Chapter 236 The peerless face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi! Naturally charming, damaging sentient beings?

What kind of woman is this?

Red face is a disaster

These adjectives to describe a beautiful woman are not appropriate for the Yaochi Holy Lord who has taken off his face at this moment!

Unable to describe with accurate words, the face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi.

Take off the veil and show off your face.

The whole world was completely pale for a time, and all the photosynthesis was concentrated on the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

All the Spiritual Qi in this world, all actively gathered towards the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

Spiritual Qi xenon hydrogen, set off it like Celestial Immortals.

Tiandi Daoyun also took the initiative to appear next to the Holy Lord in Yaochi, very jumpy, full of joy.

Tiandidao Yunben is unconscious.

Jing Ran seemed to be alive because of the Holy Lord of Jade Lake.

Everyone’s eyes were unconsciously attracted by the Holy Lord of Yaochi, and their eyes never moved away.

Even if it’s just the back view, it makes people feel depressed, and it is difficult to extricate themselves!

The cultivator of the God-Transforming Realm just glanced at the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

I am afraid that own vulgarity will affect this situation and cause some dissatisfaction with the Holy Lord of Yaochi.

The cultivator of the Void Returning Realm, their eyes focused on the Holy Lord of Yaochi. They looked at the Holy Lord of Yaochi madly, only feeling that there was no such beauty in the world.

Whether it’s the Sacred Land of the Jade Lake or the rebirth power of the Shadow Demon Sect, men and women, all have such thoughts, and can’t help but sink into it.

King of Dao Slashing Realm!

Even if I have already cut my Ming Dao, I understand my heart.

At the moment when the Holy Lord of Yaochi took off the veil, he was also in a daze. Dao’s heart was turbulent and could not be stabilized.


The person closest to the Holy Lord of Yaochi, that is, the blood-clothed king of the Feathered God Dynasty, Dao heart is the most turbulent, and there is a crack!


Dao heart was damaged, and the blood-clothed king suffered a lot of injuries in an instant. He spouted a mouthful of blood containing Dao Yun, and his breath suddenly became a little wilted.

But it is precisely because of this.

Let the blood-clothed king wake up from the “charm,/confusion” of the Holy Lord in Yaochi.


The blood-clothed king looked at the Holy Lord of Yaochi in disbelief.

He couldn’t imagine.

After taking off the light gauze, the Holy Lord of Yaochi, who only relied on his stunning appearance, was able to charm the whole world like this.

The light gauze on the face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi is actually a Taoist-level secret treasure!

Its function is to cover up the face of the Holy Lord of Yaochi, cover up her own temperament and charm ability


Even if the Yaochi Holy Lord showed his figure, he always used this veil to cover his face.

Although it can’t cover it all, it can also cover up the heaven-defying face of the Holy Lord in Yaochi.


The face of the Holy Lord in Jade Lake, under Sage, no one can resist, it is easy to sink into ruin.

Even if it is in the Dao Slashing Realm, if one is not careful, it will sink in. If it is forced to break free, it will also cause damage to the Dao heart.

Because if it is the Return to Void Realm, even if she has been using this soldier-level light veil to cover it, if she watches for a long time, she will fall into it.

It is precisely because of this.

Holy Lord of Yaochi for so many years, even if she condensed Divine Sense phantom, she always showed her back.

The blood-clothed king retreated a hundred miles in a flash, afraid to get too close to the Holy Lord of the Jade Lake, for fear of being charmed again, his Dao heart couldn’t help being damaged again.

After stopping, the blood-clothed king looked at the Holy Lord of Yaochi with a look of fear, and couldn’t help but ask: “What kind of physique are you?! It’s so charming! It can charm all beings!”

As a king of the slashing realm.

In Eastern Wasteland and Zhongzhou, it has been rampant for thousands of years with few failures.

The King of Blood Clothes thought he was knowledgeable and many ancient secrets, he also knew.

He hadn’t seen those enchanting bodies. He had also heard of some more powerful physiques.

But I have never heard of it.

There is something like the Holy Lord of Jade Lake. After the appearance of the appearance, all the creatures within a radius of thousands of miles can all sink into it.

Even Tiandi Spiritual Qi and Tiandi Daoyun are in love with her.

Like a child of heaven and earth!

But it’s full of weirdness!

not far away.

The blood pupil ancestor also broke free from the charm, because he was far away, so he was not damaged like the blood-clothed king. Dao heart was damaged, but his breath was a little wilted and he was slightly injured.

He looked at the Holy Lord of Jade Lake from a distance, his face extremely solemn.

“I haven’t seen it for many years, your natural charm of charm has become so terrifying! It can charm sentient beings and make people completely desolate!”

The ancestor of the blood pupil said solemnly, “I knew that you could mess up all beings in this way today. When you didn’t return to the void, you should unite with Eastern Wasteland’s many forces to kill you!”


The blood pupil ancestor knew Jiang Miaoyi’s physical condition.

This is also normal.

The Holy Lord of Yaochi had risen all the way.

From an ordinary handyman disciple of Sacred Land in Yaochi, he has grown into the first true biography of Sacred Land in Yaochi.

Whether it is strength or wisdom, it is unparalleled!

The heaven-defying face of the Holy Lord in Jade Lake, in the Eastern Wasteland, has long been spread.

But only those of the same generation as the Holy Lord of Yaochi, who have witnessed the extraordinary appearance of the Holy Lord of Yaochi, know how flawless her appearance is.

Or the top powerhouses of the major forces know the inside story.


The Holy Lord of Yaochi was in Realm when he was humble.

Although she has a peerless appearance, she relies more on her peerless aptitude and astonishing power to conquer the great evil spirits of Eastern Wasteland.

Peerless appearance, the power of charm, but the icing on the cake

Moreover, after breaking through the Void Returning Realm and becoming the Holy Lord of the Sacred Land in Yaochi, she hardly made any shots and rarely appeared in front of everyone.

Most of them are in the Yaochi Tiangong, showing people from the back of the Divine Sense phantom, never looking back!

Even if the real body appears, it is covered with a light gauze.

So most people don’t care much about her peerless appearance.

Speaking of her, I only use the term “~ Fenghua Peerless” to describe her (Zhao Zhao’s).

But who ever thought of it.

Many years later.

Yaochi Holy Lord breaks through the new realm, makes a full shot, and after taking off his face, it will turn out to be such a scene.

The horror of her physique.

Finally it really shows up!

“Naturally fascinating body? Do you harm all beings?”

“Ha ha

The Holy Lord of Yaochi chuckled lightly, and the heavens and the earth faded in an instant, and the stars shifted.

She glanced at the ancestor of the blood pupil: “If you don’t come, why would I make a move? People of the Demon Sect, talking is so ridiculous

The Holy Lord of Yaochi looked at the King of Bloodcoats again: “Isn’t he still very handsome just now? I claim to be invincible in the Slash Dao Realm? Why are you hiding so far now?”

There was a pause.

The Holy Lord of Yaochi said indifferently: “Let me explain to you, what is the invincibility of the Dao Slashing Realm!”


Yaochi Holy Lord, a pair of Yingyingyu hands divided into two, lightly patted them out.

The complexion of the blood-clothed king and the blood-pupil ancestor changed drastically in an instant.

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