Chapter 235 The tenth Sacred Land? The Holy Lord of Yaochi pulls off the veil! Show your true face!

Perceiving that the eyes of the Yaochi mineral vein were broken, the Shadow Demon Sect’s Supreme Treasure, which had been suppressed, was born.

Yaochi Sacred Land’s Void Returning Powers, all of them look ugly.

They desperately resisted the people of the Shadow Demon Sect in order to prevent them from entering the Sacred Land of the Jade Lake and prevent their plans from succeeding.

But I didn’t expect it.

Within the Sacred Land of Jade Lake, the Blood Shadow Array broke out first.

If the front eye is broken, the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation will be affected.

The faces of Shenyue Daneng and Luoyue Daneng were extremely solemn, and their hearts were very heavy.

They know it.

In the blood shadow formation, there is still Jiang Miaoyi in it!

“How could it be broken so quickly?!”

“The power of the blood shadow formation, the speed of condensing, obviously not so fast!”

Shenyue Daneng and Luoyue Daneng couldn’t figure it out, and their hearts were filled with deep doubts.

As soon as they left, what happened in the blood shadow array?


Can make them feel a little grateful.

It was the blood shadow formation, which only destroyed the formation eyes, but did not destroy the entire Jade Lake mineral vein, spreading to the entire Jade Lake Sacred Land.

Could it be that..

Is all this caused by Jiang Miaoyi?

It was she who prevented the complete destruction of the blood shadow formation, only in the eyes of the formation.

It seems that only this possibility can explain clearly what happened in the Yaochi vein.

Shenyue Daneng and Luoyue Daneng glanced at each other, and similar thoughts emerged in their hearts.

the other side.

The Void-Returning abilities of Shadow Demon Sect are exactly the opposite of what many Void-Returning abilities of Yaochi Sacred Land think in their hearts.

They felt the aura of the treasure of the Shadow Demon Sect, and their expressions were shocked, full of joy!

Especially the Shadow Demon Sect Leader, and the small group of Shadow Demon Sect Leader Elder who knows the whole plan, their faces are more joyful!

Hundreds of years of planning!

Finally in the present, complete success!

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The Shadow Demon Sect Sect Leader laughed up to the sky, waved the magic sword in his hand, and pointed in the direction of the Yaochi mineral vein.

“Everyone, follow Benzong and welcome the return of the treasure!”

Previously, they were stopped by the many Void Returning Powers of Yaochi Sacred Land, mainly because the Yaochi Guardian Dao Formation was blocking them outside, and they could not forcibly break in.

It is necessary to pass many abilities of returning to the void, as well as to pass through the two levels of the Li Yao Chi Guarding Dao Formation, before being able to enter the Sacred Land of the Yao Chi.

And now

The formation of the Yaochi ore vein was forced to be equivalent to the entire Yaochi Sacred Land, and a loophole appeared.

Everyone in the Shadow Demon Sect does not need to break into the Jade Lake Guardian Dao Formation, they only need to go in the direction of the Yaochi mine vein.

Such a big gap.

If the Shadow Demon Sect wants to enter, Yaochi Sacred Land’s many abilities of returning to the void can’t be completely stopped!

Next to the Void Battlefield.

The dragon horn elephant, who has been guarding outside the Sacred Land of Yaochi, is full of pale golden light, and his face is confused at this time.

It looked at the large gap in the Yaochi guarding formation behind it, a little at a loss.

The master asked me to guard against these people from entering the Sacred Land of Yaochi Lake.

But now

This is a big hole.

How is it still guarding?

Can’t hold it!


A higher void battlefield!

The ancestor of the blood pupil sensed the breath of the treasure of the Shadow Demon Sect.

Looking coldly at the protector of the Yaochi Sacred Land in front of him, he sneered, and Blood Qi moved forward.

“Now, you can’t stop us!”

Behind him, the two ancestors of the Shadow Demon Sect, Tiancun and Diqian, also laughed extremely cheerfully.

“Yaochi Sacred Land, you have suppressed our Shadow Demon Sect’s treasure since ancient times, until now! Have you ever thought that there will be such a day?”

“Now that the Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Treasure is born, your Jade Lake Sacred Land has not been born without Sage, and it is no longer possible to prevent us from returning the Supreme Treasure!”

“As soon as today passes, there will be a tenth Sacred Land in the Eastern Wasteland! That is our Shadow Demon Sacred Land! Hahahaha”

They only feel that their hearts are very happy, as if the Shadow Demon Sect is about to usher in a bright future!

At this point.

They didn’t think that Sacred Land in Yaochi still had a way to seal the Shadow Demon Sect’s treasure back again.

Even if the Sacred Land in the Jade Lake was suppressed by the quasi-emperor soldiers, it broke out at this time, and it could not stop the Shadow Demon’s complete sect treasure.

Several guardians of Sacred Land in Yaochi, holding Saint Soldiers, their faces were indifferent and ignored them.

And the other side.

The battlefield between the Holy Lord of Yaochi and the Blood-clothed King of the Feathered God Dynasty.

The two held their own sacred soldiers, facing each other far away, and the surrounding void shattered like a pool of turbid water.

Between the two, there was a shocking battle.

However, because of the birth of Shadow Demon Sect’s Treasure, the two sides stopped.

Yuhua Shen glanced at the direction of the Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Treasure towards the King of Blood Clothes, then looked at the Holy Lord of Yaochi again, and smiled faintly.

“Yao Chi, they all say that you are unparalleled in wisdom, aptitude and enchanting, invincible in the world.

“Unexpectedly, they were also in the hands of Shadow Demon Sect, overturning the car and let them release the Shadow Demon Sect’s treasure.”

“I wonder if you still have any backhands? If not.”

“It really disappointed me too much.”


Yuhua Shenchao’s blood-clothed king looked at the misty gauze on the face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi, and smiled:

“In fact, the main purpose of this king’s coming this time is not for the promises and benefits of Shadow Demon Sect.”

“This king came to Sacred Land in Yaochi this time, the main purpose is to fight with you, the Holy Lord of Yaochi in the world!”

“At the same time, I want to see it with my own eyes. Your face is praised by Eastern Wasteland, and countless Tianjiao heroes call it the peerless face that dumps all living beings!”

The Holy Lord of Yaochi didn’t pay attention to him.

She frowned at this moment, and doubts rose in her heart.

all of these

Something was beyond her expectation.

The Supreme Treasure of Shadow Demon Sect was released in this way.

It is very different from what she originally calculated.

And looking at the expressions of Shenyue Power and Luoyue Power, the Holy Lord of Yaochi knew that there must have been some kind of accident!


No matter how.

The Shadow Demon Sect Supreme Treasure came out from the eyes of the formation, which was something she had been waiting for for a long time.

767 naturally can’t be given to Shadow Demon Sect!


The Holy Lord of Jade Lake was about to move towards the veins of Jade Lake, ignoring the blood-clothed king who had been confronting her.


Realizing that he was being ignored, the blood-clothed king’s face suddenly sank and he gave a cold snort, and the surrounding void was immediately blocked, and countless blood evil powers moved towards the Holy Lord in Jade Lake and stopped him.

“Yao Chi, your opponent, but this king!”

“With this king, don’t worry about what happened to Sacred Land in Yaochi!”

The blood-clothed king would naturally not let the Holy Lord of Yaochi go.


The Holy Lord of Yaochi glanced at him faintly, and said coldly: “It seems that the previous retention of hands gives you confidence.”

“Keep your hands?”

The blood-clothed king sneered, “You haven’t tried your best, but do you know that this king hasn’t tried your best? This king has been waiting for you to explode with all your strength, and then be defeated by this king!”

In the Dao Slashing Realm, the Blood Clothes King is extremely arrogant, thinking that he is invincible!

In his opinion, even no matter how talented the Yaochi Holy Lord is, he has only made breakthroughs in the realm of Taoism soon.

With the power of the natal Saint Soldier, being able to fight him like this is pretty good.

To defeat him, there is still a long way to go!

As for what the Holy Lord of Yaochi said to keep hands.

In the eyes of the blood-clothed king, it was even more like a joke.


Yaochi Holy Lord smiled coldly, then

She stretched out her hand gently.

The light veil on the face was pulled down gently.

At this moment.

The whole world is stagnant. .

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