If such a beautiful person has come to the door by himself, how can he not accept it?

Is that a normal man?

Besides, any conspiracy is a blank slate in the face of absolute power!

With Ye Mo’s talent, would he be afraid?

Of course not!

“No matter what purpose you have, anyway, you sent it yourself, then don’t blame me for not being ashamed!”

Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Mo’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke a trace of ill will, and he said, “Miss Fu, I have ordered the Sect Gate Deacons to arrange a courtyard with a quiet environment for you, during this time, you will stay in my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ for a few days, or let me do my best to take you to visit the scenic spots of our Lianyun Mountain Range.” ”

“It is rare that Ye Gongzi is so affectionately invited, and if the red robes say no, then wouldn’t they not know how to lift up?” Fu Hongyi said lightly,

“So, Lady Fu agreed?” Ye Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked again.

“Of course.” Fu Hongyi nodded decisively!

When Ye Mo saw this, he was even more determined in his previous thoughts, Fu Hongyi was taking the initiative to approach himself, and he must have some ulterior motive!

“That’s great!”

Without showing any abnormality, Ye Mo pretended to be happy and said, “The hour is not early, Miss Fu should rest early, we will see you tomorrow, we will not see you or leave!” ”

After saying this, Ye Mo decisively turned around and left, without stopping!

Not long after Ye Mo left, in the empty and deserted small garden, a twisted figure suddenly appeared from the shadows and knelt down in front of Fu Hongyi!

“Congratulations to the palace lord for successfully finding the ‘person who sent affection’, as long as the love thread is cut off, the palace lord can return to the ‘Blood Lotus Imperial Domain’ and climb to the worldly peak again!” There was an irrepressible joy in the mysterious man’s tone!

“Shadow, you actually came here with me?” When Fu Hongyi saw the comer, his pretty face instantly filled with a coldness that refused to be seen thousands of miles away!

“The subordinates are only worried about the safety of the palace master, and at the same time, they also want to see who the palace lord intends to ‘send affection’, who is sacred!”

The mysterious person “Shadow” said a word, and then continued: “Now that I see it, it is indeed worthy of the name, this Ye Mo’s talent, even if it is placed in our ‘Imperial Domain’, is also the top, but it is not an insult to the identity of the palace master!” ”

“Ahem! I have long said that I will personally solve this matter without your interference! ”

Fu Hongyi’s face was slightly cold, and he emphatically said, “Moreover, I am not completely devoted to this leaf ink yet, not yet in the heat!” ”

“Then please ask the palace lord to speed up the process, I heard that in recent times, the ‘Huangquan Imperial Domain’ and the ‘Nine Shadows Imperial Domain’ have become more and more aggressive against our ‘Blood Lotus Imperial Domain’, and the Great Palace Lord has been looking forward to your early return, and he is already impatient.” Shadow said lightly.

“I see, you can go, right?” Fu Hongyi waved his hand impatiently!

“Oh, the subordinates retreat!”

As the words fell, the shadow’s body twisted again, dissipating directly into the air, as if it had never appeared, leaving no trace!

After he left, the frost on Fu Hongyi’s face completely melted and he sighed!

What she didn’t know was that at this moment, there was a twinkle in her eye, quietly watching everything here!

“Huh? Such a strange figure that even I couldn’t see his cultivation behavior, who was this person? ”

Ye Mo was hiding on the roof of the Chamber, and his heart was already setting off terrifying waves!

Although he had already guessed that Fu Hongyi took the initiative to approach himself, his purpose was by no means simple!

However, with what he had just seen and heard, he still realized that the seriousness of this matter was far beyond his current understanding!

“The strength of this shadow is definitely the only one I have ever seen in my life, and it is likely to be the top existence beyond the Nine Yang Realm, which is still on it!”

“Also, what did he mean by ‘Huangquan Imperial Domain’, ‘Nine Shadows Imperial Domain’, and the ‘Blood Lotus Imperial Domain’ before?”

Ye Mo was confused!

Carefully gathering his breath, Ye Mo quietly fell to the ground from another corner of the roof, without alarming anyone!

Although the strength of this shadow was unfathomable, Fu Hongyi was obviously not simple!

But Ye Mo had already entered the supreme realm of the unity of heaven and man, as long as he wanted, he would immediately merge perfectly with the surrounding heaven and earth, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, his breath was no different from the stones, grass and trees, so neither Fu Hongyi nor the shadow was aware of his voyeurism hiding in the shadows!

After revealing his figure, Ye Mo groaned slightly, and immediately stepped into the council hall again!

“See the Suzerain!”

When the elders who were drinking happily saw him come in, they quickly got up and bowed down in salute!

“No courtesy.”

Ye Mo waved his hand, ignoring the crowd, but beckoning to Ouyang Xiu at the end of the hall!

“Great Elder, come out!”

“Son, what’s the matter?” Ouyang Xiu’s face was flushed with wine, and he already had a big face and a thick tongue!

However, after hearing Ye Mo’s call, he was still a clever man, and he quickly dispelled the wine and ran upside down.

“You come with me!”

Ye Mo did not speak directly, but turned around again and left the chamber.

After coming to the outside of the temple, he took the lead in unfolding his body and rushing towards the depths of the Sect Gate!

Although Ouyang Xiu didn’t know what Ye Mo had told him to do, he still followed closely behind and followed!

The two of them swept all the way through the Sect Gate, and soon, they came to the outside of the “Heavenly Pavilion”!

Leaping to the top of the tower tens of meters high, Ye Mo stood facing the wind, and Ouyang Xiu beside him finally asked again according to Nai’s curiosity, “Gongzi, what is the matter with you bringing me here?” ”

Ye Mo heard the words and groaned slightly, as if he was organizing the language.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth, and his words were not surprising!

“Senior Elder, I ask you, after the Nine Yang Realm, what realm?”


Ouyang Xiu’s face was stunned, obviously he didn’t expect Ye Mo to ask such a question!

In fact, Ye Mo had already expected that the Nine Yang Realm was definitely not the end of the Xuanyun Continent’s martial cultivation, and the Zhongwu Domain was definitely not the top region of the Xuanyun Continent!

It’s just that he has always held the idea of being safe and well, and intends to go with the flow.

Until today!

“Gongzi, in fact, for the realm after the Nine Yang Realm, there are already rumors in the Zhongwu Realm, but I don’t know much, because my potential was exhausted before, if I hadn’t met Gongzi, the Second Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm would have been my limit, so I didn’t expend energy to inquire about these things, just a little bit of hearing, if there is something vague, please forgive Gongzi a lot.” Ouyang Xiu said in a deep voice.

“But it doesn’t hurt to say it.” Ye Mo waved his hand and finally raised some spirits.


Ouyang Xiu nodded, and finally said slowly, “According to legend, after our Xuanyun Continent, after the Nine Yang Realm, there are three supreme realms, called ‘The Gift of Xuanyun and the Three Seals of Heaven and Earth’!” ”

(Fifth, feel that the body is hollowed out, ask for support, and the follow-up plot will never disappoint everyone!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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