The night is miserable, and the moon is hanging high!

Behind the “Lianyun Mountains”, in an unknown pristine forest.

In a lakeside clearing, Ye Mo set up a bonfire, and then called a mountain pig in the forest, peeled and washed, directly set up on the fire to smoke, a little grease fell into the campfire, making a “crackling” crisp sound.

Fu Hongyi sat around the campfire with his legs around him, looking at Ye Mo with a curious face.

This whole day of sightseeing and water tours, so that the relationship between the two people is obviously close a lot, at this time Fu Hongyi looked at Ye Mo’s eyes again, it was more gentle as water than before, and the emotions overflowed.

For this situation, Ye Mo had actually been aware of it, but he was not stupid enough to think that the other party was really in love with himself, especially after knowing the origin of the other party, Ye Mo was even more curious about the purpose of Fu Hongyi!

So this time, it was fake for him to take Fu Hongyi on a sightseeing trip, and taking the opportunity to touch the other party’s bottom line was his real purpose!

At this time, as if aware of the ghostly gaze from Fu Hongyi behind him, Ye Mo’s heart fluttered, and he couldn’t help but want to show his hands in front of his sister!

“Hungry, huh?” Turning around, Ye Mo asked with a kind face!

“Hmm.” Fu Hongyi nodded, but did not hide, although she cultivated to a high level, but still flesh mortal, especially from morning to night, the two have been in the mountains for fun, have not eaten a little thing, to say that they are not hungry, it is absolutely false!

“Oh, then you have a blessing, the name of this prince’s cooking skills moves the world, make sure you eat once, you can never forget it for a lifetime!”

Ye Mo’s face was full of pride, and while reversing the roast pig on the campfire, his heart moved, and he held out his left hand!

“Fire is coming!”


A mournful purple flame rises impressively, shimmering with a psychedelic luster!

“Huh? What is this fire? Fu Hongyi asked in surprise with his small mouth covered!

“This is the unique Dan Fire of this prince, whether it is alchemy or alchemy, there is no disadvantage!” Ye Mo tried hard to maintain his dashing posture, but in fact, his heart had already smiled and blossomed!

As long as he thinks of those YY novels he has read in his previous life, the pig’s feet in it are all a shock to the tiger’s body, casually lighting a fire to make a bunch of out, can make the girl eat praise, and then have a worship, kiss me and me, not three or four, hook up with each other, hook up with each other, hook up with each other, and finally make a promise to each other… Ye Mo almost couldn’t stop laughing!

“Hey hey, there’s a play!”

With such an idea, Ye Mo almost peed his pants with excitement, while continuing to cast his “Dan Fire”, while slapping back and forth against the roast pig on the campfire, as if with some strange rhythm, but in fact, it was purely for the sake of pretending to force the effect to knock it around!

And Fu Hongyi on the side was unknown, so Ye Mo really had real talent and practical learning, and he had already seen it dazzlingly and couldn’t extricate himself!

So, about half an hour later!

A roast pig that is as dark as ink and scorched and smelly has finally lived up to expectations and made its debut!

“Sleeper! Something seems wrong with this script…”

Smelling the strange smell of roast pigs, Ye Mo almost didn’t spit out the overnight meal, and couldn’t help but twitch at the corners of his mouth!

“This… Can it really be eaten? Fu Hongyi was also stunned, how did not expect that this product “painstakingly bloody” tossed for most of the day, and actually made such a thing …

Almost subconsciously, Fu Hongyi stretched out Qianqian’s thin finger and lightly touched it on the charred roast pig!

The next moment, just listen to the sound of “boo”, the roast pig should turn into fly ash, and the whole thing disappears!


At this moment, Ye Mo couldn’t hold it anymore, and couldn’t help but blush with his old face!

And Fu Hongyi was full of black lines, the two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the whole thing was in place!

“Nima, it’s all a lie!”

At this moment, Ye Mo had already greeted the ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart to the two authors who wrote novels in his previous life!

“In my opinion, let’s eat dry food to fill our hunger!” Fu Hongyi said angrily, and finally realized in his heart that this product was a reckless man who did not understand four or six, but he had to pretend to be an omniscient virtue, which could simply make people laugh off their teeth…

This one…… A momentary mistake, did not control the fire, but let the girl see the smile… Ahahahahaha! Ye Mo snorted with embarrassment!

Fu Hongyi rubbed his sore forehead, directly extended his small hand, lightly brushed the Sumire bag around his waist, took out several boxes of exquisitely packaged snacks, and reached out and handed them over.

“This is the ‘Lotus Cake’ that I made when I was in the ‘Blood Lotus Palace’, so you can try it.”

“‘Lotus Cake’?”

Ye Mo subconsciously took over, opened the food box and looked at it, only to see a few pieces of pastries that were all snow-white and emitted the aroma of lotus seeds, which made him not stop his fingers!

Taking out a piece of lotus seed cake, Ye Mo wolfed it into his mouth, and after eating, he did not forget to give Fu Hongyi a fierce thumbs up!

“I didn’t expect that Lady Fu still has such a hand, and she is indeed a model of a good wife and mother, and whoever marries you will be blessed in the future!”

“Ahem! Will speak well and obediently! Fu Hongyi glanced at him whitely, and then took out a food box again, took out the same snack, and ate it gracefully.

Neither of them spoke, and for a moment, on the small campfire camp, calm was restored again!

After a good half a day, Ye Mo took the lead in opening his mouth, breaking this slightly awkward atmosphere.

“By the way, I’ve known each other for so long, and I haven’t consulted the girl Fangling?”

“Don’t you know that it’s most impolite to ask a girl’s age in person?” Fu Hongyi said angrily!

“Then where did you come from, you can always tell me this!”

Ye Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally said his purpose!

“Blood Lotus Palace!” Fu Hongyi didn’t even think about it and blurted out!

“No, no, no, what I ask is, where did the girl come from before, and why did she fall into such a ghost place as the ‘Land of Riots’, I think with the girl’s talent, she should not have been an obscure person before!” Ye Mo chased after him and stared dead into Fu Hongyi’s eyes!

But then, he was disappointed!

Because the expression on Fu Hongyi’s face had never changed from beginning to end, the words he said made him almost explode his lungs!

“No comment!” Fu Hongyi didn’t even bother to look at Ye Mo and said directly! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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