"Is 'Saponite Grass' so expensive?"

"Sir, you don't know that the world outside the city is in chaos now. There are fewer people going to the Black Rock Mountains to collect herbs. We are losing money at this price!"

Han Yi only asked one question, and the clerk in the medicine shop complained bitterly.

'Taihetang' is a medicine shop in Yuqingfang.

In Anyan City, each Fang is equivalent to a township, with basic living facilities.

Han Yi found a medicine shop near Qiuzhu Lane and wanted to ask about the price of 'Saponite Grass', but he didn't expect that one catty of 'Saponite Grass' would cost two taels of silver.

On the way just now, he also glanced at the 'Thunderbolt Palm Method'.

According to the booklet, if you want to practice from entry to small success, you may need hundreds of catties of 'Saponite Grass'!

Han Yi calculated for a long time, even if he only bought the raw materials, it would cost at least a thousand taels of silver!

Unfortunately, thinking about his empty purse, which only had 20 taels of silver, Han Yi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Poor in literature and rich in martial arts, the ancients did not deceive me!"

Han Yi left the medicine shop depressed, spent five taels of silver, bought a few herbs for entry-level use, and tried to practice first. If it doesn't work, there are still points added by the system!

Although the medicine shop clerk and Elder Li both mentioned that "Saponite Grass" can be collected in the Black Rock Mountains.

Moreover, Elder Li's words just now were full of lofty ambitions, such as brave and diligent, and wasting talents, which made people feel like they were full of chicken blood, and a beautiful tomorrow was just around the corner.

However, Han Yi, who was well versed in PUA in the workplace in his previous life, understood that this was the same as what the leader said, and what three totals and five items, promotion and salary increase were all visible and intangible pie, and he didn't buy it!

Anyway, the world is so chaotic, and he will definitely not risk going to the "Black Rock Mountains" to collect herbs alone.

To survive to the end, to have everything, is the kingly way!


Bang, bang, bang

The entry-level practice of the "Thunderbolt Palm" is to use the medicinal bag made of "Saline Grass" to continuously beat the palms.

When it reaches the minor success stage, the practice of the "Thunderbolt Palm" even requires boiling "Saline Grass" into juice over a high fire, soaking the palms in the "Saline Soup" burned by a high fire, and using the calcination method to quench the medicinal properties into the palm power!

Han Yi kept beating his palms on the medicinal bag. This is the first step of the "Thunderbolt Palm". The skin on the palm and back of the palm is tempered by the medicinal properties of "Saline Grass".

However, in the time of noon and a half day in the afternoon, there was no change on the panel, indicating that he had not yet entered the door.

Moreover, with the last "Bone Strengthening Pill" entering his stomach, Han Yi's cultivation level has improved again, but the growth is very slow.

[Realm]: Middle Bone Refining (74/100)

The effect of any pill is best the first time it is taken. If it is taken again later, the medicinal effect will be reduced.

This last 'Bone Strengthening Pill' only added 8 points to his cultivation, and Han Yi was still in the middle stage of bone refining.

"But, it's time to go," Han Yi looked up at the sun. He and Pan Sheng had agreed to meet at the city gate in the afternoon, and Pan Sheng would take him around Anyan City.


"Hurry up, hurry up, you're late."

At the city gate, people were coming and going, and Han Yi finally found Pan Sheng.

Yesterday evening and this morning, Han Yi was always in a hurry, and didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment.

Now walking slowly, I found a few differences between the outer city and the inner city.

Take Yuqingfang in the outer city and Heyuefang in the inner city, although the buildings and environment seem to be the same on the surface.

But most of the pedestrians in Heyuefang walked calmly, with brisk steps, and most of them had smiles on their faces. From time to time, you can see people holding Cang and Huang, which is very pleasant.

In Yuqingfang, most people walked very fast, as if they had something urgent to do, and their faces were mostly gloomy, showing that they were busy making a living.

"Come on, I'll take you to the black market?"

Perhaps Pan Sheng found that Han Yi had no interest in looking at the similar buildings in each square, so he asked.

"Black market?" Sure enough, Han Yi was immediately interested.

Whether it was the previous life or the present life, I have heard that the black market sells all kinds of strange items, and countless people have found leaks and hit the jackpot!

"Hey, it's not like that..." Pan Sheng shook his head and sighed, "You'll understand when you go there."

He seemed to have seen many young people like Han Yi who were full of fantasies.

Following Pan Sheng off the main road and turning a few corners, Han Yi came to the junction of Yuqingfang and Changningfang.

Strangely, the facilities in Changningfang are brand new, not as dilapidated as Han Yi had seen before, and at the same time, he could vaguely see that there were many people coming and going inside.

Moreover, in this area, there are no gates or walls on both sides of Yuqingfang and Changningfang. There is only a gate at the entrance of the alley, and there are several small houses next to it.

At this time, the gate was open, and two people could be vaguely seen chatting at the door.

When Han Yi got closer, he found that these people, with values ​​of ‘60~75’ and ‘65~70’ on one side, were all quasi-martial artists in the blood refining period!

Moreover, they were all wearing the red-edged black clothes of the Chiyan Sect, with standard sabers hanging on their waists, and they were actually inner disciples of the Chiyan Sect!

"Here?" He was puzzled.

"Brother Pan, why are you here?" A sharp-eyed disciple looked at Pan Sheng.

"Brother Wang, aren't you bringing your little brother to familiarize yourself with the environment?" Pan Sheng pointed at Han Yi and said, "You guys are busy, you guys are busy, we'll go in and take a look and leave."

After exchanging a few words, Han and Yi walked towards the gate.

Before Han Yi could ask, Pan Sheng explained to Han Yi.

It turns out that in the past, because there were no government, sect, or legal restrictions in Changningfang, and it was a no-nonsense area, there were all kinds of transactions prohibited by the government.

However, the people in Changningfang were poor, and the environment was dirty, messy, and full of dangers. Merchants who wanted to buy and sell things were not willing to go in. Yuqingfang happened to be adjacent to Changningfang, so people traded at the border of Yuqingfang. Over time, A black market formed near Yuqingfang and Changningfang.

And the area of ​​Yuqingfang is under the jurisdiction of the Chiyan Sect. Naturally, there are also high-level people with economic minds in the Chiyan Sect.

Under the promotion of Chiyanzong, they made an agreement with several big gangs in Changningfang that Chiyanzong would not interfere in the affairs of Changningfang, but the gangs in Changningfang could not attack this market.

After that, the Chiyan Sect demolished the walls and other obstructions at the junction, built "basic measures" such as shops, sent people to guard them, and collected taxes, stall fees, and market entry fees, forming what is today's Jinyan Sect. The black market for gold has also attracted the covetousness of the Chiba Sect.

Of course, there are a few rules in this black market!

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