“Haha, Lady Fu misunderstood, I mean, it’s also good that you come to my sect to be an offering elder, but where does Lady Fu want to go?” Ye Mo asked with a smile, a deep expression!


Fu Hong’s face was pale, and he stomped on the lotus foot with a sigh of relief!

“Don’t face the stinky guy, don’t tell you!”

When the words fell, she turned around directly and trotted all the way to the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect!


Ye Mo laughed heartily and took a quick step, followed closely behind!

On this night, the “Invincible Battle Sect” defeated the powerful enemy, the Sect Gate cheered and rejoiced, Ye Mo waved a big hand, and even more generously, laid down an uninterrupted flowing water mat for all the disciples of the Sect, and simply raised the Sect to rejoice!

He himself even took out his treasured Dan wine and drank it with the seven elders, vowing not to get drunk!

Now, with the death of Pure Space, there were only seven of the Ten Inner Gate Elders of the Invincible Battle Sect, namely Ouyang Xiu, Ram Kun, Chu Laowei, Du Yan, Lin Shichun, Xiu Rui, and Duanmu Lingfeng, and there were still three vacancies!

However, after a daytime battle, this time, Ye Mo didn’t bother to recruit elders from the outside, and simply let Ram Kun select three absolutely reliable and absolutely loyal big men from the fierce tiger gang gang who followed him first, and directly promoted them to the inner door elders!

For this move, of course, the elders were opposed, it was really Ye Mo’s approach was too dramatic, the Inner Gate Elder was the façade of a sect, where was there such a closed eye?

However, although the elders objected, they did not dare to speak out, because Ye Mo’s position in their hearts at this time was no different from that of the gods, and in the eyes of the elders, no matter what Ye Mo did, it was all right, and he had his reason!

But in fact, where did Ye Mo come from with so much truth?

Even his original intention of creating the “Invincible Battle Sect” was only to go home, not really to dominate the world!

And these three remaining Inner Gate Elders, then they really took it to make up the number…

Because he was in a hurry to make his Sect Gate advance to the Six Stars, so as to attract the attention of the “Shu Ji Divine Sect”!

As for the strength of the three great men selected by this, he didn’t ask anything, after all, there was the existence of the Heavenly Pavilion, and the strength cultivation was not important to him at all, as long as he was loyal, he didn’t mind pulling up seedlings and growing, even if he piled up into the Nine Yang Realm Strong, in fact, he couldn’t waste much effort!

Fortunately, the “Tiger Gang” gang that first followed Ye Mo had the “Star Demon Demon” in their bodies, and these three elders who were selected by Ram Kun were also elite members of the Tiger Gang, and they could be regarded as loyal.

The feast was still continuing, and in the vast Hall of the Invincible Battle Sect, there were hundreds of tables of banquets, in addition to Ye Mo and the Ten Great Inner Gate Elders, most of the Outer Gate Elders were also impressively listed.

The deacon of the Sect Gate kept serving wine and dishes, and countless Outer Gate Elders took the opportunity to come forward to toast Ye Mo, although Ye Mo had been doing the hand-throwing treasurer, and even who was the name of these Outer Gate Elders, but he did not refuse to come, and all the Outer Gate Elders who came to toast pushed the cup and changed cups, a good scene of guests and hosts having fun.

Three inches of wine and five flavors of dishes.

Although Ye Mo was called the Shanghai Amount, he was also dizzy and swollen, and his face was red.

At this time, he subconsciously swept through the chamber one by one, but he did not find the figure that made him very concerned!

“Huh? Where did this little girl go with the skin? ”

Ye Mo frowned, simply apologized to the elders present, and then got up and went to the backyard of the council chamber.

The backyard of the council chamber is a very neat and tidy small garden.

At this time, the willow on the moon, in the gazebo of the garden, a graceful and colorful figure is leaning on the pavilion pillar in a dashing way, a delicate little foot is on a bench, raising a wine glass in the forehand, tasting from time to time, with the surrounding flowers, a beautiful picture of the beauty under the moon!

Seeing this, Ye Mo couldn’t help but smile slightly and walked over.

“Lady Fu was so excited that she ran here to sneak around alone, and she didn’t even give me the opportunity to toast a glass of water and wine!”

Ye Mo said as he stepped into the gazebo and sat down across from her.

“Ye Gongzi forgives me, I have loved to enjoy this moonlight scenery since I was a child, and I have never changed in so many years, I have developed a habit, and I do not have the heart to hide.”

Fu Hongyi smiled slightly, and the beautiful smile instantly overshadowed the brilliance of the moon, making Ye Mo’s heart jump heavily!

“This demon…”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head, as a crosser, he had not seen beautiful women in his past life, what a big star, a beautiful woman he had not met for thousands of years, he had also seen more!

But if those artificial beauties are compared with Fu Hongyi, they are all scum of slag, not at all in a grade!


Smile and taste it shallowly, don’t apply powder!

Picturesque Gu Panxi, the country fell into the city!

This is the truest portrayal of Fu Hongyi’s beautiful face.

Forcibly suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Ye Mo opened his mouth again and asked slowly, “Miss Fu, in fact, Ye Mou still has a problem that he does not understand, and I hope that Lady Fu can solve the puzzle for me.” ”

“What?” Fu Hongyi looked over curiously.

“Cough, it’s like this…”

Ye Mo cleared his throat and groaned a little, before he asked, “Before you and I today, we only had a relationship, and we couldn’t talk about friendship no matter what, so why are you willing to risk being an enemy of the three supreme powers, and also come to my aid?” ”

“Turns out you were asking this!”

Fu Hongyi suddenly realized what he was saying, and suddenly smiled: “This girl is willing, are you in charge?” ”

“What kind of explanation are you?”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly, killing him did not believe that Fu Hongyi was attracted by his own talent and appearance, although Ye Mo was very confident in his temperament and face, but such a woman as Fu Hongyi, she would definitely not be so shallow and brainless!

And before that, Fu Hongyi’s performance, saying that it was an iceberg, was not exaggerated, and nothing could make her change her emotions!

But since coming to her “Invincible Battle Sect”, she seems to have changed into a person, amorous and colorful.

Although it is undeniable that today’s Fu Hongyi is more attractive than the previous Fu Hongyi!

But Ye Mo knew that the other party would never do this out of thin air, it must have a purpose that he did not know yet!

However, Ye Mo did not investigate deeply, nor did he bother to investigate deeply! _

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