"A total of 10,000 taels of gold, please pay first."

Soon, Yang Zilei pressed his finger on the abacus and smiled at Yan Chen.

This time, when the middle-aged servant heard the price, instead of doing anything to stop him, he couldn't wait to say: "These little money is not worth mentioning to our Fourth Master, so don't worry."

Yan Chen obviously didn't have the slightest wave of turbulence on his calm face because of the ten thousand taels of gold.

He took out a gold card and directly transferred it to Yang Zilei's ten thousand taels of gold.

"The two words Jinka should be his name, right?"

During the transfer process, Yang Zilei noticed that the surface of Yan Chen's gold card was branded with two gold-red fonts ‘Yanchen’.

Last name Yan?

Could it be from the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty! ?

From the memory of the original host, he knew that the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty all had Yan as their surname. In the entire dynasty, no one dared to use this word for joking.

After just a glance, Yang Zilei's mind suddenly turned, and at the moment he probably guessed the identity of Yan Chen.

"If you really belong to the royal family, then you are really a big customer."

Yang Zilei smiled in his heart, looking at Yan Chen in front of him, his eyes flashed as if he saw a golden pig waiting to be slaughtered.

So he immediately ordered Chen Si to move all the guns and grenades to the demonstration room, and then operate it himself.

"This gun, called the AK47 automatic rifle, has the best shooting performance in bursts. It weighs 4.3 kg and has an effective range of 300 meters..."

While Yang Zilei was explaining, the AK47 in his hand was also loaded.

Immediately he took a step forward with his left foot, his shoulder was against the **** of the rifle, and he assumed a standard gun-holding posture, aimed at a stone already placed in the house, and directly pulled the trigger.


Gunshots, explosions.

Two black holes were shot out of the stone instantly, and cracks appeared on the surface.

Yan Chen's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Okay, not only is it easy to operate, but it is also very powerful. It is indeed a killer for siege!"

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth curled slightly, "This is just an ordinary shooting. If you use the spirit power of the Martial Spirit, your attack will double."

After speaking, Yang Zilei's mind moved, and while his spiritual power was shaking, the bazooka martial arts spirit suddenly appeared from the top of his body.

Suddenly, the surrounding heaven and earth aura quickly gathered on the rocket launcher at a terrifying speed, emitting a heart-pounding energy fluctuation.

At the same time, Yang Zilei pulled the trigger of the AK47.



Amazing sounds exploded almost at the same time, and the blast of the rocket launcher, fused with the bullet, burst out suddenly.

In an instant, the rock that was about half a person high was directly exploded. Fragmented stones splashed and hit the metal wall with a clinking impact.


Looking at this scene, Yan Chen and the middle-aged servant couldn't help but breathe in air.

Obviously, I did not expect that this powerful AK47, after integrating the energy of the martial soul, the lethality soared!

Under this kind of bombardment, any martial arts moves displayed in front of him are probably useless.

"The Wuhun of the owner of this shop should be the most critical point."

Yan Chen turned his gaze, staring at Yang Zilei's Bazooka Martial Spirit, which was fading away. He was surprised, but suddenly concluded that the power of AK47 was actually derived from Yang Zilei's Martial Spirit.

Upon seeing this, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged servant, who was puzzled: "I remember that there is no record of such a strangely shaped weapon in the "Wuhun Daquan" collection."

Yang Zilei ignored them, and then showed them the operation of other guns, as well as smoke bombs, incendiary bombs, and blasting grenades...

Because the walls of the demonstration room were built with a thick layer of metal and covered with rune defenses, even if the grenade exploded from it, they were all withstood.

Yang Zilei glanced at the two people next to him, but saw that after seeing the terrifying power of the grenade, they were shocked and stunned at the moment.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this small market!"

Yan Chen was secretly surprised, took a deep look at Yang Zilei, and was very excited.

Originally, he was just curious and went into the store to see what the so-called munitions were. He didn't realize it, but he saw an unprecedented killer!

If there are these killers, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful to compete with other brothers for the throne!

"Hehe, I've been in the imperial city for many years, and I finally waited for my chance."

Yan Chen squinted slightly, his eyes flashing cold.

Immediately he looked at Yang Zilei and smiled and said: "Owner, I admire the weapons in your store. I want all of these weapons, especially the bison submachine gun and grenades. I want 1,000 each. "

Hearing this, Chen Si's eyes lit up, and the abacus in his heart quickly turned.

The price of a bison submachine gun is 5,000 taels of gold, and a grenade is 600 taels of gold. If the quantity is 1,000 each, wouldn't it be 5.6 million!

With this figure, Chen Si was overjoyed and made a profit! !

However, Yang Zilei shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't currently have so much inventory."

Two days ago, he had bought out all the metal billets in Longfei City. If he wanted to buy it again, he had to wait for those chambers of commerce that were mining veins to transport it over. It was impossible to do it in five or six days.

As for other metal devices, although they can also be exchanged for strengthening points, the problem is that they are expensive.

For example, an iron sword weighs 5 catties, and the price is 100 taels.

But for these 100 taels, he can buy 30 kilograms of fine iron bad material, which is six times the difference!

"Then when did you have it?" Yan Chen asked eagerly.

"Five days later."

Yang Zilei's mouth was curved, and he faintly said: "If you are sincere, please settle the account for this batch of weapons in the store. The total price is 500,000. As for the scheduled batch of weapons, a deposit of 2 million must be paid in advance."

For that kind of long-term interest, Yang Zilei obviously values ​​the immediate interests more.

After all, a thousand Bison submachine guns and a thousand grenades, such a huge order, if he is ransacked, who will he call?

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: (ltnovel.com) Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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