Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 16 This World Is Too Scary! [New Book, Please Support!]

Three days later, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes and felt a pain in his chest.


"Brother! You're awake! So good!"

Ye Feng was about to sit up when a dark shadow suddenly jumped into his arms. He knew it was Ye Xian'er without thinking.

"Xian'er, what time is it now?"

"It's been three days since the fight! Brother, you suddenly fell into my sister's arms that day and vomited blood all over her. I was really scared!"

"You have been guarding me for the past three days?"

Ye Feng saw two big dark circles under Ye Xian'er's eyes. He was a little moved and a little distressed.

He reached out and touched Ye Xian'er's little face.

At this time, Ye Xian'er lowered her head and explained embarrassedly.

"No, brother, this is what I got from staying up late to watch TV series these two days. What era is it now? Have you read too many martial arts novels?"

"Uh! Okay!"

Ye Feng's expression froze, his hand stopped in mid-air, and he took it back abruptly.

Damn! It turned out that he was being sentimental.

What a heartless girl!

"Did anything happen after that?"

"No, except that the vice-principal came twice, nothing else happened."

"By the way, the vice-principal also sent some precious elixirs. It's strange that the vice-principal never visited your home before, but he came to visit you this time."

Based on Ye Feng's performance that day, the vice-principal probably came to ask him to practice or something like that, otherwise how could he bring some precious medicines?

If he didn't have Talent, he probably wouldn't have shit to eat!

Ye Feng knew this, so he wasn't surprised, but what if the other party came to force him to practice?

You can't kill him with one punch, right?

"I know, get off me first."

Ye Feng was distressed. Ye Xian'er ran to his room in pajamas and rode on him without saying a word.

Ye Xian'er's figure was well developed, and she looked innocent.

Oh my God!

Ye Feng didn't even dare to look directly at her.

But he couldn't do anything excessive to Xian'er, she was his own sister!

He quickly hugged Ye Xian'er down, and her back was covered with cold sweat.

This world is so scary!

Doesn't this girl have any concept of that?

"Huh? Brother, why are you sweating? Did you touch a wound?"

Ye Xian'er was having fun, and suddenly saw that Ye Feng's face was not right, and immediately calmed down and said worriedly.

"Uh, yes, I need to recuperate, you go out first."

Ye Feng's old face blushed.

"Okay, I'll go find my sister!"

After saying that, Ye Xian'er jumped off the bed and started to change clothes in front of Ye Feng.

Because this girl liked to sleep next to Ye Feng when she was a child, there were also many of her clothes in Ye Feng's room.

But childhood is childhood, and now everyone is an adult!

"Brother, sister has been worried about you these two days. If she knew you woke up, she would be very happy!"

After changing her clothes, Ye Xian'er left a word and pushed the door and ran away.

Ye Feng was left lying on the bed alone, staring at her beautiful back, doubting his life.

"Why is it a biological child?"

He smiled bitterly, looking helpless.

How great it would be if Ye Xian'er was adopted like Ye Lingqing!

Ye Feng checked his injuries and found that he had almost recovered.

That day, he was hit by Jiang Ling's palm attack. His body, which was originally only a Martial Apprentice Rank Two, was hit by a Rank Eight's full force attack.

For a normal person, he would be skinned alive if he didn't die.

At that time, Ye Feng relied on his strong pretense skills to hold on until he got home.

The principle that Ye Feng has always adhered to is: the body can be beaten, but the pretense must be enough!

It was also thanks to the high-level doctor invited by the Ye family, and it should also be because of the pills sent by the vice-president.

In short, Ye Feng escaped. At the same time, it also sounded a wake-up call for him!

Although he can kill others with one punch, others can also kill him with one punch!

This is embarrassing.

How to play it?

There are so many awesome people in this world. It is impossible for every enemy to let him hit first for no reason in the future, right?

Ye Feng suddenly remembered that he slept for three days, so didn't the task complete?

So he called the system quickly.

"Hello! Hello! System, I haven't practiced for three days! Have I completed my mission?"

At this time, the lazy voice of the system came out of his mind.

"Don't call me, listen, congratulations to the host for completing the mission! Now let's start to award the rewards!"

Ye Feng was speechless immediately. You must be urged by me before you speak, right?

His life span is only seven days.

At least he has only been lying for three days. If he lay for seven days, wouldn't he just sleep his life away?

This system is really a pit! A huge pit! A deep pit!

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