As Ye Mo took the initiative to display his talent, the pain in his body also disappeared, leaving only an extremely comfortable feeling of ease, which made him almost moan out loud!

“What? Not dead? Chu Xifeng’s eyes widened in disbelief, and the sword servant beside him also frowned!

Neither of them thought that after Ye Mo drank the first sip of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew”, he was not directly exploded!

You must know that even Chu Xifeng and the sword, when drinking this “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew”, must be careful to take a small sip and drink slowly, and every time they take a sip, it takes a lot of time to digest slowly!

But Ye Mo, directly drinking a large mouthful, actually did not do anything, how is this possible?

Only then did the two of them finally begin to look at Ye Mo squarely, while quietly releasing their perception, wanting to see Ye Mo’s cultivation behavior!

But then, the two couldn’t help but shrink their pupils, subconsciously glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

Because with their strength, they couldn’t even tell Ye Mo’s true cultivation behavior at once, how could this be?


Another mouthful of “Heavenly Sweet Dew” swallowed in the stomach!

This time, Ye Mo’s ninety thousand times talent was actively stimulated, and the wine had just entered the abdomen, and it was instantly digested by him!

At the same time, an extremely mysterious voice followed in his heart!

“What is the Tao?”

This voice was incomparably familiar, and Ye Mo couldn’t help but constrict his pupils, wasn’t it his own voice?

With the sound of this sound, everything around seemed to stand still, and only Ye Mo himself was the only one in the whole heaven and earth, still maintaining the posture of drinking, and his thoughts were flying!

“What is the Tao?” Ye Mo murmured in his heart, for a moment he couldn’t figure it out!

“What is Wu?”

In the sea of consciousness, his own voice sounded again, but this time he changed the question, as if he was a teacher who was slowly seducing, enlightening Ye Mo’s martial arts!

“The reason why I am practicing martial arts is to not be oppressed, to protect my relatives, to break free from heaven and earth and to be comfortable, to be at ease with my heart, to be at ease, to be at ease, to be free, to be free, to be unable to do so!”

Ye Mo’s tone was sharp and domineering, this was his original intention of practicing martial arts, standing at the peak of the world, my fate was up to me!

“What is the Tao?” The voice asked again, cutting back to the first question!

At this time, Ye Mo’s eyes flashed a trace of deep enlightenment, and he confidently said, “The Tao is the Tao, the way of heaven and earth, the way of all beings, the way of all things, the way of Hongmeng, and the way of creation!” ”

Suddenly, a series of colorful streamers of light floated from all directions, turning into a flickering point of light that floated around him repeatedly!


The mysterious voice meant something, making Ye Mo can’t help but look at the several clusters of light floating around him!

The green point of light is full of life and lushness, and it is the “way of wood”!

The blue dot of light is hazy, soft and rigid, but it is the “way of water”!

The red dot of light is mighty and the breath is violent, it is the “Way of Fire”!

The golden point of light is just right, but it is the “Golden Way”!

The yellow point of light is unusually thick and steady, as steady as a mountain, but it is “it”!

At this moment, the Five Elements Avenue was complete, all floating around Ye Mo’s body, but Ye Mo only glanced at it, then waved it all away, and said coldly, “It is useless to take it from my way!” ”

“Why Ru Dao?” The sound is broken, step by step!

“My way, when I override the Nine Heavens, suppress the ages, destroy the falsehood, and be proud of the world!”


As Ye Mo’s last words fell, a deafening roar suddenly came from his mind!

At the same time, out of nowhere, a dark purple streamer of light slammed into the heart of his brow and carved deep into the depths of his soul, as if it had become a part of his body, and could no longer be separated, could not be separated!

Ye Mo subconsciously looked at his own Sea of Consciousness, that dark purple air current, mysterious and mysterious, as if at the beginning of the founding, the beginning of the universe existed forever!

Finally, Ye Mo’s eyes flashed a deep understanding

“My way is for Hongmeng, the sea is a hundred rivers, and it can carry heaven and earth!”


Heaven and earth are in turmoil, a glance at the clean!

God is brilliant and solipsistic!

The next moment, time continued to flow, Ye Mo was still holding the wine jug, and he had just swallowed the third bite of “Heavenly Ganyu Dew”!

“Heavenly Ganyu Dew” swallowed into his abdomen, Ye Mo’s mind moved, and the mysterious purple in his mind roared out, and before the “Heavenly Ganyu Dew” had dissolved into pure energy, he absorbed it all in his brain!


It can be seen to the naked eye that after absorbing this mouthful of Heavenly Jade Dew, the purple color of Na Hong Meng has obviously grown a lot, and it has become more and more mysterious and mysterious!

“Sure it works!”

Ye Mo saw the situation and was overjoyed in his heart!

This purple qi was exactly the “Hongmeng Purple Qi” derived from the “Hongmeng Dao” that he had just fully realized!

The so-called Hongmeng is the way of creation, the foundation of creation, the beginning of creation, the originator of the three thousand avenues, with unimaginable divine powers, but a thousand paths!

Next, the fourth bite, the fifth bite!

Five mouthfuls of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew” under the belly, the original small wine pot that was only the size of a palm, was finally empty, and Ye Mo’s “Hongmeng Purple Qi” also grew a few points again, becoming more condensed and solid!

“That’s gone?”

Putting down the wine jug, Ye Mogang wanted to express his dissatisfaction in his heart!

But at this moment, he suddenly had a clever move, and he forcibly shifted his internal organs, and a mouthful of thick blood spewed out from his mouth!

After doing all this, he pretended to be extremely weak and seriously injured, and collapsed on his seat and gasped for breath!

“Chu… Brother Chu, fortunately not… Shame on you! Ye Mo’s face was as pale as paper, and anyone who looked like he had suffered serious internal injuries!

Cracking sound!

Suddenly, a series of jaws fell to the ground from all around, and I saw Chu Xifeng, Shu Jian, Tang Yunhai, and Fu Hongyi looking at him stunned, with a ghostly expression!

“You… You drank a whole pot and didn’t die? ”

Chu Xifeng inhaled a cool breath and had a ghostly expression on his face!

“Cough, I’m a little gifted to play this guy… It’s a lot, and it says… It’s just a fluke, if there is another pot, I… I definitely can’t hold back, I’m going to explode and die…” Ye Mo’s tone trembled, and the words he said almost made Fu Hongyi spew out a mouthful of old blood on the spot!

What is it to have another pot that will definitely explode and die?

Listen to what this is called?

With Fu Hongyi’s understanding of Ye Mo, if this cargo pressure really couldn’t be drunk, it would definitely not say so!

And when he says that, it must be a fart!

Thinking of this, Fu Hongyi’s heart was loose, and he did not forget to look at Chu Xifeng and the sword with pity, knowing that these two stupid goods were going to be taken into the pit by Ye Mo…

“Bastards! Outrageous! ”

Sure enough, Chu Xifeng was furious, and a feeling of knowing a dog suddenly arose in his heart!

You know, even if he and he himself, if he is like Ye Mo, drinking a whole pot of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew” in one breath, he must properly kick his legs and return to the west! _

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