The first rule is that you cannot ask where the goods came from. As long as you rent a stall or shop and pay the tax, you can sell them;

The second rule is that you cannot ask the origin of the customer. As long as you pay the entry fee, you can enter. And no matter what grudges you have before, you can't fight here.

The third rule is to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. As long as the money and goods are paid, even if the seller cheats and abducts, the price paid by the buyer cannot be held accountable if the buyer does not discover it on the spot.

"Senior Brother Pan, are there any tips for shopping here?" After hearing these rules, Han Yi was ready to learn from Pan Sheng, an experienced person.

"What skills can you use?" Pan Sheng laughed and said, "It's cheaper at the stalls, but it all depends on your eyesight. The prices in the store are more expensive, but the quality is guaranteed.

"If you want to pick up leaks, maybe you can go to those stalls and take a look. However, these stall owners are as smart as ghosts. In all these years, I have never heard of anyone who can pick up leaks!

"But don't worry, this black market is our territory. Here, these stall owners will never dare to trick the disciples of the Red Flame Sect!"

"Of course, if you want to buy some 'good stuff', you can go to those stores. Although the price is more expensive, it is definitely worth it!"

Pan Sheng leaned over at this time and whispered mysteriously: "For example, the 'Long Gun' I bought here last time really made people lively..."


Han Yi raised his lips slightly and said helplessly, "Senior Brother Pan, your words are too harsh. Please withdraw them immediately!"

After entering the gate, there happened to be a group of outer disciples of the Red Flame Sect who were about to go on patrol. Han Yi took a casual glance and found that the values ​​​​were all between 15 and 20, which meant that their cultivation was around the bone refining stage.

Han and Yi took just two steps deeper, turned a corner, and in an instant, they came to an open space as if suddenly enlightened.

Han Yi previously believed that the so-called black market must be open at night, and transactions must be conducted late at night when one cannot see his hands. The surrounding must be noisy, and both buyers and sellers must be wearing black robes, black faces, and hats. Even after you buy something, someone will definitely follow you, trying to steal your money or even kill you!

But at this time, a market filled with people and the sky filled with noise came into view, which immediately broke Han Yi's preconceived impression.

"Rare treasure...the infinite iron of heaven and earth!"

"Big sale, big sale, Jade Guanyin!"

"Secret books for sale at a low price... Injury Sword Technique, Intense Observation Diagram, can be practiced to the stage of opening the meridians, it only costs ten taels of silver!"

It's just that the things on this stall seem to be exactly what Pan Sheng said, and they don't sound very reliable!

However, now that we are in this black market, let’s take a look around.

"This is?"

A stall with various miscellaneous items scattered on the ground appeared in front of him.

The stall owner is a short old man, wearing a black hat and a mustache.

There was something that looked like a stone on the stall that caught Han Yi's attention.

Looking closer, I discovered that this was not like a stone. It was oval in appearance, with some deep strange lines in the middle, and the two ends of the oval gave off a faint luster like obsidian.

After careful observation, Han Yi felt an inexplicable throbbing feeling in his heart, as if this stone had an inexplicable attraction to him.

He stepped forward and picked up the 'stone'.

[It was found that Yin Qi can be absorbed, whether it is absorbed]


Han Yi's heartbeat accelerated and his eyes sparkled!

He resisted the urge to choose 'yes', suppressed his excitement, and asked the stall owner in a calm tone: "Boss, how do you sell this stone?"

The owner of this stall is an experienced man. After seeing Han Yi approaching, he went straight to this 'stone', obviously thinking about this thing very much.

He twirled his mustache, and the old god said eloquently: "You have taken a fancy to this treasure. The price is fixed. If you make a friend, I will only charge you one hundred taels of silver!"

"A hundred taels of silver?" Han Yi was secretly annoyed. He was too anxious just now, and the stall owner saw it and looked like he was trying to defeat me.

But he really had to buy this stone!

"This stone is a piece of meteorite that fell from the sky," the old man said, as if you got a big deal. "At that time, I spent a lot of money to get this piece of meteorite!"

"Oh, are you serious?"

The old man followed the words and slipped away without noticing that Pan Sheng, who was wandering elsewhere, came over.

"That's a must! Have you seen my sign?" Next to the old man there was a sign saying 'Fair prices, good quality'.

"Old man, you can see clearly before you speak!"

Pan Sheng lifted his robe slightly, revealing the badge of an inner disciple of the Red Flame Sect.

"This..." The old man shrank his neck and smiled, "The little old man found this stone on the ground not long ago. He picked it up because it looked strange. If you like to take it, Just go..."

"Huh, that's ridiculous!" Pan Sheng snorted coldly.

"It's good to be within your own sphere of influence..." Han Yi sighed in his heart. He felt that he was becoming more and more fond of this kind of bullying behavior...

"No, no, I am a good young man in the new era!" He secretly warned in his heart, "The path must not be crooked!"

"Geography of Anyan County"?

Han Yi casually picked up a book from the stall and flipped through it.

"Good stuff?" His eyes lit up. This book was a simplified version of the text map, introducing the geographical location around Anyan City.

"Boss, don't say I'm bullying you. I'll buy this book, and the stone will be a bonus."

The old man agreed hurriedly.

Han Yi put away the "stone" and wandered around again. He planned to study the "stone" carefully after returning home in the evening.

When he passed the entrance of an alley, Han Yi suddenly stopped.

Because he seemed to hear bursts of heart-wrenching cries coming from the alley.

Although it was vaguely inaudible, it seemed to be a mixture of children and women.

Pan Sheng saw Han Yi stopped and seemed to be staring at something deep in the alley. He stepped forward and patted Han Yi on the shoulder and said slowly: "Don't look, that's the live goods area."

"Live goods area?" Han Yi asked puzzledly.

"There must be some shameful transactions in the black market..." Pan Sheng said in a low voice, "Some families with many children who can't make ends meet or some refugees with outstanding looks..."

Han Yi understood instantly that this live goods area was a place for buying and selling people...

"Does it also use silver taels for transactions there?" He asked in a heavy tone.

"A beautiful woman can get 20 or even 100 taels of silver, and an ordinary one can get just over 10 taels of silver."

"If a man is sold as a chores, he sells himself just to get a meal!"

"This damn world!" Han Yi was silent in his heart, and for a moment he felt as if a big stone was pressing on his heart.

Although he had once become a refugee, at that time, it was not uncommon to exchange children for food or even wife for food in order to survive!

At this time, he truly felt how cruel this world was for ordinary people.

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