Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 15 No One Can Compete With Him! [New Book, Please Support!]


This is such a brilliant summary!!!

The people below couldn't help but let out a shameless laugh like a tractor.

They were devoted to martial arts, and they had never heard such advanced words.

The dozens of people who were conquered by Ye Feng's skills in picking up girls just now all knelt down.

God of cars!

Please teach me how to drive!

The God of cars is extremely powerful! He speaks well and his driving skills are amazing! He is a man of both virtue and morality, and he has unified the world!

They made up their minds that after the competition, they must go up and learn from Ye Feng, and follow him from now on!

Jiang Ling finally landed on the stage. When she heard what Ye Feng said, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Blushing, gritting her teeth.

This shameless bastard!

Dare to humiliate her again!

"Ye Feng! Don't be arrogant! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you took banned drugs that can increase your strength in the short term!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was shocked!


Ye Feng took banned drugs!

Everyone pondered, thinking that it made sense.

Otherwise, with Ye Feng's Rank Two strength, how could he defeat a group of Prodigy? If he really had the strength, why didn't he show it before, but only today was it so special!

However, hearing this, Ye Feng smiled, and the vice principal smiled and shook his head.

This little girl is good at throwing dirty water, but others can't see it, can't the vice principal, a martial arts master, see it?

Ye Feng's aura is stable, and his Spirit Qi is smooth. Although it is a little thin, the power is completely emitted from his body, without any abnormality.

Although the vice dean can't figure out why Ye Feng is so fierce, he is sure that it is definitely not the effect of taking banned drugs.

Before Ye Feng can speak, the vice dean behind him has stood up to speak for him.

"Everyone, during the realm test phase, the use of banned drugs is a serious violation. Once discovered, I will immediately expel the person. However, from my perspective, I can't see that Ye Feng used banned drugs. I can testify to his ability!"


Even the vice president has spoken, what else is there to question?

When Jiang Ling first saw the vice president stand up, and then heard the previous words, she thought she had exposed Ye Feng and made a great contribution.

Before she had time to be happy, her expression froze.


It's not a banned drug! Then... why is this guy...

A trace of despair appeared on Jiang Ling's face.

Ye Feng approached her step by step with a faint smile on his face.

"Do you have any last words?"

"You can kill me or shave me, it's up to you!"

Jiang Ling was also a man of character, with a resolute expression on her face.

Anyway, she would lose, so she might as well pretend to be dignified.

The most important thing was that she didn't believe Ye Feng dared to kill her here, this was the academy!

He can't do whatever he wants, at most he just hurt her.

When her father knows about this, he will definitely help her get it back a hundredfold!

Ye Feng nodded and laughed.

"Hahaha! It seems that you are very conscious. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it!"

So reasonable!

The people below touched their chins and were once again convinced by Ye Feng.

How can this person speak so well? This understanding of life is really too thorough!

Jiang Ling was furious, with a face full of humiliation.

When she saw Ye Feng was only one meter away from her, she suddenly stepped forward.

"Lingxi Step!"

This was the martial art of her family. When she used it, it was light and agile, with an incredibly fast speed, and it had the magical effect of surprising others.

She wanted to take advantage of Ye Feng's unpreparedness to attack him. She believed that with her Rank Eight strength of more than 700 pounds, she could directly attack his vitals. Even if he didn't die, he would still make him lose a layer of skin.

This woman was not a vegetarian. She didn't listen to reason at all, and the speed was too fast. Ye Feng didn't react at all.

When he saw Jiang Ling's tight body, he only had time to casually swing his hand.


Jiang Ling slapped Ye Feng's chest with a palm, and at the same time, Ye Feng swung his hand and hit the other party's arm.


Jiang Ling flew backwards, like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the stage, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, and fainted.

"Ye Feng!!!"


Ye Xian'er and Ye Lingqing in the audience shouted out in worry.

But Ye Feng stood there, staring at his hands stupidly, as if he had no idea of ​​the situation.

"I won already? I haven't made a move yet!"

The cheeks of the people in the audience twitched.

Damn it!

So pretentious!

Jiang Ling's bones were broken by you, and you don't even know that you hit someone?

The people in the audience were once again shocked by Qin Tian's powerful strength.

"Who else dares to come up and fight!!!"

Ye Feng stood proudly on the stage, shouting loudly, and the sound waves echoed throughout the square. No one in the audience dared to speak!

The sun shone through the clouds and slanted on his body, making him look as majestic as a god of war.

At this moment, Ye Feng's image was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

"From today on, no one among the twelve thousand students in Tianwu can compete with him!"

The vice president sighed and sighed.

The old man in white robe beside him had a gleam in his turbid eyes, as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Lao Hei, this student is wanted by Qingwu University!"

"This... is not easy to do. I will make a decision after I report to the principal."

The vice principal said in embarrassment.

If a student was favored by Qingwu University on weekdays, the vice principal would be eager to send him to the door.

But Ye Feng can't do that!

"Humph! No matter what your principal decides, I will decide on this person! And at all costs!!!"


It was originally a realm challenge for all students, but Ye Feng turned it into a ring match.

In the end, the realm test could only end hastily.

Ye Feng took Ye Lingqing and Ye Xian'er home, enjoying the attention of countless girls along the way, and even a few people came to ask for his phone number. The vice principal repeatedly tried to keep him, but Ye Feng simply refused.

On the way home, Ye Lingqing and Ye Xian'er kept looking at each other, and both had countless questions.

Finally arriving at the gate of the Ye family, Ye Lingqing reached out to stop Ye Feng and asked hesitantly.

"I have a question for you, can I?"


Suddenly, Ye Feng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Lingqing could see clearly that Ye Feng's face was as pale as paper, and he fell into her arms, powerless.

"Ye Feng!!!"


Ye Lingqing was shocked, reached out to hug Ye Feng into her arms, and rushed to the depths of the yard with him in her arms...

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