Only to see that not far away, a tall figure like a heavenly god under the mortal was standing proudly!

And not far in front of him, the “Sword Madman” Gu Qianfan, one of the four powerful people in the Land of Rebellion, had now shattered into a pile of rotten flesh, and only the face of the “half face” was faintly visible, and he was still dead, and his eyes were full of anger!

The “Wild Wave Butcher” Chu Furious Scream was covered in blood, his body was covered with wounds, and he stood on the ground in a daze, his face as black as the bottom of the pot!

The three elders of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance” laughed wildly and supported their shoulders with one hand, the blood of their fingertips gushed out like a fountain, and their faces were bitter and their eyes were desperate!

The arrogant and heartless “White Bone Old Ancestor” has long since disappeared, leaving only a crack pit on the plain outside the mountain with a diameter of five meters and a bottomless depth.

At this point, Pang Tu’s face finally changed drastically, and he was frightened and scattered, and he almost fainted!

Because he never expected that the battle situation that was originally in the hands of victory would eventually become such a result!

Thinking of Ye Mo’s usual means against the enemy and the miserable end he was about to face after his defeat!

The more Pang Tu thought about it, the more afraid he became, the more he was afraid and the more he thought about it, and in the end, he actually spurted out a mouthful of green bile, and his eyes fell down as soon as he rolled over, and his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and he was about to die!

He scared himself to death!

“Want to die? Not so easy! ”

Du Yan saw the corners of his mouth, and without saying a word, he took out a “Divine Healing True Dan” from his arms and fiercely stuffed it into Pang Tu’s mouth!

“Divine Healing True Dan” is the Nine Yang Grade Ultimate Spirit Elixir that Ye Mo personally refined, which has the miraculous effect of quickly recovering all injuries, which is equivalent to an upgraded version of the Healing Dan.

When the elixir entered his abdomen, the originally dying Pang Tu quickly recovered some vitality, and his sniffles gradually stabilized!

At this point, Du Yan was relieved!

Of course, he didn’t want Pang Tu to die like this, because he wanted this bastard to taste all the capital punishment in the world!

Du Yan is known as the “Blood Claw Eagle King”, and with this title alone, it can be seen that he is not a good person.

During this time, after Du Yan was subdued by Ye Mo and joined the “Invincible Battle Sect”, his style of conduct was slightly reduced.

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t abuse people!

In fact, if we talk about torture alone, even Ouyang Xiu can’t compare with him.

At this moment, Du Yan had already made up his mind, with the assistance of Gongzi’s various elixirs, this Pang Tu could not even want to die!

If he hadn’t abused him for tens or hundreds of years, no matter what, Du Yan wouldn’t have been able to swallow this evil breath in his chest!

At the same time, there was another muffled noise in the middle of the field!

Only to see that after a series of breakthroughs, Ye Mo had finally reached the peak of the entire Zhongwu Domain!

Top of the Nine Yang Realms!

However, since the sword just now, Ye You shot again, but looked at the long sword in his hand in a daze, and only after a long time did he return to his senses and turn around and smile awkwardly at the already stupid chicken clothes!

“Cough, I’m sorry, hard”


Fu Hongyi heard the words and almost sprayed on the spot

What is a hard push?

What is this explanation?

“The suzerainty is mighty! Invincible! ”


Suddenly, a series of landslide tsunami cheers erupted inside the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect!

The next moment, countless disciples came from inside the mountain gate, and at once surrounded Ye Mo, and everyone’s eyes were full of blind worship!

Under one sword, defeat the four Nine Yang Realms peak strong!

With this suzerain, why should they fear it in the future?

Then the can go sideways in the land of riots!

Looking at the countless disciples around him, Ye Mo smiled bitterly.

In fact, even he himself did not expect that after his cultivation was improved, he would have such a terrifying combat power!

Originally, for the sake of conservatism, he also agreed with Fu Hongyi to defeat the enemy in three moves!

But only now did he realize how terrifying his talent really was!

You must know that when he had just unleashed that sword, Xiu Wei was only the Seventh Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm, and under one sword, he swept away all the four powerful people present!

Nowadays, his cultivation was already at its peak, and Ye Mo didn’t know whether there was a higher level of cultivation after the Nine Yang Realm, but now he could be 100% sure that within the Nine Yang Realm, under the whole world, there was no one else who was his enemy in unity!

This is from the pride in his bones, from the absolute confidence brought to him by ninety thousand times the talent!

“You… What are you going to do with them? ”

At this time, Fu Hongyi stood outside the crowd, asked lightly, and looked at Ye Mo’s eyes full of curiosity!

That’s right, just curious!

It is really Ye Moqiang’s outrageous, even with Fu Hongyi’s life experience, it is only seen in his life!

She had never imagined that there would be such a wicked person in this world, even compared to those “Emperor Blood Princes” of the Nine Great Emperor Clan, she was afraid that she would not let it go!

“What to do with them?”

Ye Mo’s eyes widened!

When the disciples around him saw his expression, they also spontaneously gave way to a passage, revealing the wind behind the crowd laughing wildly and Chu roaring!

Neither of them escaped, because they knew that with Ye Mo’s strength that could be called against the heavens, even if they ran, they would not be able to run away!

“Ye Mo, I admit that this time I was blind!”

Feng Crazy laughed and took the lead in opening his mouth, with a sincere face, “But I hope you can let me have a way to live, although my ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’ only started with business, but in the Zhongwu Domain is still quite a bit of power, as long as you let me go, my ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’ is willing to accept your personal feelings, if there is any dispatch in the future, our ‘Hon Hai Business Alliance’ will definitely go all out and not quit!” ”

“Oh, Hon Hai Business Alliance? In my eyes, you are not even a fart! Ye Mo didn’t even think about it, and directly broke his mouth and scolded!

“Ye Mo, do you really want to kill them all?” You know, multiple friends is better than multiple enemies! The wind laughed wildly and his face changed drastically, and he subconsciously took a few steps back!

“Be my enemy, do you think your ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ is qualified?” Ye Mo shook his head disdainfully!


The wind laughed wildly, although Ye Mo’s words were crazy, but he suddenly found that he was speechless!

Because Ye Mo was right, with his strength that could be called against the heavens, even if the strongest elder of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”, Yu Shengsheng and Death, was close to him, he was afraid that he would have to hate on the spot! _

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