In fact, with Ye Mo’s temper, these two men dared to be rude to him, and he should have killed them on the spot!

However, the previous encounters on the “Wind and Cloud Mountain” are still vividly remembered, and the mysterious strong man hidden behind the scenes is likely to be a veritable “Sealed Martial Lord”!

Moreover, the “Shu Ji Divine Sect” had always been mysterious, and Ye Mo didn’t know how many such masters were hidden within this sect!

He only knew that with his current strength, he couldn’t ignore the rules of this “Shu Ji Divine Sect”, so he was very clever enough to choose acquiescence and did not easily touch the red line!

However, Ye Mo was confident that it wouldn’t be long before the so-called rules of this “Shu Ji Divine Sect” would turn into a blank piece of paper in his eyes!

This is his absolute confidence in his talent, no need for reason, has long been deep into the bone marrow!

“Oh, good, okay!”

At this time, Tang Yunhai heard Ye Mo’s urging, and it was like waking up from a dream, and he was busy following up!

At this moment, after learning that Ye Mo was most likely a Nine Yang Realm peak strongman, his heart also rose a little bit of confidence, and at the same time, he also wanted to see what kind of mysteries this legendary Ninth Floor of the Heavenly Floor was!

The ninth floor of the “Ask the Sky Building”, that is, the highest floor, is different from the floor below!

Here, there is only one wine table, a huge round jasper table!

At this moment, around this jasper table, there were exactly two people sitting!

Ye Mo stared at it, only to see two young men, one of whom was thin and carrying a long sword, and his entire temperament was cold and fierce, just like a unique sword hidden in the sheath of the sword, seemingly without sharpness, but it was sharp!

And the other man was dressed in a purple robe, with a large body, and the breath on his body was like a deep sea, as if he could break through the sky, he sat behind the table with such a big grin, drinking wine cup after cup, as if he did not care about everything around him, but no one could ignore his existence!

What was even more strange was that from these two people, Ye Mo actually sensed an extremely strong aura, although it did not make him feel threatened, but this kind of breath Ye Mo had only seen in his life!

You know, even the four supreme powers of the Land of Riots, Ye Mo didn’t feel this kind of aura when he faced them!

This couldn’t help but make Ye Mo wonder who these two young people were sacred, and they were even more powerful than the four supreme beings in the Land of Riots.

At this time, the purple-robed youth looked up at Ye Mo and the three of them, and couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, “Serving the sword, it is rare that you and I drink together today, without drawing the sword to face each other, I didn’t expect that there were still unopen ants who wanted to come and stir up trouble!” ”

“Do you shoot, or do I shoot?” The cold young man named Sword Servant didn’t give a crap and asked directly!

“A few ants are just that, you and I, whoever shoots, lightly solve, but…”

Speaking of this, the purple-robed young man suddenly drew a touch of ill will in his mouth, and smiled lightly: “Fighting is forbidden in the ‘Wind and Cloud City’, and we still have to give the ‘Shu Jie God some face’ after all!” ”

“Ahem! Bullshit face, to kill the three of them, there is no need to expose the yuan force! The sword said proudly!

“Haha, the brother’s words are bad, of course, it is not difficult to kill them, but in this way, isn’t it too boring?” The purple-robed youth grinned!

“Oh? Did Brother Chu have any ideas? The sword asked with interest!

“Oh, you and I have a rare story, if you just sit here and drink, it is too boring, it is better to take them as a pastime, but also to increase some after-fun, what do you think?” The purple-robed youth squinted his eyes and said!

“I have no opinion, all listen to Brother Chu’s arrangement!” The sword nodded coldly, indicating that there was no objection!

The two of them just exchanged ideas like this, completely treating Ye Mo and the others as air!

Just at this moment, Tang Yunhai, who had been hiding behind Ye Mo, seemed to recognize the origin of the cold and fierce youth, and his face changed drastically!

“You… You are the ‘Yin Void Prince’ serving the sword! ”

Tang Yunhai cried out in horror, and when he looked at the purple-robed youth again, he was even more frightened and scattered, and he almost collapsed on the ground!

“You are… ‘Battle Heaven Prince’ Chu Xifeng!”

“Brother Tang, what kind of Rausch son or something you are talking about, is it a god horse thing?” Ye Mo asked with a confused face!

“Brother Ye, don’t ask, let’s go!” Do I beg you? Tang Yunhai’s legs were weak, the two strands of battle, after learning the true identities of the two youths, he did not dare to stay here for a moment, pleading bitterly at Ye Mo!

Just at this moment, Chu Xifeng, who was sitting at the jade table, suddenly stood up and smiled and groaned at the invitation: “The three of you have come just in time, Fang Cai, the ninth floor of this ‘Ask Heaven Tower’ is only the two of us drinking alone, it is inevitable that it is a little boring, so why don’t the three of you have any interest in coming and drinking a few drinks with us?” ”

“Don’t dare!”


Tang Yunhai and Ye Mo almost cried out in unison!

“Brother Ye…” Tang Yunhai was about to cry, desperately trying to make Ye Mo look at him!

But Ye Mo simply ignored it and waved his hand directly at the big thorn!

“Then thank you two brothers!”

When the words fell, he turned around and was trying to pull Tang Yunhai towards the wine table!

Suddenly, the strange thing that happened to Fu Hongyi’s body made his eyelids jump!

Only to see Fu Hongyi’s face, I don’t know when she has been covered with a layer of graceful light veil, completely covering her peerless posture, revealing only a pair of wonderful eyes that are enough to make people dream, but it is a little more mysterious out of thin air!

“I’ll go, Red, what are you going to do?” Ye Mo looked confused!

“Shut up!” Fu Hongyi rolled her eyes properly, of course, she didn’t want to give Ye Mojie a branch when she did this!

Unfortunately, at the moment, Ye Mo was obviously determined to have nothing to do, because that Chu Xifeng and the Sword were so obvious that if they wanted to use them as a pastime, they didn’t even bother to avoid them!

However, Ye Mo didn’t seem to hear it, and still had to pull them forward together!

This Nyima, isn’t there nothing to do with what?

“Uh… Well, just be happy! ”

Ye Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head, no wonder after coming to the ninth floor of this “Heavenly Floor”, the two young people in front of them did not show a little covetousness for Fu Hongyi, it turned out that she had covered her peerless appearance in advance! _

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