“Clearance, do you regret it?”

Suddenly, Ouyang Xiu, who was not far away, said coldly, revealing a touch of pride in his eyes that was difficult to conceal!

That’s right, pride!

“Regrets? What do you regret? ”

Pure Space subconsciously asked, at this time, his head had already been shaken, and he didn’t realize what Ouyang Xiu meant by this!

“Oh, if you hadn’t chosen to betray the Sect Gate before, but stood firmly with us, at this moment, you would also be like us, holding an artifact, and your strength would soar here to kill the ring, as if you were entering the realm of no man!” Ouyang Xiu said lightly!


The clear space heard the words and properly spewed out a mouthful of blood!


Of course!

Not only regret, at this moment, he simply hated that he couldn’t slap himself to death!

However, Ouyang Xiu did not intend to let him go so easily, but he had the intention of wanting to kill him, and said again, “Also, you only entered the Sect for a few days before you chose to betray him, and the ‘Heavenly Pavilion’ personally arranged by my father-in-law, you have not enjoyed it, that is a super formation that can increase the cultivation speed by one hundred and eighty-three times!” ”


The clearance spewed out a mouthful of old blood again, and he was already dizzy and almost fainted!

One hundred and eighty-three times the cultivation speed, what is that concept?

Even if it is a pig, it can be in such a superb environment, then it must be ascension to immortality…

Even if I am such an elderly martial practitioner whose potential has long been exhausted, his old man’s family only needs one Dan Medicine, and he can break my own shackles again, so that I can once again step into a more engaged level of cultivation…”

“And the Rune Dao, take out any one of them, you can smash a fool like you to death!”

“And the way…”


Finally, with a loud cry, Pure Space couldn’t bear it, because every word of Ouyang Xiu was like a sharp knife, stabbed in his heart with one knife after another, making him regret almost committing suicide!

The so-called one step wrong, one step wrong!

By now, Clearspace knew that he had no room for reversal at all!

“Ouyang Xiu, Lao Tzu fought with you!”

Letting go of the last thought in his heart, the next moment, the net space was full of despair, and he had no regard for it, and he gave up his body and pounced on Ouyang Xiu!

“Clear space, all the way good, unfortunately, you can no longer see the wonderful scene of different princes stepping on the top of Xuanyun!”

Ouyang Xiu sighed heavily and immediately stretched out!

The sword light flickered, and a scarlet line fell from the sky, waving wildly!

“Dude! I’m sorry!!! ”


A bare head smashed heavily on the ground, and the last words left in the clear space were already in a different place, and he was not blind!

“If you knew it now, why did you do it in the first place?”

Ouyang Xiu sighed heavily, this last knife, he could feel it, Pure Space did not intend to resist, but had the heart to come to die, because his previous words of condemnation had completely lost the desire to continue to live!

However, Ouyang Xiu did not regret it, everyone had their own choices, such as him, he would firmly follow Ye Mo in this life, even if it was a sword mountain and a sea of fire, he would not frown halfway.

But the clear space was different, his time with Ye Mo was still short, he didn’t know what kind of terrifying talent Ye Mo had, and when the strong enemy was imminent, it was also reasonable to choose betrayal!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Xiu couldn’t help but be a little lucky, glad that he could follow Ye Mo one step earlier, recognize the reality a day earlier, and choose his own path a day earlier!

This is the time and fate!

With the death of Clearair, the battle in the field is nearing its end!

The hundreds of thousands of subordinates brought by the three powerful people have already been slaughtered by many disciples of the Invincible War Sect, and there are only a few battlefields left in the vast mountains and plains, and there are still some people struggling, but they are also besieged by a large number of disciples of the Invincible War Sect, and they see that defeat is not far away!

In addition, there were some disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect” who had come to the late stage, and seeing that most of the enemies had been almost killed, they refused to give up such a good opportunity to earn Sect Gate points, and simply formed one pursuit squad after another, heading for the reckless dense forest outside the plains outside the mountains, but they did not intend to let go of an enemy who had come to attack, and vowed to cut down the grass and root it out!

For this situation, the four elders did not stop it, because at this moment, with the tragic deaths of Arrogant Heartless, Chu Furious and Gu Qianfan, the entire “Land of Riots”, the “Invincible Battle Sect” was already the first sect and the first force worthy of the name!

At this time, which non-long-eyed person would dare to attack the disciples of the “Invincible Battle Sect”?

Isn’t that looking for a dead place?

So Ouyang Xiu simply let these disciples go!

At the same time, Ye Mo, who had been standing on the ruins of the mountain gate and watching the situation, finally withdrew his gaze and quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The crisis encountered by the sect gate this time is not big or small.

Fortunately, in the face of absolute strength, everything was a mirror flower and a water moon, and it did not cause too much trouble to Ye Mo!

“Miss Fu, thank you for coming to our aid of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ this time, regardless of your own safety, Ye Mou is grateful in his heart, and I would like to promise you that from now on, you are the staunchest ally of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, but in the future, my ‘Invincible War Sect’ will definitely not resign!” Ye Mo said gratefully to Fu Hongyi.

Although Fu Hongyi’s arrival did not change the battle situation, in the end he still had to rely on himself!

However, suffering to see the truth, Ye Mo is a personality lover, the other party does not know his own details, under the premise of not knowing his own details, he can come to help regardless of safety, which has already made him very moved!

Besides, he also kissed people beautifully…

O first beauty of the “Land of Riots”!

This Nyima doesn’t lose any time!

“Ahem! Just allies? ”

At this time, Fu Hongyi suddenly asked a question, and there was a flash of light in his eyes!

“Uh… If you want to go further with me, I’m okay! ”

Ye Mo scratched his head and smiled shamelessly!

“Yuck! What do you think? ”

Fu Hongyi’s pretty face turned red and he took a bite, and rolled his colorful white eyes at him, directly speeding up Ye Mogou’s heartbeat, almost pressing the impulse in his heart! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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