Upon seeing this, Yan Chen frowned slightly, his palms suddenly covered with a layer of spiritual energy, swept across with a fierce palm wind, and instantly cut two copper wires.

Immediately, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't imagine that this short thing contained such a terrible electric current.

Yan Chen knew the strength of this entourage very well, but was instantly subdued by this thing, it was unimaginable!

Without the transmission of electric current, the middle-aged servant's body suddenly stopped twitching, and he stood up abruptly when his body surged.

"Asshole, dare to attack me, I killed you!"

The middle-aged servant was frightened, and suddenly drew out a long sword.

However, at this time, the Taiqin gun in Yang Zilei's hand had been replaced by a desert eagle at some point.

The pitch-black muzzle was aimed at the middle-aged servant.

Suddenly, angrily stopped!

As a warrior, his sensitivity is higher than that of ordinary people.

Facing the tiny muzzle, the middle-aged servant trembled slightly, and instantly felt an extremely rich and dangerous smell!

That kind of feeling made him feel very uneasy, and hurriedly ran the aura, condensing a body guard aura on the surface of his body.

Yan Chen was also surprised by the reaction of the middle-aged servant.

"The demonstration just now was just a little uncomfortable for the body, but now with this gun, if you dare to use it, I don't mind giving you some blood."

An icy arc appeared at the corner of Yang Zilei's mouth. This guy had been twittering just now, and Yang Zilei had long seen him not pleasing to his eyes.

Hearing this, the middle-aged servant looked fiercely and angrily said: "I shed more blood on the battlefield than you drink, but I want to see how you can stand!"

"Old Wu, put down the sword."

However, at this time, Yan Chen spoke to stop it.

The middle-aged servant had to put away the sword.

"You broke my gun just now. No matter whether it is traded or not, you must compensate it, 1000 taels of gold."

Upon hearing the price, the middle-aged servant sneered, "Boy, do you know what you just said can make your head fall."

Yang Zilei completely ignored the opponent, looked at Yan Chen, and said lightly: "This guest officer, if you want to know the performance of the weapon, can you let your dog be quiet."


The middle-aged servant suddenly looked ugly to the extreme, and was about to attack immediately, but when he saw Yan Chen he shouted, "Old Wu, don't disturb my interest."


The middle-aged servant gave Yang Zilei a fierce look. Although there was dissatisfaction in his heart, he still nodded in awe.

Upon seeing this, Yang Zilei's eyes condensed slightly. It seems that the identity of this young man has a lot of background. With just a command, his subordinates dare not even let go.

Since they are the rich, you can't let them run away.

Yang Zilei's heart moved and immediately ordered Chen Si to bring a bison submachine gun.

"This thing is also a killer?"

Out of curiosity, Yan Chen couldn't help but get closer and began to look at it, but after watching for a long time, he couldn't see a doorway.

"Of course, but also a powerful killer!"

Yang Zilei carried the submachine gun, and boasted noncommitantly: "This stuff is in hand, even if it is the five spiritual realm martial artists, they are not close!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged servant next to him snorted contemptuously.

Yan Chen also shook his head secretly, he was born in the royal family, read countless people, has seen bragging, but never seen such a bragging!

Because he was worried that Yang Zilei would ask Lao Wu to do a demonstration again, Yan Chen had to change his view and smiled: "Your weapon looks very strange and unique. I have never seen it before. Can you briefly talk about its performance."

Yang Zilei briefly grouped the words, then talked freely:

"This thing is called a Bison submachine gun! It has a caliber of 9 mm and a weight of 4 kg. It has a special 53-round large-capacity magazine, which has strong continuous firepower and a powerful suppression weapon..."

After listening to what Yang Zilei said, the two people in front of them were completely in a dull state.

After a few breaths, they just reacted and glanced at each other.

"Old Wu, do you...understand?"

"No, how about you Siye?"

"me too……"

The two shook their heads almost involuntarily, but couldn't understand them at all.

Yang Zilei's face was slightly embarrassed, and he was very motivated just now for the first transaction that the store opened.

But I forgot, these two are obviously from outside, how can they understand.

Immediately, Yang Zilei smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you pay for the bullet first, and I'll take you to the back room for a demonstration."

"How many?"

"100 taels of gold."

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged servant finally couldn't help it, and directly ranted:

"You are crazy, you don't know how the effect will be, you want to collect money first, and it's still 100 taels of gold!?"

"The black shop is definitely a black shop."

"Four Lord, let's go quickly, ignore this crazy mental illness of money!"

The middle-aged servant glared at Yang Zilei, his expression extremely dissatisfied.

However, Yan Chen waved his hand, "It's only a hundred taels, it's okay."

Then he looked at Yang Zilei and said with a faint smile: "If this thing can't reach the power you said later, don't even think about opening your shop in Longfei City."

After that, Yan Chen asked the middle-aged servant around him to pay 100 taels of gold.

"Children are not deceived."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth raised, only to say four words, and then handed Chen Si the submachine gun in his hand.

"You come with me."

Chen Si nodded knowingly, glanced at the two people next to him, turned and walked towards the demo room at the back of the shop hall.

Yan Chen and the middle-aged servant looked at each other, and then followed with a little guard.

Yang Zilei reached out and put a hundred taels of gold into the storage ring. After a while, he heard gunshots coming from inside.

It has to be said that the shop that has undergone system renovation and transformation has excellent sound insulation. With the loud sound of the bison submachine gun, Yang Zilei can only hear a little sound while standing here.

Soon, Chen Si and the others walked back again.

And as Yang Zilei expected, the two guests walking behind Chen Si were full of shock at this time.

Especially the middle-aged servant who had been dissatisfied just now, the doubt and contempt in his eyes completely disappeared, replaced by a thick look of horror.

"How?" Yang Zilei smiled faintly.

A few seconds later, Yan Chen calmed down and couldn't help but take a deep breath, and looked at Yang Zilei solemnly: "I want all the bison submachine guns in your store."

As he said, he glanced at the other munitions in the store, seeming to suppress his excitement, and said: "And these, the boss of the troubled store will show me the performance!"

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up, big money!

"Demonstration is ok, but the cost of consumption must be accounted for."

So Yang Zilei picked up the abacus on the counter and tapped quickly with his fingers.

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