
Ye Mo was angry, the reason why he wasted so much strength and took Fu Hongyi out for a sightseeing trip, bubble girls was only one of the purposes, and the more important purpose was, of course, to find out why Fu Hongyi took the initiative to approach him!

But seeing that Fu Hongyi couldn’t get in, Ye Mo was in a hurry and finally used the killer skill!

“Oh, since the girl doesn’t say it, then Ye Mou is not convenient to force, but well…”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo suddenly reached into his arms and lightly brushed it on his own Sumire bag!

The next moment, a long snow-white sword appeared in his palm!

“Last time, thanks to the girl’s help, my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ was able to retreat from the enemy, and as a token of gratitude, this gave the artifact sword that I personally refined to the girl!”

When the words fell, Ye Mo directly threw the long sword in his hand to Fu Hongyi!

“Send me the blade?”

Fu Hongyi raised an eyebrow and just wanted to refuse, but Ye Mo couldn’t help but throw the sword over, and she could only reach out to pick it up!

When the long sword was in hand, a cold and piercing feeling suddenly came from the palm of the hand, and even the ground was frozen in an instant, and the campfire in front of him fell into layers of white frost, which was extinguished on the spot!

“This… What kind of sword is this? ”

Fu Hongyi asked with a surprised face, the sword is not sheathed, the sword body alone can condense such a terrible cold breath, when this sword is really sharp, then it will be returned?

“The name of this sword is ‘Bully Frost Saixue’, but it is a long sword that I personally tailored for the girl last night, the sword is three feet and three inches long, and the whole body is made of ‘Ten Thousand Years of Cold Iron’!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo added, “Not only that, this sword comes with a 10,000-year-old bitter cold aura, once unfolded, it can create an ice and snow land of absolute zero degrees within a hundred miles, which can not only slow down the enemy’s attack, but also freeze the enemy’s bloodline, so that its combat effectiveness will weaken by at least 30% out of thin air, ranking at the top level of the Nine Yang Level!” ”

“What? How could this sword have such divine might? Fu Hongyi was shocked when she heard this, and she originally did not want to receive Ye Mo’s gift, and her heart was shaken in an instant!

It was really the power of “Deception Sai Xue” that was too strong, even if it was like Fu Hongyi’s experience, he couldn’t help but have a thought in his heart that wanted to take it for himself!

But then, she realized that this move was inappropriate, and quickly shook her head: “This sword is too valuable, I can’t take it!” ”

“Does Lady Fu look down on me Ye Mo or not?” Ye Mo pretended to be dissatisfied and asked!

“I… I didn’t mean this…” Fu Hongyi hurriedly came out to explain, but before he could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Ye Mo!

“Since you don’t have this meaning, then accept this sword, this is my gift to you, whether you throw it aside as scrap iron afterwards, or leave it close to you as a ‘promise keepsake’, what I Ye Mo sent out, I will definitely not take it back!” Ye Mo said domineeringly!

“Yuck! Shit’s ‘promise keepsake’! Yi Qiao’s face turned red and he snorted!

But somehow, her heart still couldn’t help but rise a thick, and her small face was even more red, and her eyes were flowing, almost turning Ye Mo’s bones into a picture

“Haha, if Lady Fu feels that the gift is expensive and ashamed, why don’t you let Ye Mou kiss it again to talk about thanks?”

Looking at the flower-like Fu Hongyi, Ye Mo could no longer hold back the heat in his heart, directly stood up, and strode towards her!

“You… What do you want? I don’t want this sword, don’t come here! ”

Seeing Ye Mo’s domineering eyes, Fu Hongyi immediately panicked, and even forgot that he had cultivated himself, and he didn’t even run, just like this straight pestle in place, looking like he was picking at will!

This made Ye Mo’s boldness involuntarily increase by a few points, and he took her into his arms without saying a word!


With a soft groan, Fu Hongyi was carried into his arms by him domineeringly, and his entire body seemed to be emptied at once, where there was still half a bit of strength!

Looking at the flower-like beauty at hand, the delicate red lips, the sweet fragrance of the sniffles, Ye Mo’s heart was fiery, and he was about to taste the bone-eating delicacies that haunted his soul again!

But at this very moment!


The sound of two violent winds suddenly came from the mountains and forests not far away, shaking the mountains and forests with fierce winds and birds flying!


Ye Mo’s pupils shrank, and he decisively let go of Fu Hongyi in his arms, while pulling out “no blade like blood”, his eyes were brilliant!

Based on the breath coming from these two figures alone, Ye Mo almost instantly determined that the strength of the coming person was by no means simple, and even stronger than the four Nine Yang Realm peak strongmen who had previously defeated him!

And Fu Hongyi on the side was also awake, and he also practiced pranayama and waited in a strict line!

However, between her eyebrows, there was a flashing thoughtful look, as if she had guessed the identity of the person who came!

Saying that it was late and fast, the two figures came to the lakeside camp where Ye Mo was stationed almost within a few breaths, and fell from the sky!

Boom, boom!

The ground cracked inches and inches, rolling up the rubble in the sky, and when the dust flew, the two majestic figures hidden under it were finally revealed!

These are two old men in golden robes!

Only to see that the old man on the left had white hair, a thin face, gloomy features, and the momentum on his body was like a deep sea, so that Fu Hongyi couldn’t help but raise a feeling of shock in his heart!

The old man on the right is slightly fat, his face is ruddy, his facial features are soft, and he has a posture of a fairy wind Dao bone, which is also like a deep sea, not moving like a mountain!

“Who are you?” Ye Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, silently blocking Fu Hongyi’s body!

Although the two old men were furious, they were obviously not easy people!

But Ye Mo did not have the slightest fear!

Because he had absolute certainty, within three moves, he could kill these two old men on the spot!

“You are Ye Mo, the suzerainty of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’?”

At this time, the old man of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone took the lead in opening his mouth and did not answer the rhetorical question!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded, but did not hide it, but asked again: “Who are you, and what noble deeds do you have in my Lianyun Mountain Range?” ”

The old man of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone opened his mouth and just wanted to speak!

“Huh?’ Thousands of miles to chase the soul’? You actually killed our ‘Primitive War Sect’ people? ”

Suddenly, another gloomy old man recognized the mark of Ye Mo’s eyebrow at a glance, and his eyes instantly killed the chance! _

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