But Ye Mo, the ants that jumped out of a riotous place, drank a whole pot and didn’t even fart!

How is this Nyima possible?

Thinking about what Ye Mo had just said, there was another pot of him who was bound to explode and die!

Chu Xifeng didn’t even think about it, and slapped it the jasper table again!


Another pot of “Heavenly Jade Dew” slowly rose from the groove of the jasper table!

“Drink it!” Chu Xifeng drank coldly, not even bothering to pretend, completely in a threatening tone!

“Huh?” Ye Mo’s face was frightened, but in fact, he almost laughed out loud!

Speaking of such a wonderful request, he really wanted to close his eyes and obey it immediately without conditions!

But in order to put a long line to catch a big fish, but also in order to catch this unjust big head to the pit of death, Ye Mo still perfectly played his Oscar-level acting skills!

“Brother Chu… I really…… I can’t drink anymore…” Ye Mo pleaded in excruciating pain!


Chu Xifeng shouted, “Since you are drinking, of course you must have a drink, don’t think I can’t see it, your current posture obviously has more strength!” ”

Pushing the wine jug in front of Ye Mo, Chu Xifeng’s eyes widened and he drank heavily, “Drink quickly!” “!


Ye Mo heard this and cried out with a look of grief, “Brother Chu, this is going to kill me!” ”

“Ahem! I am not afraid to tell you that if you can’t finish drinking this pot of ‘Heavenly Jade Dew’ today, then you will not want to take a step out of this ninth layer! ”

Chu Xifeng’s tone was cold, and the killing opportunity contained in it could not be concealed at all, and it could be seen that there was already some sense of irritation and anger, and he didn’t even think about it deeply!

The sword on the side was also full of Xiao Kill, staring at Ye Mo coldly!

“Good! It is rare that the two of them are so graciously invited, and if Ye Mou does not drink, it is inevitable that he will not give the two people face, and now he will give up his life to accompany the gentleman! ”

Speaking of this, Ye Moya bit his teeth, a trace of determination flashed on his face, and then he lifted the “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew” on the table and poured his brain into his stomach again!

Gollum Gollum!

A stream of viscous liquor fell into his abdomen, spawning into a stream of incomparably pure heaven and earth energy, which once again poured into Ye Mo’s limbs and hundreds of skeletons!

However, this huge energy had not even exerted its residual heat, and it was sucked in by the newly formed “Hongmeng Purple Qi” and disappeared!

And “Hongmeng Purple Qi” absorbed the energy in this liquor. It has grown a few points again!

After perceiving this situation, Ye Mozhong must have been!

However, he still did not forget his original purpose, every time he took a sip of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew”, he had to pretend to be extremely painful, his breath was disordered, and even he was about to die!

And Chu Xifeng and the sword and others had been staring at Ye Mo deadly, and whenever they thought that Ye Mo was about to hold on and burst into death, Ye Mo just persisted, still standing in place holding the wine pot and pouring it through, that is, not to die!

“Sleeper? Is this kid’s stomach a bottomless pit? How come it doesn’t die? Chu Xifeng muttered stunnedly!

“This is also too drinkable…” The sword was also confused and confused!

At this time, even Tang Yunhai felt that something was wrong, and looked at Ye Mo’s eyes thoughtfully!

Only Fu Hongyi, as early as when Ye Mo drank the first pot of Tianyu Dew, she knew that this was the wine of the Heavenly Building, and she couldn’t help Ye Mo at all!

And what Ye Mo did, with her intelligence, how could she not guess it?

Without bothering to pay attention to everyone’s thoughts, Ye Mo was immersed in a deep enlightenment at this moment!

“Tiangan Yulu” is worthy of the treasure of the town store of Qingtianlou, and it has unimaginable benefits for himself!

As a large amount of majestic and pure energy was absorbed and assimilated by the “Hongmeng Purple Qi”, a stream of profound and unclear, but real and existing enlightenment feedback came back, feeding Ye Mo back, making his mind more and more clear, and his understanding of the surrounding heaven and earth was also deeper!

At this time, Ye Mo had a very wonderful feeling, as if between heaven and earth, many things that he could not see clearly before had now lifted the clouds and revealed their true faces to him!

Although this feeling was mysterious and mysterious, Ye Mo knew that this was definitely not his own imagination, but what he really understood, although he could not speak, it existed in the depths of his soul, which would be of great benefit to his future cultivation path!

Finally, it was another pot of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew” that Ye Mo drank again!

“Aaa It hurts me to death! ”


Dropping the wine jug in his hand, Ye Mo’s undignified ass sat down on the ground, only to see his face twisted, his forehead exposed, and his mouth was even more wailing, as if he was enduring great pain, watching several other people’s eyelids jump wildly!

“This cargo… Wouldn’t it be about to ‘explode in situ’? Chu Xifeng saw the situation and asked with some surprise!

“I think it’s very likely, let’s stay away from him!” The sword nodded deeply, and the two of them moved a few steps back almost at the same time!

But at this moment, Ye Mo, who was originally in great pain, gradually recovered again!

“Two… Lucky not to be disgraced! Ye Mo cried out weakly!


Chu Xifeng almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, watching Ye Mo die and come back to life in pain, but in the end he stubbornly survived!

At this point, he finally couldn’t help but jump to his feet and scolded: “Bastard! How come you still don’t die? How can you just not die! ”

“This… Chu Xiong did not know, I am a little gifted, for the wine has a strong immunity, it is just a fluke, if there is another pot, I… I certainly can’t hold back, I will explode and die as you wish…” Ye Mo closed his eyes and repeated the previous nonsense!


Chu Xi was so angry that one Buddha went out of his way and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, this goods, when he was a fool?

Another pot?

Although the loss of a thousand Nine Yang Crystals was not a pain in his bones!

But Ye Mo had already drunk two pots in a row, and that was a total of two thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, a wealth that ordinary martial cultivation could not spend in ten lifetimes!

If he bought another pot, a total of three thousand pieces of Nine Yang Crystals, even if the Sect Gate power he was leaning on was greater, he would not be able to withstand such a terrible consumption!

At this time, seeing that Chu Xifeng was a little hesitant and did not want to pay for wine for himself, Ye Mo couldn’t help but frown!

“Why, is Brother Chu shy in his pocket?” Ye Mo asked with a smile! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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