

“Don’t you Pang Tu dare to betray Gongzi, don’t you think that the three powerful people in this so-called ‘land of riots’ have a chance to win?”

“But as everyone knows, Gongzi has not put these three ants in his eyes from beginning to end, and they can’t even carry a move in front of Gongzi, what is the difference between them and the earth chicken tile dog?”

“You stupid fool with no pearls and no eyes!” Show it to Lao Tzu and see it clearly! “Poof!

Du Yan threw Pang Tu to the ground!


Pang Tu woke up like a dream, subconsciously stared at it, and then saw a scene that made him unforgettable! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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