Ignoring Fu Hongyi, who was “acting strangely”, Ye Mo reached out and pulled Tang Yunhai, who was like a wooden chicken next to him, and directly stepped forward, towards the middle of the ninth floor hall, the only wine table!


Coming to the table, Ye Mo sat down in the second seat, and then pulled Tang Yunhai next to him, signaling him and Fu Hongyi to sit down.

Fu Hongyi nodded and sat down beside him silently.

But Tang Yunhai was like a sculpture, the pestle of the hard state did not move in the same place, and no matter how he pulled it, he did not dare to sit down!

In desperation, Ye Mo had no choice but to raise his feet and kick at his calf belly!


Tang Yunhai was in pain, and as soon as his legs were bent, he sat down on the other side of Ye Mo!

But looking at the two world-famous Heavenly Lords in front of him, and thinking about their previous glorious achievements, Tang Yunhai was even more frightened and full of cold sweat, sitting like a needle felt!

“Haha, meeting is a chance, it is rare that everyone has the opportunity to sit at a table today and drink freely, and then first come to introduce yourself, contemptuous Chu Xifeng, from the ‘Taiyi War Sect’ of Beiwangling!”

Chu Xifeng arched his hand and smiled, on the surface he did not show the slightest disrespect, but the mockery and disdain that inadvertently flowed from his eyes when he blinked his eyes could not be concealed in any way!

“My name is Shu Jian, and I come from the ‘Ten Thousand Swords Battle Sect’ of Nanxunling!”

The sword spat out a few words lightly, still with that indifferent look, and the words were like gold!

“It turned out to be Brother Chu and Brother Sergeant, who looked up for a long time!”

Ye Mo closed his eyes and returned the gift, in fact, he had never heard of the family forces reported by the two of them!

However, his purpose in going to the ninth floor of this “Heavenly Tower” was to taste the legendary “Heavenly Jade Dew”, so he didn’t bother to deliberately inquire about the identity background of the two!

“I am Ye Mo, the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ from the ‘Land of Riots’!” Ye Mo smiled and squinted at his identity!

“A land of riots… Not…… Invincible Battle Sect? ”

Hearing the name of this strange sect gate, Chu Xifeng and the sword twitched at the corners of their mouths, almost not laughing out loud on the spot!

“Haha, I heard that this year, the ‘Land of Riots’ was born a rare six-star sect gate, originally I thought it was a false rumor, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

Chu Xifeng was dumbfounded, and while he and the sword on the other side quietly glanced at each other, both of them saw the ridicule in each other’s eyes!

The corners of Ye Mo’s mouth also drew a hint of curvature, and with his cleverness, how could he not see that these two people did not have good intentions?

But all along, he was afraid of a little fear in his heart!

Although this Chu Xifeng and the Servant Sword looked like their strength was good, Ye Mo still had absolute certainty that he could easily crush the two!

This was from the self-confidence in his bones, after all, Ye Mo had a full ninety thousand times more transcendent talent, and the combat effectiveness that this talent brought to him would be unimaginable if he were not a person who had experienced it himself!

“Since you want to play, the boy will play with you!”

Thinking of this, Ye Mo smiled slightly!

At this time, his gaze suddenly turned to the wine jug in front of Chu Xifeng and the sword!

Only to see that this wine pot is dark green, only the size of a palm, there is no lid on the pot, and the liquor in it is as bright as the afterglow of the stars, viscous as pulp, and emits a faint glow!

Although the wine had not yet been introduced, Ye Mo was still keenly aware of an extremely majestic heaven and earth energy from this wine, and his eyes couldn’t help but shine!

“I heard that the ‘Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew’ effect of this ‘Ask Heaven Tower’ is against the sky, just drink a cup, you can let my generation of martial practitioners increase their understanding of heaven and earth, dare to ask the two, I don’t know if this rumor is true or not, it will not be a gimmick deliberately made by this ‘Ask Heaven Lou’ in order to attract drinkers!” Ye Mo shook his head and asked, deliberately making himself a dirt bun who had never seen the world!

“Hahahahaha, Brother Ye said with a smile, this ‘Ask Heaven Tower’ wine, in our ‘Zhongwu Domain’ is absolutely worthy of the name of the world, Tong Sou is not deceived.” And this ‘Tiangan Jade Dew’ is definitely worthy of the name of ‘Tiangan’! Chu Xifeng laughed, the more he looked at Ye Mo’s silly face, the more he felt funny, and he was eager to see how ugly he was next!

“Oh? I don’t know what the value of this ‘heavenly sweet jade dew’ is? Ye Mo asked knowingly!

“It’s not very expensive, but a thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals and a pot!” Chu Xifeng grinned!

“What? A thousand pieces of nine yang crystal a pot? ”

Ye Mo pretended to be shocked, but in fact, he already knew the price of this day’s ganyulu!

However, in order to let Chu Xifeng and the sword down their guard, he still did a full job of superficial kung fu!

“This Nyima, ‘Ask the Heavenly Tower’ why don’t you go to the Ming Dynasty, who can drink such expensive wine?” Ye Mo couldn’t help but scold!

“Haha, looking at Brother Ye’s posture, is it because of the shyness in the pocket?” Chu Xifeng asked with a smile!


Ye Mo’s old face turned red, and he said with a hard scalp: “Who said I can’t afford it, I just can’t get used to this ‘Ask Heaven Building’ asking price!” With a thousand Nine Yang Crystals, wouldn’t it be better to keep it for your own cultivation? And why waste it on a mere pot of wine? ”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo stood up directly and shouted at Tang Yunhai and Fu Hongyi, who were still dumbfounded, “Brother Tang, Hongyi, let’s go!” This ‘Ask the Heavenly Building’ is too bad, let’s not drink it! ”

“Brother Ye wait!”

Seeing that Ye Mo was planning to leave, Chu Xifeng hurriedly blocked it!

It was hard to find a pastime, of course, he couldn’t let Ye Mo just go!

“Brother Chu, do you have anything else?” Ye Mo turned around and asked incomprehensibly!

“In fact, if Brother Ye is shy in his pocket, this drink can be invited by me and my brother!” Chu Xifeng pretended to be kind and said!

“You mean… You buy wine for me? ”

Ye Mo looked at Chu Xifeng with a shocked face, but in fact, he couldn’t help but scold in his heart: Stupid!

In fact, Ye Mo was not unable to afford this thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystal and a pot of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew”!

You know, before he left, Ouyang Xiu had given him a total of 50,000 pieces of Nine Yang Crystals!

However, he just couldn’t get used to Chu Xifeng and the sword, who were high above and made themselves clever, and he had already made up his mind to put the two of them to death…

“That’s right! This drink, let me and my brother and I entertain you! ”

Chu Xifeng said with a smile, although a thousand Nine Yang Crystals is definitely not a small amount, it is still far from hurting their bones and bones for the world-famous Heavenly Pride in their entire Zhongwu Domain! _

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