“Be bold!”

As soon as the words fell, the gloomy old man directly and brazenly shot out, without saying a word to Ye Mo, he was going to kill him on the spot!

“Find Death!”

Ye Mo’s pupils narrowed, how could he not expect that this old man had just met him, he had revealed a killing chance to himself, with his character, of course, he would not allow this old man to be lawless on his own turf, and was about to kill him on the spot!

Just at this moment!

“Brother Situ, slow down!”

Only to see the old man of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone drink heavily, and even a flash of his body blocked in front of the gloomy old man’s body, and his fists were heavy!


The fists intersected, the monstrous wind raged, and the terrifying power of the Nine Yangs spread wildly, and even in the primeval dense forest full of grass and trees, a vacuum zone of hundreds of miles was shaken, and even the hard mountain stones collapsed every inch of the place where they passed, and the giant tree vegetation was uprooted, a mess!

“Liu Xunyang, do you dare to stop me?” The gloomy old man saw that the blow was useless, and he couldn’t help but scream at the old man of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone!

“Brother Situ, this Ye Mo is very likely to be a ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’, and it is also the only purpose of our visit, if you kill him, once the Patriarch knows about it, his fate does not need me to say, you should also know it!”

Liu Xunyang’s eyes narrowed slightly, his tone was flat, but the words he could say were nothing more than a basin of cold water, and when his head was poured on the head of the gloomy old man, his heartfelt killing chance dissipated!


The gloomy old man heard the words, and finally snorted heavily, and did not continue to shoot!

But if he doesn’t shoot, it doesn’t mean that Ye Mo won’t shoot!

“Old thing, dare to be unreasonable to this son, I see that you are impatient with life!”


The sword of “No Blade Like Blood” shines brightly, and Senran’s killing chance is fleeting!

The next moment, I saw Ye Mo’s sword raised in unison, and he actually planned to attack the gloomy old man again!

“Critters! You asked for it! ”

The gloomy old man didn’t expect that he would raise his noble hand high and not fight, this boy even dared to be aggressive, and he couldn’t help but smile on the spot, the same was the same gathering of the majestic Yang Yuan power in his body, and he was planning to kill Ye Mo at all costs!

“You both give me a break!”

Finally, Liu Xunyang on the side couldn’t bear it any longer and opened his mouth to drink heavily!

“Ye Mo! We are the offerings of the ‘Shu Jie God’, and this time we are here to pick you up and take you to the ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’ to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’! ”

“The people of the ‘Shujie Divine Sect’?”

Ye Mo’s eyes froze when he heard the words, although he had guessed a little earlier in his heart, when Liu Xunyang really reported his identity, he still couldn’t help but be overjoyed, and the anger that had been aroused by the gloomy old man before had also calmed down a lot!

“It turns out to be the Lord of the ‘Shu Jie Divine Sect’, welcome to our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ as a guest!”

Putting away the sword, Ye Mo politely arched his hand at Liu Xunyang, but turned a blind eye to the gloomy old man!

Of course, this did not mean that he had spared the gloomy old man, but he did not want to make a fuss, after all, he spent two whole months to create the Invincible Battle Sect, wasn’t it precisely to take the opportunity of participating in the “Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle” to go to the “Heavenly Fire Ridge”, find the “Primitive Battle Sect”, and find the way home?

If you kill this gloomy old man now, you don’t know how much trouble it will cause, but it won’t be worth the loss!

Therefore, Ye Mo quickly suppressed the killing machine in his heart!

Seeing that the two did not continue to move, Liu Xunyang was relieved and said with a smile: “First introduce yourself, Liu Xunyang, who was once the previous suzerainty of the ‘Iron-Blooded War Sect’ in the Zhongwu Domain, is now under the Shujie Divine Sect Gate, and is responsible for taking over the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ from all over the Zhongwu Domain to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’!” ”

“It turned out to be the six elders, who looked up for a long time!”

Ye Mo surrendered his hand again, in fact, he didn’t know the name of this so-called “Iron-Blooded War Sect” before.

However, doing a full set of drama, Ye Mo didn’t care about Liu Xunyang’s previous identity, as long as he could access him to Tianxu Ling, his purpose would be achieved!

At this time, Liu Xunyang pointed to the gloomy old man next to him and said, “This is my colleague, Situ Sheng, the previous patriarch of the ‘Primitive Battle Sect’, and now like me, he is also the worship elder of the ‘Shu Jie Divine Sect’!” ”

Speaking of this, Liu Xunyang asked again, “Ye Mo, I see the ‘Ten Thousand Miles Chasing Soul’ on your head, you should have killed the disciples of the ‘Primitive War Sect’ before!” ”

“You are actually the last suzerainty of the ‘Primitive War Sect’?”

Ye Mo’s pupils shrank when he heard the words, and instead of answering Liu Xunyang’s question, he stared at Situ Sheng deadly, and his heart was already setting off terrifying waves!

Didn’t the previous suzerainty of the original Zhan Sect mean that this Situ Sheng was likely to have the route of how to return to the “Southern Domain”?

Thinking of this, Ye Mo was so excited that he almost didn’t shout!

“Ahem! Since you know the identity of this throne, then don’t hurry to kneel down and beg for forgiveness, maybe this seat is in a good mood, and I can forgive you for the sins of killing my sect disciples! When Situ Sheng saw Ye Mo’s reaction, he thought that he was calmed by his own name, and he couldn’t help but shout triumphantly!

But as everyone knows, Ye Mo’s next words made him almost not squirt blood on the spot!

“Elder Liu, I have something I want to ask, but I wonder if you can solve my puzzle?” Ye Mo turned around and looked at Liu Xunyang again!


Liu Xunyang looked confused, and before he could react to what was going on, he listened to Ye Mo ask with a serious face, “If I capture a ‘Shu Jie Divine Sect’ offering elder here, or even kill and cripple him, will you still take me to ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge’ and participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’?” ”


As soon as these words came out, Liu Xunyang and Situ Sheng Qi spewed out a mouthful of old blood!

With the experience of the two people, how could they not hear the meaning of Ye Mo’s words?

Situ Sheng was even more angry, and almost ran away on the spot!

“Of course not!”

Liu Xunyang also said in a nonchalant manner, warning, “Ye Mo, I have to remind you, let’s not say whether you are Elder Situ’s opponent, even if you really have this ability and can take down Elder Situ, I, as a member of the Shujie Zhan Sect, will never sit idly by, do you understand?” ”

“Uh… Well, I’ll just ask! ”

Ye Mo sighed helplessly, originally he planned to capture this Situ Sheng first, and then torture him to force a confession, he didn’t believe that he didn’t explain the method of going to the Southern Domain! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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