As a result, the situation in the field immediately formed a sharp contrast, and the disciples of the “Invincible War Sect” fell one by one with their swords in their hands, each of them used their best learning, and soon a wave of monstrous blood rolled up!

And the subordinates of the three powerful people are all crawling with rolling belts, rolling urine and urine, being beaten to the point of crying and crying for mothers, and panicking like dogs that have lost their families!

What kind of battle is this, it is clearly a one-sided massacre!

And in the midst of this massacre, there is another place where the battle is the most eye-catching!

Only to see the Great Elder of the “Invincible War Sect” Duanmu Lingfeng, controlling the “Sixth Reincarnation” given by Ye Mo, was already a flash in front of the “Ancient Temple Demon Monk” Pure Space!

“Clear, you damn traitor, leave your life for this throne!”

Duanmu Lingfeng’s eyes exploded with a killing chance, and without saying a word, he launched a furious attack on the clearance!

“Ouyang Xiu! You alone are not my opponents! ”

Clearing the space to see Ouyang Xiu clearly, a thick disdain flashed in his eyes!

He had the Nine Yang Realm Fivefold Heavenly Cultivation Behavior, while Ouyang Cultivation only had the Nine Yang Realm Triple Heavenly Cultivation Behavior!

The difference in strength between the two small realms made him not put Ouyang Xiu in his eyes at all!

“Suffering has entered the world, and every flower and tree is the world!”

A slap of the clear space exploded, the majestic palm power was endless, rigid and soft, and where it passed, it was only the aftermath of the palm wind, which shattered the countless congested people around them, and the power was extremely strong!

If it was as usual, with this palm alone, Ouyang Xiu would not be able to hold back, and could only choose to dodge and dodge, and would never dare to make a hard move!

But now is different from the past, but now he has the top artifact “Sixth Reincarnation” that has experienced thunder and robbery in his hand!

“Bloodthirsty magic knife, a thousand knives!”

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

Ouyang Xiu drank loudly, he couldn’t dodge at all, his fingers swiped in the void, and the brilliant golden sword light suddenly exploded, deriving a series of fine sword qi, with an astonishing sound of breaking the wind, almost instantly cutting the palm force of the clear space into slag, and enveloping his entire person in the trend!


Pure Space didn’t expect that his pride in learning would be broken by Ouyang Xiu so easily, and he was planning to continue his moves!

Suddenly, a golden light flashed from his palm!

Clearing only felt that the palm of his hand was cold, and subconsciously looked down, only to see that his left palm did not know when, but he had been separated from the entire arm of the family, and the fracture was smooth as a mirror, and now, there was no blood flowing out!

It was really too sharp for the blade to even react to the flesh and nerves of a person!


Finally, the blood spilled out, and the brain was strongly rebuked, making the clear space almost faint without pain, and he couldn’t help but shout in a hoarse and exhausted mania, “Ouyang Xiu! You…… What kind of demon are you? ”


Ouyang Xiu was stunned at first, and then he shook his head and laughed, but he did not rush to attack, but he stretched out his hand with a show of face!

The next moment, a golden brilliant, strangely shaped Qimen Blade appeared around him, and it was the “Sixth Reincarnation” that hovered back and forth without a trace of weight!

“See, this is the artifact that the prince himself gave me, ‘Sixth Reincarnation’, you dare to use your flesh and mortal body to block my artifact, and if you don’t cut off your arm, you bald donkey is lucky!”

“What? Artifact… ‘Six reincarnations’? ”

Pedaling, pedaling, staring…

Pure Space was frightened and took three steps back in the same place, looking at the “Sixth Reincarnation” around Ouyang Xiu’s body in disbelief!

Although he had the heart to refute Ouyang Xiu, but Clearance was not a fool, just by virtue of the terrifying sharpness emanating from this strange sword, he knew that Ouyang Xiu was not lying, and this knife was definitely not something he could deal with now!

“It’s not just me, Elder Du, Elder Lin and Elder Xiu all received the ‘artifact’ given by the Gongzi, if you don’t believe it, you can take a look!”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiu extended his finger to the battlefield around him!

Pure Space subconsciously stared at it, only to see that in a warband less than seven or eight miles away from him, Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui were holding the exact same shape, the blood-red “Heavenly Overlord Blood” in the crowd, killing the ring in the crowd, as if the tiger had entered the flock, and no one was their enemy at all!

What was even more terrifying was that every time the two of them killed one person, the knife in their hands would become redder, accompanied by more than a dozen people falling to the ground one after another, at this moment, the two “Heavenly Overlord Blood” had become incomparably enchanting, flashing with a palpitating crimson glow!

Just at this moment, I saw Lin Shichun and Xiu Rui stomp heavily on their feet, and at the same time, they jumped up more than a dozen feet in the same place, and then the knife edge fell down, and they slashed hard!

“Blood God Mighty!”


The terrifying sword qi of the two long knives roared out, spreading wildly, and at once in the vast crowd, it split a positive empty area of hundreds of miles, and everywhere it passed, whether it was people or weapons, it was all engulfed by blood and light, turning into dust, and not even a complete piece of clothing corner was left! “Nima!”

The clear space was so frightened that he almost didn’t faint, and he couldn’t help but burst out a foul mouth!

It is really these two knives are too against the sky, the net space asks himself, even if he himself, just faced with such a sharp knife qi, not to mention two knives, even if it is a knife, he can’t hold on, it is bound to fall to a crushed bone, the corpse bones do not exist!

But that’s not all!

Immediately afterward, the clearance saw a more strange scene in the distance!

Only to see Du Yan with his hands behind his back, his face was indifferent, and he walked in the battlefield of enemies everywhere, as if he were striding idly, and he did not make any moves to kill the enemy at all!

But wherever he passed, within a radius of fifty kilometers, there was not a single living person at all!

Because whoever stepped within fifty feet of his body would immediately fall to the ground powerlessly, and then in an instant turn into a pool of blood that emitted a rich stench, which could be described as extremely domineering!

“This… Is it poison? ”

Seeing these two amazing pictures, the face of the clear space changed tragically, and a heart had completely mentioned the throat eye!

To be fair, he had the Nine Yang Realm Fivefold Heavenly Cultivation, and if he fought alone, whether it was Ouyang Xiu, Du Yan, Lin Shichun or Xiu Rui, no one was his opponent!

But at this moment, as Ye Mo closed his eyes and made a mess of hair, the four elders were each in their hands, and the net space suddenly found that each of the four elders could easily kill him!

This was the supreme power contained in the artifact that Ye Mo had personally refined, and if it were not for his own words, ordinary people would not be able to imagine it at all! _

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