“Zong… Suzerain? ”

Duanmu Lingfeng’s face was stunned, how could he not expect that Ye Mo would not even consider it, and would directly expel himself from the Sect Gate!

“Are you deaf in the ears?” Didn’t hear Ben’s words? ”

Ye Mo’s eyes flashed a hint of obvious impatience, and he shouted, “Roll me!” ”


Duanmu Lingfeng looked stagnant!

This time, he did hear clearly!

But he stood still and didn’t move!

Because he was not a fool, he knew that once he left the Sect Gate at this time, he would never want to come back in this life!

But Ye Mo’s peerless divine might, he had remembered it vividly, it was an anti-heavenly existence that even the four Nine Yang Realm peak strongmen could not take a move!

Such a unique talent, the future is absolutely unlimited!

And if you can take the opportunity to follow his side, you will definitely be able to take this opportunity to soar!

You must know that although Duanmu Lingfeng is a veritable Nine Yang Realm strongman, he is also quite famous in the entire Riot Land!

But he is old and his potential has long been exhausted!

In other words, if there were no other opportunities, the Fourth Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm would be the limit of his life!

And now, with Ye Mo’s strong appearance, a great opportunity is in front of him, and Duanmu Lingfeng certainly does not want to miss it!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Lingfeng regretted in his heart, regretting why he had not just been decisive, choosing to follow Ye Mo out, he had to play a little clever?

This is good, the little cleverness did not succeed, but on the contrary, it blocked his own bright and smooth path! After thinking about it again and again, and finally Duanmu Lingfeng bit his teeth and made an amazing decision!

The next moment, only to see him kneel on both knees, “Poof” fell to his knees in front of Ye Mo, shouting: “Patriarch, please give your subordinates the ‘Star Demon Demon’!” ”


Ye Mo heard the words on his face, and before he could react to what was going on, he listened to Duanmu Lingfeng continue, “Subordinates know that the suzerainty has a means of controlling people, known as the Star Demon Demon, but anyone who is deceived, as long as the suzerainty is willing, a single thought can take his life!” ”

“Before, the subordinates were lucky, and did not really return to the Sect Gate, hoping that the Sect Leader could give the subordinates another chance to give the ‘Star Demon Demon’, and the subordinates hereby swore that after they returned, they would definitely reflect on it and completely reform themselves, and from now on, they would never let the prince down again, and if they violated this oath, the heavens would be destroyed!”

Duanmu Ling’s voice was like a flood of bells, his face was firm, and he looked at Ye Mo deadly, obviously he had already made up his mind to tie himself to the rim of the “Invincible Battle Sect” forever!

“Are you sure you want me to cast the ‘Star Demon’?”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow and said with a sneer, “What you just said is only one of the effects of this ‘Star Demon Demon’, but I don’t know that it has another effect, called ‘One Loss’, that is to say, once I planted the ‘Star Demon Demon’, if Ye Mo accidentally falls outside after that, even with you Duanmu Lingfeng, I will also be buried with me, there is no luck!” ”


Duanmu Lingfeng was shocked, for what happened to Ouyang Xiu at the beginning, it was not a secret in the whole “Land of Riots”, so he knew that Ye Mo had the magical means of controlling people as “Star Demon Demon”!

But he never expected that this “Star Demon Demon” would be so domineering that he would directly tie his own life to Ye Mo!

This made Duanmu Lingfeng’s heart can’t help but have a little hesitation again!

Faithful, he can give, but what about life?

Especially this kind of desperate gamble, the gamble is won, of course, everyone is happy!

But once you lose the bet, you don’t even know how you died!

“Oh, think about it.”

When Ye Mo saw his reaction like this, he didn’t force it, but waved his hand lightly, and was planning to leave!

That’s when it happened!

“Lord, please ‘deceive’ me!”

Duanmu Lingfeng did not hesitate for long, and soon he had a plan in mind!

Manly husband, since he has chosen, of course, he must fight all the way to the end, if he gives up everything halfway, afraid of his hands and feet, then in his lifetime, he will not want to achieve too much!

As a strong person in the Nine Yang Realm, how could Duanmu Lingfeng not understand this truth?

So he did not hesitate to choose to gamble, and gambled with his own life!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo heard this, and finally nodded with satisfaction, and then with a snap of his fingers, a brilliant star flew out and fell into Duanmu Lingfeng’s brow!

The next moment, Duanmu Lingfeng immediately noticed that there seemed to be something more in his body, but he couldn’t say it clearly, which was extremely mysterious!

After doing all this, Ye Mocai clapped his hands and looked at Duanmu Lingfeng in approval: “This sect is now on the occasion of employing people, since you are willing to accept my ‘Star Demon’, then Ben Gongzi will give you another chance, but next time, if you dare to play any small cleverness, it will not be as simple as being expelled from the sect, do you understand?” ”

“Thank you so much for the perfection of the suzerain, the subordinates understand!”

Duanmu Lingfeng shouted loudly, after saying these words, he seemed to have been drained of all the strength in his body, and his ass collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily!

“Well, there’s nothing for you to do here, you go back to the mountain first, settle the disciples on the mountain, and then I will convene the Sect Gate Elders and arrange a position for you!” Ye Mo waved.

“Yes, son, the subordinates retreat!”

Duanmu Lingfeng was so relieved that he turned around and walked in the direction of Zongmen.

After Duanmu Lingfeng left, Ye Mo set his sights on the battlefield of the plains outside the mountain!

At this moment, tens of thousands of disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect were already like tigers descending the mountain, fiercely crashing into the subordinate camps of the three powerful people!

With Ye Mo sitting behind him, plus the assistance of Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui, the two elders of Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui were on the side, and the “Invincible Battle Sect” seemed to have beaten chicken blood, which could be described as imposing as a rainbow!

Looking at the subordinate camps of the three powerful people, although their overall strength was much stronger than that of the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect!

But they even had their own boss dead, and not far away, there was another Absolute Demon Ye Mo who was staring at them, where could they still raise a little fighting spirit? One by one, they just wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible, and they didn’t dare to fight hard with the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect at all!

(PS: Yesterday’s high fever failed to update in time, please forgive me, today is still five more, small fluttering street pain, plan to update diligently, I hope you have more support, grateful for it)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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